
Chapter 2

A little blond girl was standing staring at the floor holding a handkerchief where there was a small print of rabbit and flowers, dramatically she wiped fake tears. Nathaniel, who was passing by talking to some boys, frowned, she dismissed the boys who walked with her. His sister was crying, he looked around for what might have made the girl cry. He hesitated, but still approached his sister. She was afraid she'd take the blame again for making her sister cry.

"Ambre?" The blonde asked hesitantly.

"Investigator Nathaniel, finally ..." Ambre turned tearfully clutching her brother's clothes.

"What? Inves -..."

"Investigator Nathaniel" The blonde insisted with a serious look amid the tears "Polly was murdered ..."

"Murdered?" Nathaniel tilts his head to the side without understanding.

Ambre agrees with the head and points to the body. But the front was Ambre's doll without her head, her body wrapped around the silhouette of the doll indicating where the doll's body was, besides having some liquid spilled on the floor, was that Ketchup? Everything is isolated with strings like a real crime scene. The blond had to admire the effort his sister had made there.

Nathaniel watched the scene and nodded and smiled a little, he would play the joke. Ambre dramatically wiped fake tears with the handkerchief.

"You have to get this killer ... The death of my sweet Polly can not be in vain ..." She cried again in dramatic fashion.

"Just a second ..." Nathaniel raised his forefinger, causing Ambre to stop crying.

The blonde ran away and Ambre stared at the nothing as he waited, then Nathaniel came back wearing a cap and a notepad in his hands.

"So tell me what happened ..." His tone was serious, he imitated what he had seen in the movies.

"I was playing with Polly and I went to get some more toys ... When I came back she was like this ..." Ambre murmurs.

"I see, did you notice anything strange when you came back? Anyone suspicious?" The blonde continued with the questions.

"Besides Polly with no head?" The blonde agrees, "There was a boy with black hair around here ..."

Nathaniel scores on the block.

"Has anyone had a grudge against Polly?" Nathaniel asked

"Not that I know..."

"Thanks for your help, I'll do my best to find the killer."

Ambre smiled through the tears and Nathaniel waved off to look for the clues. The blonde then wiped her face with her handkerchief, erasing all the tears. His brother really liked police cases.

"Now let's get the killer ..."


Nathaniel paced the park in search of Polly's killer, he was excited about that joke and eager to know how it would end. He glanced around, straightening his cap on his head. Soon the blond spotted a dark boy and opened a smile, according to the testumunha near the scene of the crime was a boy with black hair.

"You! Stop there!" Nathaniel shouted.

The boy looked at the blond, not raising his eyebrows in surprise, he had found him fast. The boy put his hands in his pockets waiting for the blonde to approach.

"What do you want an investigator?" Castiel asked without interest.

Nathaniel's smile tightened when he realized he was joking too.

"I want you to answer me some questions ..." The blonde took out his notepad "What were you doing the night before?"

"Did he sleep?" Castiel asked confused, that did not fit the situation.

"Sorry, I always wanted to do this ..." The blonde chuckled a little embarrassed. "What were you doing next to where Polly was found?"

"I was curious to know why that brat cried ..." Castiel shrugged.

Nathaniel jotted it down in his notebook and watched Castiel from top to bottom.

"Did you see anything else on the site? Something suspicious?"

"Um ... Nothing ..."

Nathaniel nodded and finished his notes.

"Now go with me, you're stuck ..." Nathaniel says adjusting his cap again.

"Because?!" Castiel is shocked to have been discovered so easily.

"You are Polly's killer ... Now you have the right to be silent and whatever is said can be used against you ..."

Ambre leaves behind the slide, making a frustrated pout.

"How did you find out so fast?" she asked.

"He was very surprised when I got into him, as well as having a few drops of 'Blood' on him ..." Nathaniel says with a smile "And he also said that he arrived at the scene to see you crying, was leaving."

Ambre clapped her hands excitedly.

"You're super smart! I have the smartest brother in the world!" Ambre says cheerfully.

Nathaniel runs a hand on his neck, smiling sheepishly.

"But come here, how did you convince Castiel to play with us?"

"I gave him chocolate ..." Ambre says as if it were the most normal thing to do.

Castiel folded his arms snorting, he averted his gaze a little ashamed.

"It seems I have the smartest sister in the world ..." Nathaniel strokes the top of her sister's head.

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