The more you read,the more you'll be involved with the her and her tangled and twisted life! Read to find out her first adventure of finding the truth about her origin, her unknown sister and the power rested within her... She is a force,either the sand or the sea won't be able to defeat her.. she'll survive...She must survive...
The story begins in a remote place situated in one among the beautiful landscapes of India. There is a house named Sanskriti were a vibrant couple lived,Mr.Swaminadan and his beautiful wife Kamala.Their three children who inherited the house decided to continue the age old tradition of living a joint family... Perhaps that was the last time the trio made a decision in unity.
Meet Mr. Swaminadan's first born and family - Manohar and his wife Lalli the parents of our dear lead Dija and her sister Nila. These two are definitely "Soul Sisters"(hehhe). They usually never see eye to eye...Currently,these are the most important people but while continuing the novel the rest will make their appearances I promise😂...