
Chapter 1

Ryan Demonias knew since he was born that he would be a singer. When he reached 10 years old, he asked his parents to get him some singing lessons, they agreed because they loved their son and wanted to see him happy, even if each lesson cost around $420.

About 8 years passed while he was taking those lessons, and he released his first song on YouTube. It was a pop song called 'Passion'. It became a somewhat massive hit garnering over 20 million views with 4 million likes and 690 thousand dislikes.

Through the song, he got almost $4 million dollars, he believed he was on top of the world, and spent his money lavishly. He bought 2 estates worth around $1 million each, he gave one to his parents and kept the other. After doing that, he got a flying license and bought a jet with the remaining $2 million dollars.

After such a lavish spending, he realized he was broke, and thought 'I can just make a new song, so it doesn't matter'.

Around 3 years after he released his first song he released a new song, which wasn't as big a hit but garnered over 2 million views, earning him around $400 thousand dollars. After getting all that money, he started spending lavishly for the last time.

With the $400 thousand dollars, he bought a small shack in Canada making him almost totally broke, with around $200 in his savings remaining.

He decided to go on a joyride to australia with his parents in his jet for no reason and midway through the flight, the jet slowly ran out of gas!

[First? Person]

"I'm so fucking dumb!" Ryan was screaming while him and his parents were plummeting to their deaths.

Thankfully there was a parachute on the jet, but there was only one parachute, so two people would have to stay on the jet, while one person survives.

"I love you son, take the parachute, please" Ryan's mother was sad, but at the same time, resolved to let her son live another day.

"I might not have been the best father in the world, and you might not listen to me but please son, please take the parachute" Ryan's father was also resolved to let his son live, and would do anything do allow that to happen.

"NO, I don't want you to die!" Ryan truly loved his family, and did not want to see them die but after a little argument with his parents, he gave in and took the parachute.

"I love you" Ryan's father and mother said to Ryan, tears streaming down their eyes.

Ryan himself was tearing up as he jumped out the jet, and opened the parachute. Sadly, because Ryan never checked up on his jet, he also never checked up on the parachute, which after three years, was very weary.

Everything was going well for a few seconds, Ryan was alive, and the jet plummeted into the ground below, killing his parents. Ryan's parachute sadly after being stressed to such a point, grew to have a hole in it.

The hole got bigger, and bigger, until it completely engulfed the parachute, and Ryan also, plummeted to his death.


[Somewhere] [Actual First Person]

I woke up and remembered everything, from my birth, to the crash, everything. I looked at my surroundings and saw a massive being staring at me. It seemed friendly?

I don't know, I just felt like nothing bad would happen to me no matter what I did to it. I decided to ask the being a question.

"Where am I?" I asked the being that towered over me.

"You are to be reincarnated as the two that were here before you decided to go to hell so you can be reincarnated" The being told me, and shocked me to the core. The two that were heard before me would mean my parents, decided to go to hell, just so I can reincarnate?

"Why do I feel nothing but shock, even the shock is slowly dying out" I said, because I wanted to cry, but I didn't feel like crying, I didn't even feel shocked for them going to hell. I just felt indifferent to it all.

"It was decided that we would place a mental lock on your emotions until you reincarnate, and we would remove all your memories of your former parents so you do not wallow in misery for the rest of your life" The being told me, which logically made sense, after all why reincarnate if you are just going to be depressed for the rest of your life.

"Ok, we will give you a forever upgrading system but it's capabilities lie only in acting and singing as that was your passion in your last life" The being said to me, and I wondered, just how much my parents sacrificed for me.

"Goodbye Ryan, and have a good life" I was slowly feeling dizzy after hearing these words from the massive being.

I fell to sleep and when I woke up, I was a baby, atleast I think I was a baby.