
HP: The Secret Heir.

I get transported into the world of Harry Potter I am going to become the most powerful and influential wizard of the time.

confused4you · Phim ảnh
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59 Chs

Ch.51 A good deal?

Before you guys read, I need to do a little explanation. So the Delacour have deducted some of the information on his own my hearing whispers. He could have read the mccs mind but didn't expecting that he already had some sort of protection and i know it doesn't make sense but i need that little convenience for him.

He will need to learn occulomency after this and yes it will be a little infuriating but the Mc would still be in the win.


The evening sky in Paris was wonderful. I have been noting it for quite a few days but have been ignoring it. But now that I am stuck in the air with nothing to do… I can see the beauty in it. I was sitting in a carriage, which was being pulled by some Pegasus'. The Delacour family sent the carriage to pick me up.

It's easy to say that the Delacour's have some fancy taste, this is coming from me. The carriage was white and in touch had a very solid yet hollow feel to it. I wondered what they made it out of. The seats were a velvet red and were soft. It felt like I was sitting on a cloud and the whole carriage had gold work all over it. They sure know how to make an impression.

I was on my way to meet Monsieur Delacour. He set the appointment for 4 in the evening, so I had plenty of time to spare. I visited the museum, the art galleries with the group, but soon it was time for me to leave. Daph and Coco were not that happy that I had to go, but I promised them I would be back soon.

After travelling for what seemed like an hour, we arrived at the Delacour Estate. I saw the Estate, and it was huge. It was larger compared to the Greengrass mansion and my home combined. The Mansion was huge and made of marble on first look. The carriage landed on the inside, and the coachman came and opened the door for me.

I stepped out of the carriage and I saw a house elf in rags in front of me, he had an aged face and looked quite tired, yet he still smiled and said, "Welcome esteemed guest. Master has chosen me to escort you into the mansion." 

I smiled and nodded and we started to walk, we were going through a darden and I saw many kinds of herbs and magical flowers, some of which I couldn't recognise, which made me a little excited. We reached the large wooden door as we got closer the door opened by itself. We walked into the house and I saw the floors, the walls, everything was made of marble and red wood

The hall was decorated with flowers and there were antiques littered throughout the room. The elf said, "Master is waiting for you in his study." I looked at him and followed him, we walked deeper into the mansion and unlike my home this place had portraits upon portraits all of which were drilling holes in the back of my skull.

We reached the end of the hall in the right wing and he stopped and opened the door and stepped aside and bowed a little. I walked inside and the room was a very typical study, the walls were not white as I had presumed. Instead it had wooden panel walls, a large fireplace along with some small bookshelves. It was more of a lounge room than a reading room.

I saw him, he was standing in front of the window and as I walked in he turned around and he smiled and said with a little accent, "Welcome Mr. House. Welcome to my humble abroad… it's a pleasure to meet you." He walked towards me.

I smiled and bobbed my head and walked towards him and said, "Pleasure is all mine… Mr. Delacour." We were standing in front of each other and I offered him a hand and he shook it and we both sat down on the sofas.

He was pouring some tea and asked, "How many sugars do you take?"

I said, "1 is fine."

He smiled and said, "Ah, nice to be so health conscious." He put one teaspoon of sugar and gave me the cup. He looked at me and said, "Feel free to check it." 

I chuckled and said, "Nonsense you have so graciously opened your home for me, for me to assume that you have some vile agenda would be preposterous."

He looked at me and then I laughed and he did too. I took a sip and it was fine as I expected. I hummed and said, "It's quite delicious."

He smiled and said, "I am happy that you like it."

I took another sip and he asked, "Have you been enjoying Paris so far?"

I smiled and said, "Yes, I have… the whole city has been more than welcoming to me and my friends."

He smiled and asked, "I heard that you were here to visit something called "DisneyLand" How is it?"

I smiled and  said, "I it is quite the place, but it would be a little hard to describe it in words, you would need to experience it to fully understand it." How is it that he knows about that, he knows too much but how?

I smiled and put down my cup and asked him, "You wrote in the letter that you think of me as a friend, yet I am quite sure I have never met you."

He chuckled and said, "No need to worry Mr. House. I am a friend of Florian and Thomas both have asked me to keep an eye out for you and your friends. That's all."

I smiled and said, "That is quite nice of you still I don't see how that would get me an invitation to meet you?"

He smiled and said, "You are smart as they both say." He put his cup down and he said, "I would like to buy that radio technology that you guys have developed."

I wanted to curse out and I smiled and said, "I am afraid to make any business deal you will need to contact Mr Greengrass."

He smiled and leaned back and said, "I already know about you Jonathan, you are the son-in-law of Florian and Thomas. You are not just a kid that you make it out to be."

I dropped all pretence and asked him, "Who told you that?"

He chuckled and said, "It doesn't matter who told me, what matters is that I know. So rather than wasting our time, I would like to make a deal with you."

He sighed and said, "You sell us the technology, the equipment needed and we would give you with money and you would also get royalties on every product that uses such wavelengths. What do you say?"

I didn't have much choice to begin with and he is offering a good bargain. I nodded and I said, "I agree to the deal, but I would still need time to draw up the necessary paperwork." I got up and I said, "Someone on our side will contact you within a few days regarding the deal." 

He got up smiling and chuckled and said, "Don't be so sour kid, it's a good deal."

I sighed and turned around and he said, "I would ask you to stay for dinner but it looks like you would rather leave, have  a safe trip. It was a pleasure doing business with you Mr. House."

I turned back and I smiled and said, "We are partners now, meetings like these would be a common occurrence from now on." I turned around and said, "See you soon Mr. Delacour."

I was walking out of the door and cotton came out of the sleeve and said, "You seem angry father. Should I take care of him?"

I smiled and said, "That won't be necessary, I'll take care of him."


 I was dropped off at the hotel and I went to my room. I was pissed… this piece of shit strongly arming  me into a deal. But he doesn't know I still hold most of the advantage, he wants to do business with me right? I'll show how it will end for him.

I walked into my room and I saw Coco sitting on my bed watching tv. She saw me coming and got up to greet me but she saw the expression on my face and she asked, "What happened?"

I exhaled and touched her shoulders and said, "I am fine, I am just tired."

She looked at me and touched my face and asked, "Is everything alright?"

I smiled and touched her hand and said, "I am fine, just a little tired from the trip."

She bobbed her head and smiled and said, "Alright then, take a shower and relax, i'll order the food. I'm starving already."

I chuckled and nodded and walked into the bathroom, I took a cold shower after that I had a nice dinner with Coco while watching a movie and then we slept. I calmed down a little after my time with Coco.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter. The Paris arc is coming to an end now and the meeting with Grindelwald is on its way.