13 Chapter 13: Finished of laughing.

Last night Prometheus had made resolutions. He wanted to become stronger, enough to make magus like Nostradamus and Troène tremble for fear. But for that he had to train, to improve his physical abilities but also his magical abilities.

To improve these physical abilities without mana hearts the methods were the same as on earth. Learn to fight, exercise and have a healthy body. But to improve these magical skills you already had to have a mana brain. The second major difference between the mana brain and the mana nucleus was that the mana brain could develop while the nucleus never changed. Luckily Prometheus already had a mana brain and could train him. At first Prometheus had not trained his mana brain because he was afraid of being caught in the middle of it. But now Prometheus was no longer afraid, the only thing he wanted was more power. The mana brain training exercises were pretty simple things. First he had the control exercises. They consisted in avoiding objects by making them follow very precise trajectories or making them rotate on having even seen both. The harder the manipulation exercise was, the more cumbersome or difficult it became to visualize the object. There were also the elementary exercises to do these exercises you had to succeed invoked an element such as water or land. To add difficulty to the exercise, several elements could be used at the same time while magical control exercises were performed at the same time. Through the control exercise the mana brain developed and became stronger and more effective at performing complex tasks than magic of rank 1 or 2. Through the exercise of elementary skills a person could refine his or her mastery of an element as well as develop an affinity with if the person used this element very often.

Prometheus was just doing a manipulation exercise. He was turning a wooden pin on herself. The task may have seemed simple, but it was in fact of minute complexity. To do this, the movement of the pin had to be visualized in advance, so it had to take into account the weight and circumference of the pin. Doing her exercise was a bit like matting in the spaces coupled with physics. Then it was necessary to control the mana so that the pin did not receive too much or too little mana.

Prometheus may have been a great archimage, but with his return to life his mana brain had returned to its original state. That is, the mana brain of a 10-year-old child who was hurting.

(Author's note: I have two explanations to make. The first is more of a clarification than an explanation. If Prometheus could use the flame rank 1 spell it is not an inconsistency. On the contrary, the injury suffered by Prometheus is proof of this, it is as if you are using your arms to lift a weight too heavy for you. You may be able to do it for two or three seconds, but at the end your arms will let go and you risk a muscle tear. The second concern concerns the case of the levitation of the pin. It is neither the magic of the wind nor the gravitational magic that makes it levitate. It is in fact the mana itself that enters the object and that Prometheus moves. Gravitational magic exists but it is not used and wind magic also exists but if it were used otherwise the exercise would actually just be an elementary exercise.)

So he had trouble with this exercise. But he didn't give up and continued to train. After two hours spent trying to turn a pin on herself nothing had changed. The pin always moved in a strange way that sometimes deviated from its tag. Prometheus was in a state of mental fatigue. He decided to stop his training session. He went into the garden and began to train in the use of the sword. Prometheus still had the heavy arms of the day before but he forced himself and swung his sword from the void, ever faster, ever stronger. Brutus looked away at Prometheus when he had an idea. (Which is very rare.)


- No, NO and no. Brutus, I refuse to let Prometheus go with you.

- But chief, you can see that the kid needs challenge and adequate training.

- Adequate? You know these words. I know Prometheus needs training, but you're too irresponsible to go with him.

Brutus was standing in front of Leo's office. Leo was sitting comfortably in his chair. They were discussing the idea that Brutus had had 3 days earlier.

- But chief, I'm leaving for an intensive training session in two days. Why wouldn't Prometheus come with me.

- I just don't want to leave him alone with you. Imagine if you hurt him.

Leo was acting like an overprotective mother to Prometheus.

- And if I wasn't the only one coming. What will you say.

- Who else was there?

- If Nicolas the archer came. You'd agree.

- Yes, why not....

- Then he's coming!!!

- Wait, does Nicolas agree?

- ehhhhhh, yes.


A few minutes later.

Nicolas was at the top of a tree. He was breathing softly while trying to control the beat of his mana heart. The wind blew on his face, birds passed by him sometimes even some even landed on branches near him. When suddenly the tree began to shake in a wild way. Then a loud cry was heard at the foot of the tree.


It was Brutus he was shaking the tree with force. Nicolas hurried down before the tree ended up up uprooted.

- What do you want, Brutus?

Nicolas seemed angry, Brutus had just destroyed his moment of relaxation and damaged his favorite tree.

- Would you like to go away for two months with me to train.

Nicolas opened his eyes wide. He was wondering about Brutus' stupidity.

- No. No. Ho my God, NO!

- But Nicolas, you told me one day that you would do me a favor, whatever it is.

- That's true, but... Why do you want to go to practice?

- I want to be strong! And I noticed that the little prince was training hard so I want to go with him. But the chief won't let me go with his protection without you.

After explaining the situation, Nicolas' mood softens. He then began to discuss with Brutus the details of his training. Shortly after Nicolas and Brutus had reached an agreement. They'd leave in three days, all they had to do was notify Prometheus. But they were sure he would agree when he knew their destination.

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