
I'm Going Viral

As a fan of the Prototype game, Alex decided she would get to have Alex Mercer's and Haller's strains of the Blacklight virus in their complete form. From there, she had to continue and spread the virus to finally reach the ultimate goal of consuming all biomass in the multiverse! All she had to sacrifice was her original looks, making her look like a female version of Alex Mercer.

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Power Like None

Thor alternated looks between Hulk and the unknown female monster that was beating the Hulk to death earlier on and couldn't help but wonder who was really on his side. He had fought Hulk earlier on the Helicarrier and though it was a short-lived battle, he had gauged Hulk's strength and speed and determined it was not on the level Hulk was showing at the moment.

'What might have happened?' he asked himself before looking at the female monster who seemed to be staring right at him.

Suddenly, she disappeared, only appearing in front of him, a fist already going to his face. But his reflexes were god level, using Mjolnir to block the fist. A shockwave propelled both of them away from each other but Thor noticed she was heading towards Hulk.

'She just used the shockwave to gain momentum and attack him!' he realized, impressed by her battle instincts.

Hulk turned towards her and grinned. He cocked his fist backwards and waited. But, this time she was not playing by the rules. A grotesque mouth like opening appeared on the baseline of her face and from it, a beam of energy escaped, hitting Hulk before he could even blink. The beam shook the entire state as a hole that looked bottomless was drilled from it.

Producing the beam had propelled her back towards Thor who was still stunned by her actions. Alex knew she would not catch him so she punched the air, causing it to ripple and distort in a wave like pattern. Thor got back to his senses when he felt something akin to a mountain hit him. He was sent flying to the ocean, his consciousness flickering. Alex landed on top of a building then turned to look at the hole where Hulk had been drilled into and grinned creepily when a green light started rising from it. Out came Hulk in his most enraged state. His body was healing rapidly while his huge frame just foretold pain to the one that made him look so miserable.

His eyes locked onto Alex and he let out a literal earth shattering roar. He pounced at her, leaving a huge crater behind him and she did the same, the building breaking behind her due to her strength. Two roars later and two fists met. Alex immediately felt her hand crumble as she was sent flying away. Hulk pursued, using the buildings to move and when he caught up, be slammed her onto the ground, causing her to cough, then landed on top of her, shaking the entire New York!

With a feral smirk, Hulk started hammering onto her chest, repeatedly and with a vengeance. Alex could feel her consciousness already on the verge of collapsing but she held on. She could use the move from before, a magic energy powered beam of destruction, but where was the fun in that? He regeneration was working fast but Hulk's damage was just too much for it to catch up. So, her viral cells did the next best thing. Since the trauma was just too much for regeneration they would make sure the host was not going to bothered by it anymore. So, they evolved!

Hulk was about to bring down about the hundredth fist when she got hold of his huge hand. He was stunned for the force he had packed into these punches were enough to render a city into a crater but everything from its force to its momentum was broken when she grabbed it. He looked down at her and saw she was grinning.

"This is honestly the best fun I have ever had in my life. But, the spell I had put you in does have a time limit so I have to kill you as you are Hulk before transforming into Banner," she said before a fist that moved too fast for him to even see struck him on his face. Hulk just saw darkness as his body dug a tunnel in the ground for they were inside another crater.

Alex pursued and caught up almost instantly, got hold of him by his ankle and slammed him back to the ground. Due to the energy she had available, the virus had used it as fuel to make her body multiple times stronger, faster, resilient and many more than before and she could feel it with how she was just dominating Hulk at the moment. With a roar, she sent her foot into Hulk's head, crushing it! Green blood spluttered all over the place but it was like Hulk was just not ready to die for his hand shot out, got hold of her ankle and threw her away, making her make a tunnel to the sky. She was actually impressed by his resilience to live but it was starting to get annoyed.

A roar from below made her become even more serious as Hulk shot out of the ground, taking with him a tonne loaf of dirt and rocks. But she could track him well enough to know he was hiding in them, trying to ambush her so she baited him. Appearing to be frustrated, she kicked and punched the rocks away, appearing to search for him. Hulk was scarily stealthy as he appeared behind her, sending a punch to her back but Alex suddenly moved, her entire body appearing boneless as she dodged the punch and coming behind him where she sent a clouds parting kick that sent him back to the ground where she followed.

'Oh, the chitauri are still attacking,' Alex realized when a behemoth flew past her head. 'But, my eyes are all on Hulk. Gotta finish him up before the spell wears off. I'm sure he would be at his limit at the moment.'

Hulk charged towards her, everything inconsequential in his path. Some silly space robots thought it would be funny to jump infront of him and try and shoot at him only to end up as scrap. Hulk sent a flying kick towards her way which she met with her own. Alex was stronger, sending him flying away but she got hold of his foot and threw him to the sky where he crashed and destroyed a behemoth.

Hulk jumped off the crashing behemoth, landed on another, ran towards its tail and jumped off. His hands got hold of its tail and used his momentum and strength to swing it towards Alex while flying off the opposite direction. Alex just ran out of its way then started chucking the chitauri foot soldiers at him, only for Hulk to punch them to smithereens.

"Are they on our side?" Cap asked Black Widow who was attending to the still unconscious Tony.

"Don't know but they are reducing our work by a boatlaod," Clint, who overhead the question in their comms, answered. It was true for the battle had turned to be a throwing march with the chitauri and anything they had becoming the objects of their interests. Hovercrafts would crash into each other, foot soldiers would be crushed to giant balls and later blown apart into pieces, leviathans used as bats only for them to break apart. Loki felt like crying when he saw his army reduced to childs play between two beings who did not deserve to have that kind of power.

"My...My army! My beautiful army!" he silently sobbed. Just then, a giant green body was hit into the building, crashing to a stop right in front of him. Hulk groaned in pain as he foddled to get up as Alex appeared in front of him, ready to punch him away and in turn reducing the Stark Tower to rubble but Loki had a sudden spike of courage.

"Listen here to our dull creatures!" Loki boomed, making the two to look at him in surprise. "I am your God and you will obey my commands. Cease your fighting and help me conquer this planet!"

'Is her serious?' Alex was actually caught off guard by this. Loki was a smart person, to actually make this mistake was quiet...fucking stupid! Hulk and Alex punched him simultaneously, not even having to agree, sending the half frost giant hurtling through the city. Alex looked at Hulk with a 'bruh' look and Hulk actually shrugged. Suddenly, the big guy collapsed as his body changed back to Bruce Banner.

'Wait, what?' she was shocked by this sudden transformation when suddenly, time came to a stop. Everything around her stopped moving except herself which made her to quickly tap into her dimensions for power. The Stark Tower disappeared into ashes as she was left floating in the air, looking a three giant heads. Each head looked the opposite direction to the other with two of them covered in a blue cloth, while one of them stared at her with wrath.

"Where did a disease like you appear in my universe?" the head asked in a voice that shock the entire universe.

'Fuck, the living tribunal!' she recognized the heads at once.

"I am part of the universe!" she challenged back. The head scoffed as the Ancient One appeared next to it.

"Is this the creature?" the Living Tribunal asked her.

"It is the same one that would spread nothing a death in all the multiverse," she answered.

'This bitch actually went to suck his dick for help!' she cursed.

"The fact that you do not have neither a fate, past nor future in you in this universe and you can hide from my gaze makes you a dangerous being to be left alive," the Living Tribunal said.

'He can't sense me with his cosmic awareness, that actually would help a lot! Now, how do I get out of this?' she asked herself. All she had to do was distract him even if for half a second and she would be gone.

"Here's a question for you, what is 3*2(9YZ)4A equals to?" she asked out loud. Suddenly, a loud boom shock the entire cosmos, the birth of a force, something unprecedented in the entire Marvel universe. The Living Tribunal was shocked by the new source of power, making him turn his consciousness and check on this. He noticed how it was gaining power in an unprecedented manner and knew what it was doing.

'It is storing the speed which has been culminating in the entire multiverse and growing in power!' he realized. 'What did this disease do?' His consciousness returned and he looked at where Alex was trapped only to see a star shaped portal close!

"It escaped!" he exclaimed incredulously.