
Chapter 29.9 - Banquet


Amid the chaos and battle in the banquet hall, the six youngsters fought bravely. It was not because the security of the Blackthorn's were lacking.

It was because the six disliked the idea of watching while a battle was unfolding before their eyes. Each of them had their own pride, and they refused to become a liability.

Being a member of high-ranking families came with talent, but it also brought the ego of their own.

"This is four." And it soon turned into a competition on its own.


As another clash of weapons echoed, the young man with blue hair pushed back.

"Hey, Ethan. Are you okay?" "Julia shouted over the clash of steel of her own as she looked at her friend.


Ethan parried an incoming blow and responded, "Huk! I am fine."

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