

The sounds of giggling and water splashing took over the whole swimming pool area. This place was enormous and lavishness was screaming everywhere. The walls were all covered with ceiling to floor glasses, outside it was night and the moon was reflecting on the radiating blue water of the big infinity swimming pool in a side and three white pool bed were placed on the other side of the enormous room.

Just behind glass walls, a big backyard was there with a small white tent built up and decorated with white roses and dim fairy-lights illuminating sapphire light in the wonderful night atmosphere. And the swimming pool itself radiated blue light through its crystal blue water, which was forming waves by now.

Jonquil giggled as Oliver leaned in to touch her lips with his. His arm wrapped around her waist and her hands planted on his chest. Both lost in their eyes, smiling and completely drenched right in the middle of the swimming pool.

"Whoa whoa, take it easy, my man." Jonquil giggled once more, only to hear a chuckle escaping from the other side.

"Your man? Damn, Jonquil, you just made it more reasonable enough for me not to take it easy anymore."

Her faced flulshed and Oliver's eyes shined brightly as ever, proving how tableau vivant they looked together, all soaked. Jonquil's bright yellow gown was radiating light too, despite being in a bland red hoodie and black trousers Oliver had stolen the spotlight of the moment too.

"As you can clearly see, both of us are drenched, and I am worried you might catch a cold. Let's get out of this situation first, as you'd have the rest of your life for smooching me" Jonquil pushed him away as she took off her eyes off him. She couldn't resist him anymore if she had been looking into him even for another second.

"Aye- Jonnie, being all worried about me, so cute. You know, you're only seducing me through this way. Trust me, once we get out, I won't stop." Oliver removed his hands from her waist as he gently grabbed the both of her thighs, carrying her in his arms.

"Oh really? What if the enemy party suddenly appears and create a havoc? That would only result in forcing to break your words." a mild smirk appeared across her face as Oliver carried Jonquil in his arms. Water droplets were dripping from her bright yellow soaked gown. Both had their eyes placed on each other, their lips uncoiled into smiles.

"Enemy party invading in the middle of 'our' time? No worries, that would only make more things spicy." Oliver's word made Jonquil's eyes spark with wonder. And he continued. "Trust me, there's no one in this beautifully rotten world to exist who can restrain me from keeping my words, Jonquil."

His words were sweet and simple, but somehow it was extremely arousing. Being satisfied with his answer, Jonquil looked straight into his eyes again and asked, "And how are you going to make that happen?"

"I will hand over the guns to you, you will shoot. And me, I will devour you on my own, as you'll be in charge of finishing enemies." Jonquil's face turned completely red as she felt a solid surface underneath. She looked around only to find herself sitting on one of the white fancy glossy pool beds, designed by Oliver himself. Little did she know that these pool beds were something that was way too away from being ordinary.

She saw him getting a white towel from the towel stack beside the pool bed. He turned back to her, squatting down to adjust her position as she was sitting in the first place. And smiled. During this 8 months of time she had spent with him, she never saw him this much alive, this much happy. She found him grinning all the time, but this time, the smile was genuine, just for her. And she wanted to protect that smile forever, even of it costs her life.

Before she could even savor the moment, Oliver's smile was gone, replaced with an excited expression. He unfolded the towel and swiftly started drying off Jonquil's wet hair with it. It completely buried her in the soft threads of the towel, unable to see Oliver's face.

"Quickly dry off, dry off." He rhymed, "Can't wait to eat you up, eat you up."

Jonquil held his moving hand, made him stoic for a second. Removing the towel from his hands, she took it and started doing the same thing he was doing a few seconds ago. She smiled brightly as the sunlight striking Oliver with awe in an instant.

"You know Mr Oliver Jones, I never thought we would end up like this." She spoke as she continued rubbing the towel gently on his hair, "That you'd set up something as beautiful as this to confess to me, all these decorations just for me." Her smile widened.

"And I never thought you'd accept it. After all the hardships I've made you go through."

"I don't think so. Even if you had tied me up and took the enemy's side at that moment, I would never doubt your loyalty and innocence. I know you Oliver, you're my instructor, my advisor, my role model. And I know all you ever wanted was the best for the people, for you and me." She paused, "And I don't think that would've denaturize my feelings for you as well. After all, I can't deny them, neither I can force them to leave my heart."

This time, it was Oliver who stopped the hands of the lady in motion. His firm, gentle gaze pierced through Jonquil as he sit still squatted down looking up at her. His hair was messy and eyes were full of passion. The genuine smile was back on his face as he cupped Jonquil's face and leaned in. Leaving only 1 inch gap between the faces. She could feel his breath falling on her face. Her heart beating so fast that if it jumps out of her chest, that won't be any surprise. Jonquil could tell Oliver was in the same state as of her too.

"I love you, Ms Jonquil Honey Peach."

And that was the first time him saying that to her, before even she could comprehend what Oliver told her. He completely caught her off guard as he pressed his lips against hers, with no due hesitation.

She broke the kiss only to lean in to his ears and,

"I love you too, Mr Oliver Cole Jones." She whispered back.

All these still feels like a dream to her.

Soon after, Jonquil joined the rhythm as well, held his face as the towel was still hanging on his head, and kissed back. This wasn't the first time they kissed that happened in the pool earlier. But this time was different as of the first time. This time, the kiss was more passionate, calm, slow and made both of them feel complete. Both of them devouring each of their tastes as Oliver's tongue quietly greeted Jonquil's.

As if he's the savior she was waiting her whole life for.

The sudden sounds of heavy footsteps made Jonquil startled. It was coming from the above. Someone was right on the rooftop of the hideout Ville, luxury property completely owned by Oliver in this remote area of Lation. No, it wasn't just one person, a whole gang of them falling out of the helicopter and landing on the roof one by one, armed with big rifles.

Maybe he is. No. She's certain that he is.

They marched towards the backyard, which had the decorated tent in its corner with transparent glass walls exposing the kissing couple.

Jonquil was hesitant at first seeing such an extensive amount of goons standing on the territory of Oliver, looking at them right through the transparent glass.

As if all these were meant to be, as if she drank herself into oblivion.

But Oliver deepened the kiss, definitely showing no interest in leaving her lips at rest. He quickly shoved a hand out of her face, and it reached out to the footboard of the while glossy pool bed. His thumb reached the edge of the footboard and suddenly a green light emerged around the tip of his thumb. And in no time, a drawer containing two revolvers got out of the footboard. He released his other hand from her face and broke the kiss at last. Handing the guns to her gave her a last reassuring smile that was totally screaming the words 'You can do it'. And before even her hand could grip the guns properly, Oliver stood up, placing her arm around his neck and encircling her legs over his waist, lifting her up completely.

"Comrade Jonquil?" His husky voice made Jonquil's racing heart beat faster.


"Take some notes. We would really need 'em in the future."

The goons wearing short pants, and slim light white, sleeveless cheap innerwear, holding rifles, aiming right at the bullet proof ceiling to floor glass wall. Just 5 shoots on the glass, it will break. Without wasting anytime the goons started the mass shooting, resulting in glass cracking bit by bit.

"I trust you on this task completely while I am busy with a certain someone" Oliver's back was displayed to the goons while they could see Jonquil's legs wrapped around him as she aimed the revolver at them, waiting for her master's command.

"Aye Aye Captain." Jonquil smirked, so did Oliver. He kissed her one last time before burying his face on her neck. Kissing, licking, sucking and leaving hickeys all over her neck area.

And he paused.

"Shoot." Before continuing again.

That was the only command Jonquil was waiting for. Without flinching even a bit, Jonquil's smile widened as she angled her hands, pulling the trigger of the two revolvers at the same time. And Oliver went on his own, devouring his Jonquil while she finishes off the enemy.

Into this delicious, sweet oblivion, She got herself into.

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