

Monday, February 1st, 2019

It's quiet out today ,and that's weird because I normally get hassled by some of the little kids in my neighbor hood ,just walking to the bus stop ,which I'm doing right now by myself, I say that in a disappointed tone because Lee normally drove me to school or walked me ,when we first started dating which was a year ago ,he said he couldn't have any other guy messing with what was his ,which made me feel special I should have known he would just take what was his and leave me ,I should have just listened to my dad and stay away from him.

When I first moved her 2 years ago I only had me and my dad my mom left when I was young and I never told anyone about it I kept a lot of skeletons and secrets hidden away and most of all my emotions ,the only person that shared them with my was my dad, and then Lee came along before even met him I heard a lot about him ,this Latino gangster who ran the streets and still went to high school everyone was scared of him I was to ,ad then the more I hanged around girls they would describe him as this sexy Latino they would F***k in a minute , everyone I was around was a different race so yeah a my school and town is very diverse ,which made me sink into shy ness a little bit since I was just Caucasian ,and because of the gangs it made me feel really unsafe I actually blamed my dad for moving here at first ,his job we moved here.

Gullane Drive is where I live but it's also the most gang related street it's how I met Lee ,well not really the first time I saw Lee was in class he just smirked and played the play boy it was like school was his honey trap ,after the first they I saw him I was walking to the bus stop and a black mustang pulled up to where I was walking ,the window rowed down and it was Lee ,he asked how I was ,introduced himself and asked if I needed a ride ,I turned it down and I guest that made him more determined to have me ,and then I finally gave in and after that we were dating for a year and then he finally got what he wanted all along ,and then he dropped me ,now everywhere I go everyone makes fun of me ,and I hurt my dad in the process ,it's been a month since he's broke up with me ,and yeah I have to admit I started to fall for him ,no I did fall for him and now he haves the nerve to smirk at me everyday , I'm done with him and I don't want him to ever come near me again especially now that I'm pregnant.