
A different Olivia

Rona's POV

The forcefully opening of my door caught my attention.

I stood up from the bed and saw Rita rushing into my room with tears in her eyes and a little red spot on her face.

"Who did this to you"? I asked in anger and walk up to her while I examine her face.

"Don't touch me, your whore beat me up " she spoke in anger.

I stared at her, confused.

"Don't look at me like that, Olivia, gang up with her friends and beat me up ".she murmured and sat on that bed.

"That's a lie". I murmured.

"Really, you think I am lying, huh?, you are supporting her over your wounded sister ".she spoke in anger.

I hissed and sat beside her.

"What happened ?". I asked, 

She hissed softly and look away.

“She almost beat me to death if not that Derrick separated us ".she murmured 

Hearing Derrick was with her, I felt anger and pain in me.

"I'll call the doctor to check on you ". I murmured and stood u from the bed.

"Is that all you could say ?".she shouted in anger.

I ignored her and went for a drink in the bar.

“Rona”.she screams my name in anger.

I ignored her and sat on the couch while taking a sip of my drink.

"Fine".she muttered out those words in anger and storm out of my room.

I hissed softly and took a sip of my drink.

Ever since a week ago I drove Olivia out of my life, I have been a shadow of myself.

I lock myself in my room and do nothing but drink and cherish the memories we have together.

They were days I wanted to call her or see her,, but then I held myself back.

"Rona, are you still drinking". I turn and saw Francis standing by my door.

"When did you come in?". I asked, 

"You didn't notice my presence ". He asked in shock.

I hissed softly and took a sip of my drink.

He walks inside the room and sat on the bed.

"Just take a look at how you are hurting yourself ". He muttered out those words in anger.

I roughly ran my fingers in my hair and stood up from the couch. 

I walk towards the window and stood by it.

"I saw her today ". Francis spoke up and went to the bar, 

"Who did you see ". I asked confused.


The moment he said those words, I turn and stared at him in anger.

"I told you to stay away from her ". I yelled in anger. 

He ignored me and pour out a drink in a glass and walk back to the couch.

I hissed in frustration and walk up to him.

"Why did you go to her ". I asked in anger.

"I did not go to her, I met her ". He declared those words and took a sip of his drink.

"You met her ?, where ?". I asked, 

He stared at me before taking a sip of his drink.

I groaned in anger and walk aimlessly in the room.

"I met her at the hospital".

"Hospital?".is she okay, 

"Maybe, I don't know".he replied firmly.

"When you met her, how was she, did she sound sick or something". I demanded in fear.

"Calm down, she looks fine to me ".

I hissed in relief and took a sip of my drink.

"Her aunt works there, maybe she went to see her aunt ". I murmured in relief.

"I don't think so ". Francis shakes his head.

"What do you mean ?". I asked confused

"She looks sad and in so much pain, I think you should look into it ".he suggested.

I shake my and took a sip of my drink.

"I don't want to get involve in her life, maybe she was just not in a good mood ". I said those words and went back to the window.

"I don't think so, I'll take my leave".he kept the glass back on the table and left my room.

I groaned in frustration and took a sip of my drink.

“You can do it Rona, you can ". I murmured those words to myself.

The next morning, I was having breakfast with Rita.

I noticed how she was murmuring in anger as she eats, Mike kept asking her what the matter was, she just hissed and kept on hitting her spoon with the plate.

I knew she was angry at me for not saying or doing about what happened yesterday, 

"How's the pains". I asked, 

She hissed softly and look away.

I ignored her and went back to my food.

She hissed angrily and stood up from the chair.

"I'm off to school".she murmured angrily and left.

"What did you do "? Mike asked, 

I ignored him and stood up from the chair 

"Where are the information I asked for ". I demanded

"No information for you until you are healed". He spoke calmly.

"You won't tell me what to do ". I shouted in anger.

Mike ignored me and went back to his food.

"Mike ". I yelled in anger 

"Get soon Rona, when you are done, then we can talk".he replied firmly and kept on eating.

I hissed angrily and went back to my room.

I lay down on my bed and drifted to sleep.

I was asleep when I heard my phone ringing, I groaned angrily and went for the phone.

"Hello " I asked in irritation.

"Rona ". I recognize the voice to be Rita's.

"What's the matter ". I asked

"I'm in pain Rona".she sobs in tear 

"What is it ". I asked and stood up from the bed.

"Come to school Rona, please be fast ".she demanded in tears.

"Stay calm, Rita, I'll be there ". I ended the call and stood up from the bed.

I put on my shirt, my shoe and left the room in a hurry.

"What's going on ". Mike asked while rushing after next.

"Just come with me ". I spoke angrily and went to my garage.

"Let me drive". Mike took the keys from me.

"Where are we going ".he asked as we got into the car.

"Rita's school ".

He stares at me before driving off.

I felt scared and anger throughout the drive, what could have happened that will make Rita cry that way.

In few minutes we were in the school

"Where are you ". I asked Rita over the phone.

"In the director's office ".

I ended the call and walked to the director's office, I got there and saw Rita crying profusely.

"What's wrong ". I murmured

She was about saying something when I noticed Olivia was seating at the other side of the room, lost in thought and quiet.

Seeing her that way, I felt a sharp pain in my heart and all I wanted to do was to pull her to myself and hug her tightly.

"My legs are broken ". Rita words caught my attention.

"What's going on here ". I asked, confused.

"Cam down Rona, I will make sure I handle her ".the director said those words while staring at Olivia with anger.

I stared at Olivia and saw no expression on her face, she was lost in thought .

"What happened". I asked, 

"She attacked me and broke my leg, look at my face ". Rita showed her bruised face to me.

I hissed softly and stared at Olivia, who didn't say a word or deny it.

"We've come to a conclusion that we will have to expel her from the school, we don't entertain such animal like behavior".he spoke angrily.

I stared at Olivia and yet, there was no reaction from her.

This wasn't my Olivia, this is a different person.

"So I will print out the papers and give it to you ".he said those words while staring at Olivia, who did not say a word.

"There is no need for that ". Mike spoke up, 

"I think we can settle this ". Mike spoke up, 

"Mike?". Rita spoke in anger.

I hissed softly and roughly ran my fingers through my hair. 

"Let it go, there were just having girls fight, it's not that serious" I spoke firmly.

"I can't believe this, Rona, she broke my leg". Rita spoke in anger.

"Are you sure".he asked 

"Yeah, just leave it, I'll settle it my own way "


"Thank you ".

"Let's go ". I went to Rita and tried to give her my hand,, but she refused.

"I can walk on my own, it seems am all alone in this world".she murmured in anger and stood up and limp out of the office.

"Thank you ". Olivia murmured those words to the direction and walked pass me without even taking a glimpse at me.

I felt pain, anger and fear in me.

I was the one who wanted this, so why am I feeling this much pain, 

"Let's go". Mike voice brought me out of my thought.

I hissed softly and walk out of the directors' office with Mike.

Rita was already waiting for us inside the car.

I stood by the car,, but I couldn't get in.

"What's the matter ". Mike asked, 

"I don't know ". I murmured in frustration.

He hissed softly and stood beside me 

"Let's go home, Rita needs some treatment, then you can sort out what is wrong with her".

"You noticed it ". I asked, 

"I would, she looks like a shadow of herself ".

"Do you think I'm the cause of it ".

"No, Rona, something is definitely wrong ".he expressed those words like he was so sure of it.