
Chapter 106



I woke up feeling cold. I groaned as a sharp pain settled in my head. The lights in the hall were making my eyes sting and I covered myself with blanket. Wait! There was no blanket last night. I opened my eyes again and saw a fluffy white blanket over my body. Then my eyes wandered around and I found that I am alone. I pouted at the realization that he left me alone here. I groaned and sat up. I am never drinking again. I sighed and all the memories from last night flooded my mind making me blush. I can never imagine doing what I did last night, in a sober state. But do I regret it? Of course not. I am more than happy on seeing the need for me in his eyes. The way he was devouring me through his eyes is still making me hot all over. I smiled. "Oh you are awake." I looked into the direction of the voice and met with him. I blushed and looked at my hands too embarrassed to look at him after last night. So he didn't leave me alone. "I was about to wake you up." "I made you breakfast. I hope you like it and here is pills for your hangover." He handed me the tray and I thanked him shyly. "I am going to college now. If you want you can skip today." I nodded and he walked away. I squealed at the way he was taking care of me and started eating the food made by him. I am happy that he knows how to cook or else after marriage we would have to sleep with an empty stomach. I blushed at the thoughts of marriage. Will we ever get married? I pouted but I shouldn't think about all that now instead I should enjoy the little moments I am having with him. I smiled again and resumed eating.


I woke up feeling light kisses all over my face making me giggle. I opened my eyes and met with a bunny face. "Morning baby." He smiled. "You looked too happy for a person who drank a lot last night." I commented. "I didn't drink that much. I can handle it." I smiled and ruffled his hairs. He slowly leaned down capturing my lips making me tense. I fluttered close my eyes before hesitantly responding him. The sweet kiss turned into a passionate one and we broke apart panting. He plopped himself down beside me and intertwined our fingers. "Gguk?" "Mm?" "What are we doing? It's wrong. What will others think of you kissing your brother. Have you ever thought about this?" He was silent for sometime. "It's OK for me to kiss you, hyung. I like it. The feeling of your lips against mine, it's addictive and I am already addicted. And I don't know about others but it's fine as long as no one sees." "Is that so?" He nodded. "T-Then give me another... kiss" He chuckled and blushed just like me before hovering over me and capturing my lips again. I guess I am still drunk saying all these things which I never imagined saying to him out of all.


I was sitting on a bench under a tree while reading a book in my hand. "Hey" I looked up and saw Rose standing there. I smiled "Hey" "Can I?" She pointed to the space beside me "Sure" "What are you reading?" She asked after sitting beside me. "Shakespeare?" "Yeah. Thought to give it a try." I shrugged and she chuckled. "It's good that you are trying new things." I smiled. "I am just trying to occupy my mind to not think about him." I said honestly. I don't know why but I can tell her my honest thoughts easily. I always feel so close to her like we know each other since long. It's good to have someone who understands you. "But isn't it good?" I looked at her confused. "Now you can try new things in life. Think about your future and can try to upgrade yourself." "The time you used to spend with him now you can utilize in those things you always wanted to do or you can discover new hobbies." I smiled "Yeah you are right. I shouldn't dwell over him." "I can understand you. It's hard to forget someone you love. But your life is not over yet. It's OK to feel sad about past sometimes but you need to be strong now and learn to move on." I smiled "Thank you. How come you always know the right thing to say?" She shrugged. "Guess I have seen many things in my life so I have lot of experience." She smiled sadly. "You can talk to me you know?" "I know but it's something I am not comfortable to speak about." I nodded understandingly. "We have to go now. It's time for our next class." I nodded and we walked to our next class together.


'Ggukie, I will be home late so don't bother to wait for me.' I reread the message for the nth time with a frown. How can he ditch me like this? Now I will be alone at home. "Hi Ggukie! Oh Are you OK? You look sad?" Rose asked me. "No. Jimin told me that he will be home late. I don't know what is doing." "Oh he told me that he will stay in the library for few more hours." I frowned knowing that he told her but not me. Is she more important now? "What happen?" "Nothing." "By the way if you want you can come to mine. You see it's been long since last time we hung out." I thought about it. Jimin will come home late so instead of getting bore at home alone why not spend time with Rose? I nodded at her and we start walking in opposite direction.


"You can sit on the bed. I am going to bring something to eat." Rose said and I nodded. When she left I started looking around. It's the second time I came here but last time I didn't notice many things which caught my eyes now. Like her room doesn't have any single picture of her but why? There was a stack of books on one corner of a table. And here room is filled with all kind of plush toys. My eyes fell on a diary which was neatly kept on the nightstand. I know it's wrong to look into other's things but I cannot help my curiosity. It wouldn't be bad to give a peek right? I nodded and slowly walked there and grabbed the said object. I looked at the door then back at the diary in my hand before nervously opening it. I started reading the contents inside and as I progressed, I got more and more shocked with every word written inside. How didn't I notice it? I thought in disbelief. The door opened and my eyes met with the shocked face of Rose.

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