
Chapter 2 : Nen Principles

I also remember reading the manga of Hunter X Hunter and their 2011 anime was excellent. The 4 major principle of Nen are Ten, Zatsu, Ren and Hatsu. I remember at the institute my aura nodes were forcefully opened by an influx of aura , yes i remember the trainer calling it initiation. But isn't it a dangerous way of opening our aura nodes because its a quick method and also dangerous its frowned upon by nen teachers. If unexperienced nen instructors or malicious ones use this method the student is put in absolute harms way.

Forget that now let me remember the basic ones Ten. Once a person has opened their aura nodes, they must learn to keep their aura from leaking away from their body. Ten is the process of keeping the nodes open, but also having aura flow through and around the body rather than away from it. Once maintained, it creates a shroud around the user that feels similar to standing in a lukewarm, viscous fluid. Ten maintains youthful vigor and reduces one's aging, since the energy powering the body no longer leaks away. One can then keep the body from breaking down and deter the aging process. Ten is the most basic defense against emotional Nen attacks, and it also offers limited protection against physical attacks but hardly any when said attacks are enhanced with aura.Through frequent meditation and practice, one can improve the quality of their Ten and even maintain it in their sleep. Once it has been learned, it will never be forgotten, much like cycling and swimming.Despite being the most elementary technique of all, Ten is also one of the most important, since, together with Ren, it plays an instrumental role in determining the strength and smoothness of a Nen user's aura flow.

Next is Zetsu stops the flow of aura from their body altogether. By closing all of their aura nodes, the user is able to halt all outflow of their aura like water from a valve, making their presence much harder or even impossible to sense. Zetsu can also be used to relieve fatigue, since it forces the body's external layer of aura to be fully contained within.For the same reason, it can be dangerous due to it leaving the body defenseless against any aura attack. Even a weak attack enhanced with Nen can do massive damage.

Ren focuses on outputting a larger amount of aura than Ten, projecting it outwards explosively. This amplifies the user's physical strength and durability and provides a large pool of aura for any advanced techniques or individual skills they decide to use, albeit at the cost of expending said aura. One can train their Ren to extend its duration and increase the amount of aura at their disposal. It is said to take one month to prolong one's Ren outside of combat by 10 minutes. If Ten is considered purely defensive, Ren can be regarded as its offensive counterpart, although it also grants the user vastly enhanced defensive abilities. With the right timing, Ten can be used to contain the aura produced by Ren.

Hatsu is one's personal expression of Nen. Its qualities are influenced by but not restricted to the Nen user's natural Nen category, one of the six available. Hatsu is used to project one's aura to carry out a certain function, creating a special and unique paranormal ability that is colloquially referred to as a Nen ability.

Yes i need to do a water divination to find what category of nen i fall under.There are six types of aura; every individual is born having one of these six different aura types. Upon learning one's own aura type, a student of Nen can set about learning to apply the technique in a unique way that suits their personality, which can develop into a unique skill.

Looking around the hotel room i found a glass and filled it completely with water and found a leaf placed it on top. I started using the aura around the glass and waited patiently to see what will happen. The glass along with the water burst like a small tiny blast and glass was destroyed. Looks like i am a specialist.

Suddenly something on my right hand specifically on my fingers and wrist a glove appeared in black color. I was stunned by what happened and the glove started changing color from black to transparent. It's like nobody can see i am wearing a glove including me but i can feel that my hand is wearing a glove. Is this my golden finger or my what others would say advantage after being transmigrated ?

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