

So, you know how in every school there's always a bunch cliques that everyone is a part of? At Laguna High, we have the populars (cheerleaders and jocks), the geeks, the loners, the quiet kids, the stoners, and the social butterflies (aka the 'cool with everybody' group,) which is where my friends and I are placed.

First up is Allie. She's the mom of the group and is easily the smartest. She's also one of those rare people that actually looks good in glasses. Allie is the most mature of the group and does way better in school than any of us. She's totally chill and calm most of the time, and she's also the only one of the group with a little common sense (unlike me). Allie is the kind of person that if you asked her to go steal something, she'd only agree if you had a fully thought-out plan, complete with maps and colored illustrations. Anyway, she wants to be a lawyer, which I bet she'll be great at because I can't win a single argument with her. Damn her logic.

Next, we've got Lana. She's the hottie of the group and is totally loaded. Her mom is a surgeon at a nearby hospital and her dad is a lawyer. Lana is basically the definition of a bruh girl. She plays softball and is the captain of the lacrosse team (I don't know how she does that.) She's the badass of the group and is easily the most protective. Like, if you had a boyfriend/girlfriend/non-binary partner that broke your heart, Lana would kick their knees in. She's also an amazing dancer. I don't know if she's gonna go to a dance college or something, but I also wouldn't be surprised if she just became a full-time influencer. I mean, she's already got about eighty-million followers on TikTok.

Then there's Liv. She's the baby of the group and is probably the sweetest person on the planet. Most people would classify her as a hiii girl (including me.) To the naked eye, she's just a sweet little cinnamon roll with a huge heart, but she's much more than that. I won't get into it, though. Liv wants to be a singer when she graduates and I'm pretty sure she's heard back from a couple colleges with great music programs. Seriously though, she has the prettiest voice.

Then there's me. I'm basically the sarcastic friend that can either be really nice or really bitchy. If you're on my good side, I'll treat you like family. If you get on my bad side, I'll kick your ass to the curb. I try to be honest with people, but I'm also a really good liar. I get by in school just fine, but I still hate it. My dad was a stoner and left when I was about fourteen, but I don't miss him. To hell with that jackass. So now it's just me, my mom, my brother, and my sister. Well, and my boyfriend of three years. And as for my future plans, I want to be an actress, which is why I went to New York for six months. So I could do a little more "research" on the profession, to put it loosely.

Anyway, we've all been friends since second grade and haven't broken apart since. Since I got back from NYC, we'll all be starting our summer before senior year together. I just hope that I can get through this year so I can focus more on my music. Fingers crossed nothing throws my life off...

heyyyy! i hope you liked being able to meet the main characters. chapter one will be up soon!

~ bella ♡