
chapter 5-hunters exam

After walking through the tunnel and coming to a dirt road, Adam started to run to create some distance from the examinees behind him.

He soon reached the large cedar tree and saw a wooden cottage to his right. In the corner of his eye he saw a faint shadow pass by then heard a scream coming from the cottage. He walked into the cottage to see a man lying on the floor with a large blood stain on his stomach and a monster in the corner of the room with a woman as his hostage.

Adam,knowing about the exam already,just stood there and stared at them.

"Am I supposed to attack all of you or just the one pretending to have a female hostage to pass"

Only the man on the ground had a slight look of shock while all the others continued acting their roles.

I'll take that as my answer then, Adam then attacked the man on the ground just throwing a punch while restraining his strength.

The man rolled away from the punch just before it hit the ground and broke the wooden flooring.

"I'm sorry about the floor" said Adam in a lazy voice.

Now finally everyone in the room looked at him with a look of surprise as they did not expect the person to see through their disguise in an instant.

"How did you know that we are magical beasts?" the magical beast, still in human form with a blood stain exclaimed.

"I just deduced that this was another test likely set up by the hunter exam, or why else would they send us to a hut in the middle of the woods, and why did the magical beasts attack just as I arrived. It's a far fetched coincidence"

"Well anyway congratulations on passing I will take you to the venue site now. We kiriko act as navigators for the hunter exam. We are a family of four. I'm the son, the hostage is my sister and the magical beast you see is our mother" said the man with the blood stain as he slowly turned into a magical beast.

"Then the shadow I saw outside must be your father" Adam replied while walking outside to see the father kiriko standing there.

"Come on I'll take you to the exam site now before the other examinees behind you catch up and can be tested" the son kiriko said then picked up Adam by his hands and started to fly towards the sky gaining altitude.

As the son kiriko started to fly towards a populated city,the night sky started to turn to day and the sun came out and once again shrouded Adam in the warmth of the light making him feel relaxed.

Upon landing just outside the city while the son kiriko transformed back into his human form Adam could already hear people in the markets shouting and the hustle and bustle of people walking and chatting.

It felt somewhat strange to him at first as he grew somewhat used to only hearing the beasts on his island, but he quickly shook that feeling off and was just happy to be back to civilization.

They started to walk through the market with various items being sold and people calling out to him to buy from their stall but Adam ignored them and continued following the kiriko to the food shop to enter the first phase of the exam.

As they walked in, Kiriko spoke to the chief, "Is the backroom open?"

The chief replied with "what'll it be?"

Following the order of the code to enter the exam the kiriko answered "the steak combo that will make me see the light for one"

"For one huh, how do you want it?"

"Grilled over a low flame, until done."

"Got it please seat yourself in the backroom"

The chief and the kiriko finally finished their code.

Adam followed as the kiriko began to walk through a door leading to a table with one chair.

One of Adam's eyebrows shifted up and he said to the kiriko "who made up that code?"

"It was issued by the hunters organisation, now wait here and you will be taken to the first phase, good luck"

As he closed the door and left, the room began to shake and vibrate but Adam stayed perfectly still. Then the room began to descend downwards.

As he waited for the room to reach its destination, he began to ponder what he'll do after he gets his hunter certificate on the journey to reach the pinnacle.

In the back of his head he hears the captain's voice repeating the phrase "there are strange beasts and monsters,secret treasure hoards,undiscovered wealth,mystical wealth,unexplored frontiers. The mysterious unknowns that's what the hunters strive for"

Finally making up his mind he decides "why not do it all? After all that'll surely be more fun and rewarding than picking one thing to stick to hahaha"

Then the room stopped moving and came to a stand still and the doors behind him opened up.

Adam saw a huge tunnel with pipes going around and a large crowd of people that looked in his direction in an eerie silence once he got down.

Each was clearly more skilled than the previous applicants he saw before.

Then he looked down to see a weird bean giving him a number tag.

"Please take this number tag and be careful you don't lose it" the strange bean said to him.

Adam grabbed the number tag and checked the number which was 309.

Knowing the future tests he hid his tag by clipping it inside his hoodie so other people couldn't see it.

He then slowly walked to the side and began to evaluate his competition and checked whether everyone he knew from the anime was here without drawing too much attention to himself.

He first saw Tonpa with his number 16 badge walk towards him but Adam didn't want to deal with this rookie crusher and released his nen making Tonpa feel scared to approach him .

However, from releasing his nen adam started to feel a pair of very scary eyes on him.

When Adam turned to look who it was he felt a shiver down his back, it was Hisoka slowly walking towards him.

Adam quickly suppressed his nen the best he could not quite reaching zetsu and started to walk through the crowd of people.

Upon seeing this Hisoka stopped following and smiled. It was the most creepy smile Adam had ever seen.

After getting away from Hisoka, he began to check around again. He first spotted Killua with his skateboard, who also returned his look.

Adam, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself, quickly looked away and happened to see Illumi in his disguise. Adam learnt his lesson this time though, and only looked in glancing not for too long before he looked away, but Illumi still probably noticed.

After waiting for a while, several other applicants came down the elevator. The troublesome trio had finally shown up.

Gon number 405, Kurapika number 404 and Leorio number 403. They somehow still ended up with the same number tags even though Adam was an extra.

As he watched Tonpa start to talk to Gon, Adam moved further away from the elevator and the troublesome trio, as he did not want to get involved with them just yet.

That's when a scream sounded throughout the tunnel. Adam turned to see a man's arms turned to flower petals and disappeared.

Hisoka's voice rang out "no smoke and mirrors here, do be careful when you bump into someone you really should apologise"

Then after speaking, Hisoka turned to look into Adam's direction and once again smiled creepily making him shiver.

(Thanks for reading, If anyone feels like buying me a coffee: Ko-fi.com/hunter931)

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