
I'm Still In love with my Ex

There are many people who can't move-on or it takes a lot of time before they forget someone, either romantic love, family or friend. The big question is why there's a people like them? Why do we need to let go of someone whom we can't live without? Georgina Alvarez, an 18 years old senior high school student is not an exemption of this kind of love, to choose between her family and special someone is difficult to do. She has a burden to carry on at a young age. Happiness, love and contentment, it's the only thing she wish to have from the very first but difficult to get because of her mother who keeps getting on her way. Even so, she choose to let go of the person who can give all she want to protect her own family. She left him with ellipsis rather than a single period. As the day past, they continue to live a life with only their family in mind. Not until one day, after a year and half of not seeing each other they met again. The man whom she loved and still in love with, Giovanni Javier. Can they finally put a period rather than a question mark on their story? Is there any chance they came back on each other arm or end up getting their forgiveness instead? Can they say, 'I'm still in love with my Ex,' or they will choose to let go each other?

Ruemari_Cordan · Thanh xuân
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62 Chs

Kiela's Birthday Party

There are many people inside wearing such luxurious dresses and suits, drinking, talking and laughing along with the background music. The theme of the party is white and blue, they set few tables for the guest and some of their guest hanging out in the second floor while holding a glass of wine. It's not as formal as Henrick's party but anyone can guess how much they spent for this few hours of celebration.

A deep sigh escape from her mouth and tightened the grip on Henrick suit before they continue to walk. In the middle of looking around, Georgina notice the familiar faces in the corner.

It's her schoolmates.

She's not ready to face them yet, after those rumors and incident in the campsite. Her mere presence might disgust most of them or even lost some respect. Instead of looking at them, she avoided their direction but unluckily she bump into someone that made them stop.

"Sorry, are you okay?" A warm hand holding her arms, the gentle voice that soothes her ear and a familiar scent that she never smells for a long time. The tears from her eyes is about to fall as soon as their gaze met and even the man who bumped to her have a flabbergasted look.

"S-Stealer..." She mumble.

"Georgina?!! A-ah, are you okay?" He let go of her arms and take a step backward avoiding her gaze.

"Do you know him?" Henrick asked, who's looking back and forth but Georgina didn't know the right words to say.

"I'm his classmate, Jaceriel Yuzon. It's been a while since the last time we saw her so I got surprise." He said casually while giving an awkward smile to him.

"I see... I'm Henrick Jung, it's nice to meet you."

They both shake their hand before Jaceriel told them he need to go back. Georgina follow him through look until he reach the table with their classmates. In a short period, he help her a lot and never judge her feelings towards Giovanni. They didn't meet in a good way but she can't say that they bid farewell in such a pleasant time. Jaceriel is a great person. His words and comforts, she misses it a lot. All she can wish is for him to be contented and hope to find a woman who can give a kind of love he deserve.

A bitter sweet smile escape her lips as their gaze met again, but it only took a second before they continue to walk.

"Ma'am, do you want a drink?" A server approaches them.


"No. Don't give her a single drink. It's better to tell it to the other server." Henrick said and told the server to leave.

"I should stay inside the car, I'm not comfortable here. Those people keep staring at me and my schoolmates are here. If you want to enjoy this day with that woman then just leave me alone." She glare towards him.

"What's wrong with your attitude? Don't mind other people just look at me. Focus on my presence only, you can do that right? Let's go."

Henrick drags her again until they reach a round table near a customized stage. She saw his band mates and some other people she never met before. But the one catches her attention is Kiela, who's wearing a royal blue A line see-through scoop neck sleeveless rhinestone sequins tea-length ruffle backless dress, and Giovanni, who's wearing a two piece white suit with a thin curtain hairstyle. He looks younger and more handsome, even from afar.

She came back to their senses when Giovanni looks at them, down to their hands and frown, not until then she notice Henrick's holding her hands. Out of instinct, she pull it away and look down.

"Henrick, you came at last. I've been waiting for you but why is she here?" Kiela said as she stands up to greet him.

"I told you, I'm bringing someone."

She look at her from head to toe before clinging to Henrick arms, drags him on the table with a smile. There's some people around who look at her with pity as they saw Henrick didn't turn to her way while some of them are whispering or laughing but Georgina try hard not to react.

"Gina, I'm sorry there's no available seat here since I didn't expect you to come and we're waiting for someone else. There's an excess table outside it suits for the person who's not invited." Kiela turn to her with an insulting smile on face.

"H-hey, Kiel..." Henrick about to tell something but she let him sit beside her chair.

Georgina heave a sigh before walking away without glancing back to their table. She didn't know where to go but she still follow her instinct and went to a place where there's few people around. After a minute of walk, she reach the pool area. There's no table but a wooden folding bed. It's not as wide as the pool in Jung mansion and she can only hear a few noises from inside. She sits down on the wooden folding bed, clasps both hands and let out a short, pitiful laugh.

Ever since her evil witch mother came, she felt nothing but get humiliated by everyone. No one to rely on and no one to trust. Throughout these times, only Jaceriel lent her a shoulder to cry on and the one who comforted her despite not knowing the cause. After a few minutes, a server came to give her some good, but she didn't accept it and tell him to get a bottle of wine and glass. The server hesitated for a bit but still give her one.

Two and a half hours passed, Georgina already finished a bottle of red wine. She's on the second bottle when the noise inside gets louder than before. There's a lot of cheering from other people and woman's voice is the loudest and there's a familiar beat playing from a band. It's the song Henrick bands keep practicing for a whole three hours. Georgina drink the wine inside a glass in one gulp as she heard his soulful voice. Without a lie, Henrick has a beautiful soothing voice, it always feels like he's serenading someone but compare to his other performances his emotion today is pure and sincere.

She's about to drink again when her phone rings, it's inside the purse. She took it out without looking to the caller's name.


"G-Gina... D-dad..."

Georgina came back to her senses when she heard Warren's voice trembling in fear.

"W-Warren? What's going on there?" She asked but instead of an answer he heard him sobs. "Hey, Warren... Answer me, what happened to dad?"

"G-Gina c-come here... P-Please... Dad had a heart attack, and he's still not well. W-we're in the hospital, come here please... I-I'm afraid."

"W-what? Text me where you are now and stay there. Dad will be fine, okay?"

She hangs up the phone and stand up feeling worried. It's been a year since the last time their father had a heart attack and back then, the doctor said it's dangerous for him to have another one. Since then, they try not to make him upset or cause some trigger. As soon as she came out from the pool area, she didn't notice a server coming and bump into him. There's a broken wine glass crashed on the ground. It made others look at their direction but she just apologize and run in a hurry.

On Kiela's group table, she and the rest, who are at the same table, notice the commotion. They saw Georgina bump into those people she passed by and even fall down twice but ignore it. Henrick, who just finish their performance, saw her running outside. He took off the guitar and passed it to Sceven while both eyes fixated on her direction.

"Tsk. Why is she running in a hurry?" He mumble, about to walk when Kiela stop him.

"Where are you going? Gina can take care of herself so,"

"She's crying, I'm sorry Kiela but I need to go. Let's talk some other time. Enjoy your day." He remove her hands and run outside.

Giovanni can't help but look behind them. Despite of their circumstances, his weakness is still Georgina's tears. Since the day they know each other until now that he came to hate her.

"I didn't expect to see that kind of reaction from him." A woman said.

"Yeah, a man like him who can't even have a serious relationship is so damn worried to a woman whom she just met... It's good for a morning headline."

They laugh on those words but both Kiela and Giovanni can't even speak a word or laugh with them. Both their eyes still fixated to where the two left.

"I'm sure Henrick has been lure by that woman, she's real bad news for him." Kiela said.

"We should tell him to find other woman, there's many out there."

Almost all of them laugh again but Giovanni slam the glass of wine in the table that catch their attention.

"V-Van, what is it?" Kiela asked, holding his hand but he remove it and stand. "Van..."

"I'll go outside to get some air, I'll be back."

"Van, you're not..."

"I'll be back," he said with poker face before walking outside the house.