
HP: Partners?

Harry wakes up after the events at the DOM finding a semi-repentant Bellatrix LeStrange staring into his eyes. By:-ReluctantSidekick Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its character. The rights belong to the respective owner.

ChaoticPlayer · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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20 Chs

Chapter 12: Curses

As they made preparations to leave the vault Harry picked up the papers, Bellatrix could probably tell me somethings about this as well, that way I know if Narcissa is less than honest with me.

Rodolphus LeStrange knew his place in the world. He was a Death Eater, a proud servant of Lord Voldemorte. He had wife, she might not have came to him willingly, but the good lady Walburga Black had taken care of that. Bellatrix had been the perfect wife for him; utterly submissive to his wishes. Now though he had to ask himself what had changed. He had received a message from Gringotts through his usual proxy. They had taken everything, every property, every business. All of his gold had been taken and moved into another vault. The worst part was the cup, his master had entrusted it to Bellatrix and she had placed it in the vault for safekeeping. That cup, the letter had told him, had been cleansed of dark magic and was on its way back to Hogwarts. That brought him to where he stood now.

Well 'stood' wasn't quite accurate, he was levitating above a table in the basement of Malfoy Manor. His entire body was on fire from repeated use of the cruciatus curse by his master.

"This message means that dearest Bellatrix has slipped out of your grasp. Worse still one of my treasures has been taken from me." Voldemorte closed the distance, his red eyes looking into the terrified blue eyes of LeStrange, "You have failed me, but I am a generous Lord. I will allow you a chance, a single chance, you will find Bellatrix and bring her back here. She has most likely begged for asylum. That fool Dumbledore is behind this. Get moving!" The spell holding Rodolphus up was cut and he fell hard onto the table and then the floor. He stood and with a quick "Yes my Lord." apparated away.

Voldemorte looked to the other Death Eater in the room.

"Severus, you will keep an eye out for Bellatrix as well. If she has joined Dumbledore you will have a better chance of finding her. Rodolphus is an imbecile, but he may get lucky. Keep an eye open when you are among that order, if there is a new member, or even a whisper that there is new inside information, find its source and bring that source to me."

"Yes, my Lord, it shall be as you say." Voldemorte waved his hand, allowing Severus to leave his presence. The loss of that cup was devastating. Another part of his soul was gone now. His Death Eaters were stretched too thin at the moment to do much more than act as informants for now.

Harry had completed his meeting with Griphook. Under the new scheme his holdings would do well. He wasn't the richest person in the wizarding world, but he was wealthy enough that he could keep himself and whatever family he ended up having comfortable. His thoughts moved to Bellatrix then, I don't love her, do I? I've never really had a family, the Dursleys don't count, they treat me like a bad smell whenever I'm with them. The Weasley's love me, but I'm not Harry Weasley, I'm the last Potter now..maybe I'm just afraid of being alone my entire life.

Harry was lost in his thoughts and didn't notice that he had nearly walked into Professor Dumbledore until he saw the bright purple of the robes. "I'm sorry sir, I wasn't thinking.."

"Quite alright my boy, I was hoping we'd have a chance to talk. I need to apologize to you and this would be the best opportunity to do so."

"Apologize?" Harry knew this had to be about his account, but he wanted to see what the professor was going to do first.

"Yes, I have been treating you like a child, rather than the young man you are. I am aware that you know I had been receiving your statements in lieu of sending them to you. I did not wish the Dursleys to find out how much you had in your coffers."

That took Harry back a bit, he'd been used for so long that he had expected Dumbledore to want the ability to use his vault like a private piggy bank. "I think I understand your reasoning sir, but couldn't you have told me once I came to Hogwarts."

"Perhaps, but again, I worried that you had too much on your plate already. That said, I would like to offer my congratulations to the new Lord Potter-Black. When you arrive back at Hogwarts we will need to meet to discuss your new title and the rights, privileges, and responsibilities it will mean to you. Until then, enjoy the rest of your summer." With that Harry was left alone. He wasn't sure if he could fully trust Albus Dumbledore, but until he could figure out what to do, he would at least pretend that he did. With that he made his way to the door and left, setting out for the Leaky Cauldron to use the public floo there.

Rodolphus LeStrange arrived in Diagon Alley shortly after Harry left. He was under a glamour so that no one would see a convicted Death Eater in their midst. Narcissa Malfoy was coming out Gringotts. She had went to the reading of her cousins will. He came up to her, his voice quiet,

"Mrs Malfoy, I must speak with you."

Narcissa looked to him, at first she looked bored, then she recognized the wizard, Rodolphus used this glamour whenever he had to go out during the day.

"Not here, come with me." She led him to a corner away from the main street, "What do you want LeStrange?"

"Shh! Don't call me that, was my wife there?"

"Bellatrix? I didn't see her, why?"

"That bitch took everything out of our vault and moved it to another one. She's hiding from our master, won't answer summons no matter how much magic he pours into the Mark."

"I haven't seen her, if she's left then she is most likely dead now."

"If she's dead the money would've went to her next of kin." That was Narcissa, Rodolphus slammed her against the wall now, his wand at her throat.

"Do you have my money Narcissa?"

"Let go of me or I will scream for help. You'll never get out of the alley in time. I don't have your damned money LeStrange." She was terrified, but her upbringing kept her voice steady. "I haven't gotten anything from my sister. Sirius only left me one knut and a box of books that I already owned. If I'd suddenly gotten richer, I promise you I would look happier about it." Rodolphus released her then, but kept his wand in his hand. "If you hear anything from my wife, you will inform me. I don't care if its finding her in a ditch dead, I want that money. If I think you've been lying to me, I will make your family much smaller than the three people it is now. Do you understand me?"

Narcissa shuddered imperceptibly and she nodded then started back away from the man. She went into a nearby cafe and ordered a cup of tea. I have to think of something, Rodolphus is as crazy as Bellatrix, he'll kill me if he thinks I have his money, or that I'm hiding Bellatrix from him...I have to get away from this. When her tea arrived she drank it quickly, she had a decision to make. She needed to get away from Voldemorte and the hold he has on her family. Lucius wouldn't dare stop his master from hurting her, she wondered for a moment if Draco would even miss her if she was killed. She looked down as she thought about her place in the world.