
Why not prepare for my own war?

(Warning if you don't like dark chapters well... it gets dark)

Back on the unknown jungle world.

Jason was feeling the power and everything felt clear... he felt like the force belonged to him. Once the chest was opened he thought to himself.

'Isn't this kinda like a starter pack? I mean I knew nothing of the force but now I feel like I've been alive for 5000 years and every second I was studying the force learning to control it. Hmm, guess I should thank that God. Thank's God for the help'

With the help of the force, Jason could feel the miners and the guard's even without looking at them. He really didn't care about him but if they really do try to take something of his they won't ever be leaving.

"Alright everyone I listen up looks like we are here so let's get ready. Me and my friends will protect you from any raiders or wildlife that will cause problems so just get to work so all of us can leave."

"Alright, you two heard him let go find that rock and get out of here."

Jason who was nearby and heard them and that made him really angry about being reminded of his ex or took his money and left after she got all she could made him even madder just to fuel the dark side yet still in control. So Jason them a choice when he jumped down.

"Stay and die now or leave and die later pick one."

Everyone was spooked just for a moment when they realized the He was alone then they all grinned. The leader of the guards stepped forward and said.

"Well as there is one of you and seven of us total I'll pick option three kill you and take all your valuables." The leader said but let's be honest Jason with his newfound force abilities as well as his anger he felt earlier. He decided to try something he has always wanted to do. What would that be? Force lightning! Who wouldn't want to shoot lightning from there hands? Jason was expecting the blue color lightning but he was purple! It even felt like he had so much room to make it stronger! After there leader was burnt to crisp everyone stared in horror then some muttered some words.

"Y... Yo... You're a Jedi! You can't just kill people for no reason! The order will hunt you down when they find out what you did!"

"Jedi? No... No... don't put me with those Jedi or Dark Jedi. I might not have a lightsaber right now but today... Today a Sith is born or maybe something beyond a Sith even... But what I do know is... The swarm has come and we won't be stopping at just a few planets. The entire Galaxy will be devoured by us."

"Swarm? What is the swarm? Who cares your just insane and your plans for galactic conquest will fail! The Republic and Jedi order will punish you for your action here today!"

"Well I'm not so sure about that but we will find out. Well, I'M not so sure as you all will be dead so in a way, this is a mercy compared to what will happen to the rest of the galaxy in the future." As he finished talking the other three guards tried to shoot him but Jason responded by using a force stasis freezings all the blaster shot in place it even froze five others. He wanted one person to run back to inform everyone else so they will come to try and kill him so, in turn, he will gain extra BioEnergy. Even if the republic came somehow he would have a small army by the time they got here and he would devour them as well. Jason used force choke and killed everyone he froze and brought them back to where his future hive would be. This brought up some problems he would need to train and experiment with the force as well as grow the hive so he wanted to make a queen help take on that burden. Also, he was confused he is a human or was a human but he just killed someone shouldn't he feel wrong or something he just came to the conclusion that how that he was Sith/Zerg he just doesn't care anymore.

After Jason woke up from sleeping in a tree since he didn't have anywhere else to go. The first thing he noticed was that the hatchery finally finished and it gave him options

[Overmind: Jason

Personal BioEnergy 300/1,000

Zerg Swarm BioEnergy 300/10,000 (+100 BioEnergy per day from creep.)

Alignment: Dark side

Building's: N/A

Zerg Creatures: N/A

Stage: 1 (Next unlock at 10,000 Bioenergy spent)(Unlocked: Hatchery: larva, Queen's, overlords, Zerglings, spawning pool)]

"I want a queen to help manage the Zerg while I'm busy but I need a spawning pool first so let's see how much it will cost... man... I need to get more Energy I'm always low..."

After Jason set the spawning pool down it would take 6 hours till it was built so now that he had to wait he practiced he force abilities but mostly force lightning. He wanted it stronger he wanted like Galen Mark's to the point it can vaporized he tried without a lot of power and it was just normal blue lightning so he lost interest in doing low power so he thought of everything that pissed him off. His Ex, his parents, his boss! It was just boiling inside him his eyes turned blood Red and purple lightning came out again and that pissed him off even more!


After he said that he felt something different his hands felt sore but the darkness in him grew and his force lightning started to change colors again following after his eyes turning red and the chard tree he has been practicing on started to vaporize leaving small amounts of ash.

"YES! This is what I wanted it's perfect now! UGG SON OF A BITCH IT HURTS!"

After he stops his new force lightning his hands felt like they were exploding over and over again but the grin never left his face and just felt the pain as it slowly lost feeling in his hands yet he can still use them perfectly fine. He practiced with the red force lightning over and over again for six hours straight he lost all feeling in his hands but he didn't care. He left the field he was in full of ash and scarred land back to his base just to see the spawning pool finished.

"Haha yes finally I'll have to dip into my own BioEnergy reserves just to make one but he was glad to do it"

It cost him 150 BioEnergy leave the Zerg BioEnergy at 0 and his at 250 but in just 3 hours he would have a queen and she will help him run the hive while he trains to get stronger. So he just left back to his field to train some more till she was hatched.

When every he wanted to use force lightning it was always red now but if he wanted it to vaporize he would need to focus on it. So he was curious how would it feel to be hit by his lightning and since no one was around to test it...


Regret... that all he felt after he tested his own lightning on himself...

"Never again... nope nahhh that's enough for today I'm just gonna wait for my new queen..." Jason said as he left back to his home. After he got back he just watched her till she would be "born" and after the three hours she was there she had a human form she had red hair and a stunning face and body. She looked at Jason and said.

"Hello, Overmind do you like what you see? Sorry but even if you're the Overmind you'll have to work harder than that." She gave a smile and that left Jason dumbfounded he thought to himself.

'Should see act like this? I mean I don't mind it but it's new.'

"To be honest yes but like you said even if I'm the Overmind I would never order something like that. Also, you would need a name... how do you like Jasmine?"

"Any name you pick for me his the best time I could want." She said giving another smile Jason thought to himself again.

'She could topple kingdom with just her looks alone...'

"Alright, Jasmine also could you tell me everything you can do please?"

"Of course Overmind." After she said that a pair of bone-like wings back out from her back just like Sarah Kerrigan. "I can do this and even use them to attack. Then I can spawn larva for no cost but limited to 20 per 12 hours, spawn creep tumors to spread the creep and that creep tumor can make another creep tumor, Then I can use transfusion on others your hands seem scarred for some reason would you like me to heal you Overmind?" She said with a worried looked on her face as looked at his hands

"Oh it's nothing it happened when I was practicing my force lightning and this was the aftermath"

"Force lightning? I'm sorry Overmind I don't know what that is I'm sorry."

"It's okay I'll show you follow me to where I trained using it and while we are out placing some creep tumors place so we can get some more BioEnergy."

"Of course Overmind also may I ask where we are?"

He just realized he has no clue where he is...

"Well since the entire galaxy will be ours one day let's call this planet Zerus after the Zerg homeworld. It will be the new birthplace of the swarm so I don't see why not?"

"As expected of the Overmind it's perfect." She gave another charming smile. Jason was starting to enjoy being around her and smiled back. He then brought her to the field used and showed her his force lightning at full power and vaporize the rock. She was stunned she has never seen this before.

"It even more painful than it looks I used the lowest power I could and when I used it on myself I felt like I was dying..."

Jasmine gave me a horrified look and even yelled at me.

"OVERMIND! Never do something like that again! Or I'll be mad at you forever!"

When she said that even though I was a Sith maybe it was was Zerg heart or even my human side it made me feel bad...

"I'm sorry Jasmine I won't do that again I promise."

Both me and Jasmine glared toward the left and noticed humans seem to be coming over it pissed me off that they ruined are moment and gave a cold smile and asked.

"Jasmine, would you like to see it when I use my force lightning on someone?"

"Definitely my Overmind."

We went over to where I felt them and noticed there were 20 of them! Oh, this would be fun and more free BioEnergy. I walked out and they said.

"FREEZE. Joco does he match the description?"

"Yes, Badon it must be him!"

"For the crimes of Murder your under arrest!"

I stared at them with a grin and said.

"Are you sure you want to die today and not later?"


I just stared back and said.

"Jasmine go wild just make sure you leave two alive."

The men were confused and thought who's Jasmine? But before they could do anything jasmine flanked them and stabbed two people in the gut they didn't understand at first but realized it moments later. I'm going to die. I used force stasis and froze most of them while Jasmine ran around and used her wings as a sword or spear she cut the necks of several people or stabbed them in the head and all that was left was the leader and the person named joco then asked.

"Jasmine, which would you like me to show you it on?"

"I don't like him he spoke rudely to you Overmind," she said as she pointed toward the leader.

"The leader it is then." I used the force to move him to the side to let his underling see what's to come but he just yelled at me saying

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! THE ELDERS HAVE CALLED FOR HELP WITH YOU. ALL THE NEARBY CLANS WILL KILL YOU AND THAT BITCH!" The moment he called her bitch I was PISSED my eyes turned red and I was only planning to use low power but I just suddenly used full power and he screamed Bloody Mary his skin was melting and turning to ash his eyes turning into blood he was going to die after I used force lightning I was upset I wanted to slowly kill him but now he died faster and said

"Sorry, Jasmine it seems I was upset from what he said I won't let it happen again I'll show you with the other fellow." I looked back to see the man crying and his pants wet and smiled.

"It's alright Overmind just show me with him."

I used low power and he screamed for hours till he stopped from passing out I asked Jasmine if she wanted to heal him and see if she wanted ago at it her own way she agreed and I realized that she might be a beautiful woman but that only seem to be for me for others she was a demon to them she ignored his pleads and stabbed him in places that wouldn't kill him but would hurt like a bitch. He later died of shock not mine but his heart probably burst or something she turned around and gave me a smile and I smiled back and that made me feel weird and I thought to myself.

'Am I turning into a psychopath? Eh, who cares I said if they wanted to die now or later but they stayed.' I stared at Jasmine who was covered in blood and told her.

"I think it's time to build up the swarm. We will need an army and with my plans, I'm going to put old palpy plan's to shame with what I want to do."

"With how much I enjoy being alone with my Overmind I must agree with you on that."

[Another long chapter the same day! For me that is... it's 11 AM and I'm super tired... also does anyone want to give him his Sith name? You know like Darth something? First one I like will be picked. I hope you enjoyed the chapter even though it got dark... anyway bye everyone! tell me if you guys have any suggestions!]

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