

[Breaking news Top hunter "Pyro" murdered during expedition by his own teammate!]

That was the headline that ruined Johns's life. The headline that accused his father of murdering his own teammate during an expedition. John knew that it was false however when you have been accused of killing the #2 hunter and have the top Hunter League backing the claims with their endless number of fans, money, and just influence in general, it was already over before his father was able to say a word in defense.

The story goes that during the expedition Johns's father, Alex "Ice Lancer" Farner, stabbed Micheal "Pyro" Calkins, Beloved #2 Hunter, in the back while he and the rest of the expedition team were focusing on the dungeons boss. Why? It doesn't matter any skeptics are immediately silenced by the massive herds of sheep believing the first thing they hear.

The trial might as well have been a joke as we couldn't find a single lawyer willing to go against the biggest hunter league in the world "Champion's League" no matter how much money we offered. When the world is at constant risk over an invasion from monsters and the main people taking care of that risk are trying to prosecute some high-tier hunter that "killed" the #2 hunter no one really cares.

By the end of the rushed trial, Johns's father was sentenced to life in prison, however, after only 4 days in prison, he has been declared dead from suicide. Though John and his family knew that it was bullshit they knew no matter what they did nothing would change so they bit their tounges adhering to what his father said on the last day John would see him and the day he was convicted "No matter what happens to me DO NOTHING!" John thinking back now couldn't help but feel his father knew this was coming.

---- 1 week Later ----

--- Johns family home---

John was sitting on his bed starring at the wall, not much different from how he had been for most of this week. Even though in a few minutes it would be 12 pm and he would be receiving his system, John didn't care. Much like the rest of his family, he was left grieving. Just a month ago John, his father, mother, and sister were all having family dinner talking about seemingly meaningless things. Johns's non-existent girlfriend that his sister liked to bring up or what happened in his father's latest expedition. Even though his father's ability was nothing special compared to the best of the best he was still a high-Tier hunter making up only 25 % of hunters and that comes with some pretty interesting stories.

Growing up it was always Johns's dream to follow in his father's steps and become a hunter. But now for the industry that he once felt respect, and admiration for, was now left with nothing but disdain. That being said just because John was starring at a wall all week doesn't mean he was only thinking of his past family meals. No, he already knew what he was going to do and the outcome of his systems innate ability didn't matter. He was going to do exactly what he said he would as a kid, become the #1 hunter. However, now there were a few extra variables ending with what is hopefully the destruction of the Champions League.