
I’m Bored

*Duk! Duk! Duk! Duk! Duk!*



Countless voices and noises is overlapping on top of each other.

The voice of soldiers riding the horses, the dragon roaring as they fly in the skies, the gods who walking among the legion and all of the mythical creatures approaching to a castle.

There's one god infront of the troops who walk with an ominous presence, his eyes filled with a never-ending thirst for vengeance as he clenched his fist at the memories of the owner of the castle. He is their leader.

They stop about 850km from the castle because of the leader suspect that there was a trap there.

'Finally… this is my revenge, you fucking Cosmic Monarch!' Said the leader with a face filled with absolute rage.

Cosmic Monarch is the name of the castle owner or one of his name as that bastard has countless aliases with their own backstory.


A man in white T-shirt and a black pants wake up from the noises.

"What… the fug…?" The Cosmic Monarch awaken from his deep slumber.

He have a sudden headache when he stand up. "Fuck! Did I drink too much alcohol last night…?" He said in a confused manner.

Cosmic Monarch have a 'poison immunity' but he can 'sealed' his ability so that it only 'resist' the alcohol not out right obliterate it hence he can get drunk but he'll need a lot of alcohol… I mean A LOT.

"I know it was a bad idea to drink a whole planet made of alcohol but who cares? Now who the fuck is making this loud noises?"

He walked to the window and saw an infantry of countless races such as gods, dragons, humans, the three green beginning creatures(goblin,orc,ogre) and more.

"Well I was getting bored anyway~ this's going to be entertaining~!" Said Cosmic Monarch as he bring out a wooden bat out of his Inventory.

[Item Information]

[World Tree Bat]

[Description: A bat created from the world tree woods, it's indestructible]

"Not enough…" said Cosmic Monarch as he cast an enchantment spell on the bat.

[Enchantment 'Spiky' has been added to 'World Tree Bat' temporarily]

From a normal bat it turned into the bat filled with nails like the bat from zombies media.

[Spiky: increase damage +10% and give enemy status effect: Bleed]

[Bleed: Damage en-]

"Shut" Cosmic Monarch said to the panel. "I don't care, now I will enjoy the party." He said smiling as he jump from his window.

The castle is huge. 180km tall and 20km wide, it have many rooms and building connected. If someone ever want to destroy it, you will need more than just a nuclear bomb as the whole castle is made of the strongest metal Seirulium named after the man that found it. The metal can withstand the blackhole for 2.9 second without any reaction, resist heat equal to 350km suns and resist cold lesser than stomach of Guornoit, the elder frost serpent who his stomach have the temperature of 10 times lesser than absolute zero.


"Sup' guys!" Said the Cosmic Monarch as he lands on the ground creating a shockwaves and a 15 meter craters.

"Cosmic Monarch… this is the day you'll die…" Said the leader as he unsheathed his blade.

[Vultry, the god of revenge]

[Race: God]

[Divinity: Vengeance and Violence]

"Well, that's new powers, right there!" Cosmic Monarch muttered. "First of all, who are you bastards?"

As they heard the question all of the soldiers including Vultry is dumbfounded but there's one emotion that have been increased.

Hatred, all of them gathered there to kill the monster that cause chaos in their world.

"Don't you fucking remember? You fucking bastard!? When I was just a weak child, you killed both of my parents by making them have sex to death infront of me as I was tied and can only watch…" Vultry sound like he's about to burst into tears.

"Not only that, the love of my life… she was the only one that cares about me and boom. You killed her, if it was a normal murder then I will not be as mad as this…" He goes silent as he stare Cosmic Monarch with a bloodlust in his eyes.

Here what happen: Our protagonist found that girl and decided to 'enslaved' her and command her to act like a stray dog eating poop and dead corpses while her mind still aware of everything and there's nothing she can do, after that he make her into a living chair and let her sit in the middle of the desert then he killed her by cutting her body into a small meat cube and poison it, after that he give it out to a stray dog. The dog died and he put them in a box then send it to Vultry as a present with a letter explaining everything and for evidence he put the skin of her face.

"Oh? You're still alive? I thought you've committed suicide? Well, congratulations for surviving!" Said Cosmic Monarch as the troops just stared at him with a murderous intent.

"No response? Well, adios."

In a split second he moved from infront of the castle to infront of Vultry.


Blood splattered everywhere as the soldiers just saw the leader who was the one gathered them just die in a moment.

['The Winner Takes Everything' activated, taking everything from opponent]

Soon the corpse become naked as it clothes dissapeared.

"One shot? Lame, I hope you guys didn't disappoint me…" Cosmic Monarch smiled.

"C-Cosmic Monarch…" As he was about to run he was stopped by a hard bonk on his skull.


The bat was covered in blood of his enemy. "Who's next?"

Sitting on top of a mountain of corpses he mutters. "I'm bored…"

[Host, do you want to return to earth?]

He just stared at the panel with disbelief. "You're not joking right?"

[Of course not]

"How long has it been since I've arrived at this place? 10 years?"

[Around 800 Trillion years or more as there's moment where I can't tell the time and there at least 98 Billion years]

"This bring back memories…"

— Flashback Start

My name is Saiful, a 37 years old man.

Before the disaster appeared I was a successful businessman but after that my businesses went bankrupt as I didn't manage to get my hand on the hunters market. I have been divorced with my wife and she takes both of my kids well its not like I can blame her, I was miserable. I have been mentally unstable and depressed after my bankruptcy and after my ex-wife found a good husband she was killed by a monsters from dungeon break I fell even deeper.

When I was younger I refuse the awakening test as I don't think I need it but boy was I wrong. At the age of 35 years old I get awakening test and I am awakened but there's something wrong, I don't seem to have connections with te 'systems' who are bestowed by the almighty and my skill are locked? Fucking hell. I am nothing different from normal human as I only heal faster than normal human, without system I have almost no chance of growth and no skill meaning I can't even use it for anything… even a pornstar have a skill. I only hunt in F-ranked dungeon and I always almost fucking died.

Soon I decided to stop and live my life with my savings. After a long time just not doing anything, I slowly develop depression that more severe than the past ones, I only play games and not doing anything and thinking about suicide but I keep moving forward.

One day, I went to a local market to buy stuff and when I'm on my way back a Dungeon break happened and it was an S-ranked dungeon.

Long story short I got smashed to death and wake up here.

"Where am I?"

[Welcome to the Otherworld]

[Check inventory for starter pack]

I check my inventory and then grab the starter pack.


[You got Keep Cool]

[You got Regeneration]

[You got Rage]

[You got The Winner Takes Everything]

[You got The Shapeshifter Weapon]

"Is this the system!? Oh god, with this I can get stronger!"

[Do you want to return to earth?]


[Error! Error! Error! Error!]


[Bug detected, cannot execute the command]


From that moment I keep killing and dying as I have infinite respawn. If you want me to count there's at the very least have 100,000 corpse of him hanging in the dense forest of the east.

— Flashback End

[Transferring host]

Cosmic Monarch or Saiful noticed his body is turning into particles of light.

'Argh… fuck' a young man wake up from his sleep from a splitting headache.

"Where?" Said the youth while his eyes still blurry.

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