
Humanity Unchained

Getting another chance at life, Shiras travels back in time in the Wizarding World and helps shape the world a bit, while also keeping to himself. As the Ultimate Human, he will learn and progress and maybe even create his own school. He will travel through the Omniverse and prove to everyone, the potential and power of humanity. This is a multiverse and Essence fanfic. World to visit: - Harry Potter - One Piece - Black Clover - Bleach - Star Wars - Invincible - Marvel - (ASOIAF) - (Warhammer 40k)

Vincent_0580 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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39 Chs

Aquila School of Magic II

(Sandrine POV)

The two Pegasi start to run and after a moment I feel that we are rising into the air. The carriage is perfectly still and there was no bumping. I look out the window and see the ground passing by quickly. I can't believe what I'm seeing right now. Inside the carriage, there are very comfortable seats. It's like a very good sofa with cushions and even some refreshing beverages. 

"Hello, my name is Gordon.", a boy says next to me. I shake his hand and smile. 

"Very nice to meet you, Gordon. I'm Sandrine.", I tell him.

"So, are you excited? For the school I mean. I heard a few things from my parents, but not much. I still can't believe that magic is real.", he says. I can tell he comes from a wealthier background than me. His clothes speak of money, but I don't care about that ... at least that's what the Emperor told us when he came. I can't help but trust his words blindly. If he says something, it has to be true.

"I am very excited, yes. But I'm also nervous since I don't know anything about the school or magic.", I say honestly. 

"Really? Well, I hope that it will be at least clean and that the food will be good. I can't deal with bad food, I tell you. My parents said that, if the school wasn't good, I should call them. You see they gifted me with the Telephone-Book. The one where you can call someone from afar and even across dimensions ... yeah that one. We have enough money that's why. So when the representative came to us and told us about the school, we were of course happy but also sceptical. The man just wouldn't tell us how the school was and what we would learn but when he showed us some magic, we thought that it would be for the best that we at least give it a chance. We had a high-ranking official come to our house, that day, who came to you?", he says finally. He didn't breathe while saying all that. 

"Well, it was ... the Emperor came to our home that day. I thought... that was ... normal?"

"WHAT?! The Emperor came to you?! Don't lie!! There is no way that the Emperor would do that for-"

"Ah but it is, Mr. Friedrichson. The Emperor was the one who told Family Chastain about magic and Aquila personally. He does that only for a few.", it was Robert who said that from the side. I could see his small smile. Like he knew something I didn't.

"Are you serious? You actually met the Emperor? And he came to your house?! That tiny and ug-"

"Mr. Friedrichson. I would suggest you find value in humility. There is only one man who has the right to be arrogant in this world. So when he isn't arrogant, then you have even less reason to be. Please remember that, for in front of the Emperor, we are all equal.", Robert says meaningfully. I can tell he means something by this, but I can't say what it is. 

"I-I understand.", Gordon says and then stays quiet. I turn towards Robert and ask him.

"Mr. Robert, could you tell us something about Aquila?"

"Hm, I am not supposed to say much, since it will be a surprise. What I can tell you though, is that it will be the single most amazing experience in your life. There will never be another school like Aquila School of Magic. If you are smart, you will try to learn as much as you can. But a word of caution. It is not unheard of that students to be expelled. No matter the year or the station your family has, you are equal in Aquila."


After that, I sat there quietly and drank some tea. The journey in the carriage didn't take that long. 30 minutes later we arrived at a big castle that had a small waterfall in the front that led into a river. I was in awe when I saw this. I had never seen something like this. I saw more Pegasi with carriages in the sky that were also landing. 


I got out of the carriage and looked around. There were more children all my age, also looking around in wonder and awe. It was truly special. 

"Alright everyone, please this way. We have to register you. If you aren't registered, the barrier will kill you. So please make sure that you indeed got an invitation. If you are an imposter or someone acting as the person who got the invitation, then please stop here. Because if you are, you will die.", Robert says to all the children and that makes me anxious. We can die here? What does this mean? What is happening? Am I in danger?

"Remain calm. If you got an invitation, then you are fine. This is for those who are imposters. They will undoubtedly die. This is for your safety. Now come!", Robert says and leads us to the entrance of the caste. At the entrance, two guards stand there with their weapons and shields. They have a powerful aura about them. It is breathtaking. 


I don't understand why he said something like that. It seems weird to say this if you want to catch someone, no? Or are they saying that no matter what, spies will die? Or is it simply a statement of power? That would make more sense. Papa says that appearances matter and that some battles can be won without having to fight. So this might be a demonstration of power then.

We walk into the big castle. I see all of the beauty and the expensive metals. I wonder how the Emperor made all of that money. He truly is a powerful man. He is the reason why Papa has enough money to feed the whole family and Maman can stay at home if she wants. The pay is very good in all of Cadia, says Papa. I am grateful. 

As we follow Robert, I suddenly feel us passing through a barrier. After passing through it, the view changes and we stand on a balcony overseeing the vast greenery and the river. There I see a giant sailing yacht. The biggest I have ever seen. I can't imagine how this got here. I didn't see it when we were flying through the sky. Robert leads us down the balcony and towards the small pier where the giant yacht is located. 

"Now everyone, welcome to a new dimension. Everything you see here is already the school grounds. You are no longer in the same dimension as your family. Some of you might feel it already, the magic in the air and the entire dimension, is much more concentrated than outside. This is thanks to His Majesty, the Emperor and the massive amounts of magic he possesses. You are here one year before your magical maturity begins, to saturate your bodies with magic and increase the potential you wield in the future. So take this seriously and be thankful, for this is unique in the entire world."

I listen attentively. He is correct, I can also feel the purity in the air and the high vitality of everything around me. I didn't think this was magic. And this is the Emperor's doing? Unbelievable. 

"Now, you will reach the place, where you will sleep by sailing on the boat."

"Excuse me?", someone asks. 


"But where is the school? Are we not going to be brought to the school?", the boy asks. I am also interested to know this but didn't have the courage to ask. Robert smiles when he hears this.

"I was told that someone might ask this. What makes you think ... that you aren't already in the school?", Robert asks and this confuses us.

"What do you mean?", the boy asks again. Robert waves his hand around.

"All of this ... is already Aquila. Everything you see here is the school grounds. The school of magic is not just a structure as you know it, it is much more than that. You will have to open your minds and forget what you thought was possible before. Now come, we still have a long way to go.", Robert says and boards the ship.


After boarding the yacht, Robert showed us the possible rooms we could occupy for the duration of the ride. The rooms were ... I didn't have any words to describe them. They were so big and there was even something called a 'television' or 'TV'. I have never seen something like this. The beds were so comfortable, the view was so nice, and the food and drinks were heavenly. I thought I was in heaven. I couldn't imagine what I had deserved something like this. 


I sat together with the other children. We started to talk and it was an amazing experience. There were also rooms for older students or the younger ones in the future. I met a few girls who were also not from such a high-standing background as Gordon was. Everyone in Cadia was well off. Especially compared to the other countries and kingdoms of the world. I started to like it here. Everything was amazing and so comfortable. After a few hours, we arrived somewhere special. Robert told us where we were. 

"What we see in front of us, is the Cave of Wonder. This is where you will receive most of your lessons and also sleep. And the most important thing ...", Robert says as the yacht enters the cave and we finally see ... a giant tree.

"... the Tree of Knowledge. This is the second-largest library in the entire world. There is almost nothing in this world, that you won't find a book about in the library of Aquila. The Emperor values knowledge a lot. You should take this opportunity to profit from this chance and read as much as you can."


I ... had no words. 

This was ... unbelievable. I had never ever seen a tree this big. And the entire school, which seemed as big as multiple castles, fits inside. I will need to lie down after this. This day has shocked me too many times. Maman, Papa and Bruno will never believe me when I tell them about this. And it is a library? How incredible is this? Robert told us that there were many different magical creatures living in the Cave of Wonder and the entire school grounds. I want to see all of them. 

The sailing yacht stops and Robert leads us off. A small but beautiful path leads up the big rock. I don't get out of amazement. Everything is wonderful and ... magical. Yes, that is the best world for it. Robert leads us to a door and opens it for us. Next to the door, stand two tall men in grey and golden armour, holding giant war axes.


"This is it, everyone. After you step in here, you will officially start your journey as a young wizard or a young witch. Make sure to learn as much as you can. I wish you all good luck.", Robert says to us. One after the other, we enter the tower or the building. I say goodbye to Robert and then enter as well. What I see, is a circular room that seems to rise up without limits. There are countless shelves all around us and it looks like ...

"Are those books?"

"Books? You think those are grimoires?", someone asks excitedly. 

"Why would those be books here? We haven't even arrived fully."

In the next moment, someone steps onto the podium. As soon as he does, the entire room is filled with his presence. I recognize him immediately. He has come to our house once. Next to him walk two even taller men with pure golden armour. They hold two spear-like weapons and I have to say, they are intimidating. Looking at them and those red eyes ... *Shiver*


"The Emperor!!!"

"Greetings young ones and welcome ... to the Wand Tower."


Another one. I hope you enjoy it.