
Chapter 116


"How can you remember when you never paid attention to me." His eyes darken making me gulp and sweat. "I used to love you so much but you were always one of those popular boys who never paid attention to someone like me. I tried to talk to you but you were always busy with your friends." "How could you not realize how much I loved you Seokjin? How?" I widen my eyes on hearing his every word. "When I graduated, I still looked out for you but you never notice. I used to follow you when you used to go to school. I even beat all those people who badmouthed about you just for you and you still didn't notice me!?" I flinched and widen my eyes when he tried to walk towards me but couldn't as his hand was being handcuffed. "Then one day you left me without even telling me. You know how hurt I was? I used to search for you but couldn't find you but then your mom told me that you are here in Seoul." I widen my eyes hearing that this psycho talked to my mom. "So I came here but what I found was that you are cheating on me with this man!?" "How could you do this!!" I flinched at his outburst. "So I decided that I will steal you. I tried to bring misunderstandings between you so that you will leave him and come back to me BUT IT DIDN'T GO LIKE THAT!!" "So the only thing which came to my mind is to kidnap you. That time I didn't come to kill you but to kidnap you but your guards ruined everything and after that you were surrounded by all those stupid guards and your ing friends. But you don't worry, I will make you mine one day. We will be together Seokjin." He started laughing and screaming maniacally making my blood ran cold. What if he was successful in his plan? Would he kill me? "We should go now Mr. and Mr. Kim. We got enough evidences. "Thank you so much officer Park."Namjoon shook his hand with officer Park and we three came out. "You guys can see that he is mentally ill so he won't get jail instead he will be send to a mental hospital. I am happy that we could help you." "All thanks to you officer that we can live freely and without any fear." After that we both walked out and sat inside the car. "Are you OK baby?" Joon asked "If he was stalking me since high school, how come I never noticed him? I still can't remember his face let alone his name." "Maybe you guys never came across as he said and I am happy that you never did." He took my hand in his and kissed the back of it before giving a light squeeze. I smiled and nodded. "Lets go on a date tonight. A celebration for this great news." I chuckled and nodded.



Everything is going fine for few days. I spend most of my time with Jeongguk but he still argue with me whenever I spend my time with Rose without telling me the real reason. I know that girl's feelings towards me and I tried to develop feelings for her but I really do not swing that way. But I am happy that Rose is giving me my own space. Yeah sometimes when she tries to flirt, the situation gets awkward for me but other than that she is a very nice girl. My dad? No he didn't stop bugging me about getting a girlfriend. I tried to explain him but he just made his own theory that being gay will ruin my life. Aish! Though my mother support me which I am thankful of. The best thing which happened was the news Namjin couple gave us that the stalker finally got arrested and I am so happy for them. The news seriously scared me to death that day when they told that someone tried to attack Jin hyung but I am relieved that my friends are safe now. Taehyung? No I still don't talk to him. I cannot. It's too hard for me to pretend everything is fine when I know what he did. Looking at him getting closer and closer with Yunki hyung doesn't make my blood boil but instead it makes me numb. Numb for the feeling of love and affection. Numb for trusting someone again. Numb for giving my heart to someone. Now I just want to think about my career and future. There is no space of love in my life. Right now I am packing my luggage as me and Gguk are going to Busan on Christmas. Speaking of him I remembered that embarrassing time when I saw... We were feeling so awkward that most of the time we tried to avoid each other. But if we came face to face, both of us would turn red from embarrassment.

I was lost in deciding the clothes I should pack when my cell phone beeped. I paused and walked to the nightstand to grab it. I frowned at Taehyung's name flashing on my screen. I sighed and opened his message. 'Ji can you come to the nearest park at 7? I want to talk to you please.' I sighed. I don't want to go but then thought that I should give him a chance to explain again so I agreed. 'Thank you' came his reply and I didn't send anything again and turned my phone lock before resuming my work.


I was baking a chocolate cake when my phone started ringing. I put the cake inside the oven and set the timer before grabbing my phone and smiled at the caller id. "Hey baby." I blushed "Baby, I am sorry if I am disturbing you but you see my car decided to not start out of sudden and I was thinking if you can pick me up at 8 please?" "I will. Don't worry. You will be at the studio right?" "Yes. And thank you." "Aw no problem. Bye and love you." "Love you too." I cut the call smiling. Finally everything is back to normal in our lives.

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