
Chapter 5 - What is next

"Thanos.." Doomsday spoke slowly, leaning against the armrest of the throne, his eyes looking at the construct of the being sitting in a floating chair.

"How are things coming along? It's unlike you to spend so much time on a system. Have you lost your edge after all this time." Thanos said in a tone that seemed that he didn't care, questioning him as if they had not been doing this for years.

"These worlds never put up any challenge, they only change when the end is near as all others do. I merely wished to take my time, but I will still be there when the meeting takes place." Doomsday spoke slowly, standing from his throne as he moved to look down at the planet.

"We are of a same mind, but it seems I will be delayed more than I thought, something of interest to me has come up." Thanos said, rubbing his fingertips together as he looked at them, his voice serious as he was the day they had made their deal.

"Something more interesting to you than your plan, the only thing that seemingly gives you purpose." Doomsday turned his head slightly, looking at Thanos who shook his head while he rolled one of his shoulders."But it is of no matter to me, I will move to fulfill something that interests me as well." Finishing in an uncaring tone as they normally did, as if there was no rush in anything the two spoke about.

"If it comes to past, this meaningless World conquering will no longer matter. Hundreds and thousands of worlds have fallen yet the result is the same, if something is to be done, it is not like this." Thanos leaned on his throne, his hand moving as he explained something important on the state of what they had been doing.

"You seem confident in this interest, if there is a better way than find it, I've grown tired of this. World after world, too many to count now, and yet the universe remains the same. Toying away at conquest that ultimately leads to nothing." Zod spoke slowly, the planet outside was changing every moment, its cities being crushed while fire burned across the black sky.

"Your thoughts align with my own Zod, like all things it will take time but there is no longer a need for repeating these meaningless actions." Thanos sat back on his chair, a light grin on his lips as he too did not wish to continue this way.

"Do whatever you must, I will finish up my matter and meet with you. I hope that this interest of yours proves useful." Doomsday turned his body to Thanos, both of them smirking as Thanos turned his chair away. Bringing up his had in a waving motion as the liquid geo fell back into its place.

"Father, what are your orders? We are no longer going home so what is next." Proxima spoke up finally, her metal chair spinning with the metal rings of the floor as she looked up to Zod, his arms behind his back as she could feel the tiredness oozing from his stance.

"No, the experiments can wait for now, I do not want to be met with failure again, other than you and nebula none have succeeded after countless worlds. It looks like plans have changed, so we will shift focus on something else other than Conquest." Zod spoke again, his body shifting as he transformed into his human counterpart, his muscles bathing in the blue glow of the dying stars in this system.

"It will be however you wish father, you need only to give an order and it will be done." Proxima said as she walked up the steps, her words full of an undescribable tone of loyalty as she gave her reply. Her body carrying her to a wall where she took a cloak that hung on within a black transparent holder.

"I know, but this matter is something I will handle personally. You have always been by my side, remaining loyal throughout it all but you may rest." Zod who stood at 7 feet knelt slightly as the cloak was placed over his shoulders. His hand reaches to hers that laid on his shoulder, feeling it tighten for a moment at his words.

"Father, you opened my eyes, trained me, changed me in every way, treating me as if I was your own blood, something my home world could not do because of their blindness. My life is yours, where I belong is by your side." Proxima's voice was filled with equal parts reverie, confusion, and something that seemed to be sorrow.

Her eyes glowed within the light of the sun, casting shadows across her focused eyes, taking a step back as she watched her father stand. The two look at each other for a moment as the sounds of the phantom drive drained out of existence. Her eyes looking at him like a child he had met long ago.

"There is no need for that look Proxima, you are no longer that helpless girl training on that worthless rock. You are my daughter through and through, but you may do as you wish, there is no need to remain with me always." Zod leaned his hand down to her, rubbing her cheek as memories overlapped with the face he was looking at now.

"It is my wish to stand as your sword, and to fall as it if.." Proxima had a complicated look in her eyes, to her, her father could do no wrong. It was loyalty above anything else when it came to him, that is how she has always thought, because he gave her purpose.

"Proxima, one day that world I spoke of will be a reality. For now, do as I say, there is no order in it, I understand your loyal but I will call on you when I am in need of you." Zod's voice became firm as he cut off her words, he would not lead his daughter to her death, he had shared many things with her and this in turn made him protective of her.

"I will do as you say, father." Proxima no longer questioned, her body falling to one knee as she looked at him turn away. Her eyes still held deep confusion but she did not question her father's will.

Zod waved his hand as she stood, his steps carrying him to a door behind the throne, it rolled up like sheets of thick bug like armor, his eyes looking at Proxima once more before the door closed. Her eyes were somewhat lost, but like he had taught her, she brought her emotions into check. This was not the first time they were apart, but it had not been so for 80 years.

"Detach a Dropship for my father, and make sure that this planets transformation is complete, within one cycle of the moon. we are going home until my father orders otherwise." Proxima grabbed a Parademon that was chattering away, squeezing its face as she gave her orders, throwing it to the floor as she looked out to the planet below.

"Raise nebula, I will tell her of our fathers decision." Proxima spoke to a Parademon next to a communication construct, the Parademon moving its hands within the liquid as the geo pulsed out as if waiting. Yet after 30 minutes nothing was shown within the construct.

"That is unlike her, but I don't know what father has tasked her with." Proxima spoke never once turning to look at the construct as if she did not care. "How useless.." Her words a whisper as she watched the world turn.

Zod continued to make his way down, the wall-less platform moving to the lower parts of the ship as he rolled his shoulders, his arms outstretched, his cloak falling while he looked up to the claw-like arms that attached armor along his body. The breather coming down last, over his face as it fluctuated, the light reflected off it in a shimmer as it became translucent.

(His human form has flaws so he needs a breather)

"Will try it her way once, let's see if a world can be taken with peace. Maybe they will give me what I want, willingly." Zod stepped off the platform, moving towards the large hanger while he spoke to himself, his eyes watching on as Parademons looked to be preparing a bug-shaped dropship. Its black body faintly glowed under the illumination of the layered metal-like tubes full of phantom energy.

The Parademons bowed as he walked to the rear of the ship, its back sending out vapor as Parademons who had done checks walked out of the interior. His hand motioned them on because of his rushed mind that thought on what was to be done next. The ship's interior was much like the command ships, black with strange metal protrusions that seem to be seats. A hand dragged along the metal while he turned around facing the hanger door that closed, sitting in the pilot seat that turned to the front.

"Father." The ship dropped, detaching from the command ship, the flames pulsing from the jets that sent it deeper into space, it didn't take long for him to leave the planet's atmosphere before a construct was made in the console in front of his hands.

"Nebula.." Zod who had leaned back in his chair, spoke back to the construct whose face was turned away slightly.

"I am surprised Proxima did not follow, she can be.. Bullheaded." Nebula spoke her words fading at the end as if she made a terrible joke.

"Even now, both my daughters are troublesome." Zod smirked a little while he spoke back, his eyes looking over nebula that turned her head away, like a child that was being made fun of. "Have you made your preparations yet the time for this game sooner than expected but still good all the same. I needed you because Proxima would kill anyone who speaks out, it is not useful in negotiations." Zod ignored her troubled child act as he continued to the matter at hand.

"I am making my way there now, i have set it up as you have asked me. The high Priestess of sovereign, will hear your request dad." Nebula spoke up, her words seemingly unsure if she could call him as that.

"It looks to me that you are no longer angry, good, you did well nebula, once we return I will keep my promise.