
Winter Was Coming


Former 2nd queen Sedora smirked. 

It hasn't been easy for her to hold it in. She stood beside the officials, her expression as solemn as theirs. 

She offered her prayers to the heavens, though not for Maclaine's sake. 

No... She was giving thanks to the heavens for this glorious day! 

Good heavens... 

The Maclaine bastard was finally dead. 

Sedora had a sadistic glint in her eyes. Why should she be in agony while he keeps living happily? 

Her favorite son, the 2nd prince, died in the hands of the temple of Dragmus. But why was Sirius' luck so good as to evade assassination while the other royals targeted died? 

It was just not fair! 

She had lost her sons, only having one daughter, already married off. 

It's almost 2 and a half years since the ordeal happened. And during this time, she lived like a soulless corpse, finding it unbelievable that her strong gallant sons could die just like that. 

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