
HP: Dark Lord Potter

Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts, Dumbledore expects a heroic Gryffindor, he get a Slytherin instead. Multi-Harry, harem, select Weasley bashing, Hermione bashing. OP Harry, dark Harry. I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine

0DarkWolf0 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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17 Chs

Chapter 9

Psst!" A voice hissed, Harry stopped though he knew exactly who the voice belonged to.

"I must say Tonks." Harry said "We really should stop meeting like this, it's really..." Harry didn't get to finish speaking before he found himself grabbed by the collar and pulled into an abandoned classroom. Tonks closed the door and waved her wand several times to insure they would have privacy. She then turned to look at Harry and nearly jumped in shock when she saw that he was sitting on the opposite side of the room on top of the teachers desk which was strange as it only took her about five seconds to perform her spells and she was pretty sure he was still in her hand when she was doing so.

'Screw it' She thought as she didn't currently have the desire to think about it. Tonks walked over to the desk and placed her hands on either side of where Harry was sitting, she gave him a stern expression yet he still smiled at her. She was beginning to get annoyed at how amused he looked.

"You look so cute when you're angry" Harry said, still smiling.

"Stop that." She said immediately.

"Stop what?"

"Whatever it is you're doing to me, I want to know why."

"I've told you why. I want you."

"You want me?" She repeated, at this point she wasn't sure if he knew what sort of effect his words were having on her. Though she thought that he probably did.

"Yes" Harry repeated. "I want you, not the metamorphamgus, not the relative of the Black family and not even the prefect. I want you, Nymphadora Tonks."

"What are you doing to me?" She asked, her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Nothing harmful." Harry promised as he leaned closer to her. "I am freeing you.,"

"Freeing me?"

"Tonks this world stinks and you know it. People suffer because of their blood, but let's skip over that and talk about us. I am the boy-who-lived, doesn't matter if I like it but I am. So as far as everyone else is concerned I am their property to do with what they wish. I am a public attraction for them all, they don't care for me. Look at you, Metamorphamgus, a very rare ability. To everyone else you're just an exotic sex toy or a way to be entertained. I am freeing you so this world can no longer harm you. You won't have to worry about being who they want you to be. I can make you free."

"Make me into what?" Tonks asked, hanging on to his every world.

"Part of a better world." Harry said. "You know what, let's save this conversation for another time. I can pitch it to you later. Let's discuss you and me. You want this, I want this, what's the problem?"

"Well...I'm older" Tonks said.

"I'm more mature"

"Hey, that's not true."

"I'm not the one who has made their hair the brightest shade of pink possible" Harry countered.

"...fair point...but what if people find out?"

"It'd be none of their damn business but they don't have to find out."

"But if people see me with you..."

"They don't have to." Harry interrupted her, he stood up as he got off the desk, causing Tonks to take a step back. "Metamorphamgus remember?" Harry's body grew up until he was now an inch taller than Tonks.

She gulped as she saw him standing in front of him, he looked handsome before but now he looked god-like. His eyes seemed more powerful as they looked down on her.

"I can be someone else in front of your friends if you want" Harry offered. "I can grow and then change my hair if that makes you feel better. Would that make you feel better?"

"I...uh...yes, I mean no." Tonks quickly shook her head. "I mean...you look good but I can't ask you to do that for me. I mean I've got enough people asking me to change for them, I'd look like a hypocrite if I asked you to do the same."

"And that's why you're different from others Tonks." Harry gave her a wide smile. "Most people in your position would have said yes, you are special Tonks, never let anyone tell you otherwise." Harry said as he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her in close.

Tonks gulped as she felt him pull her close, his head lowered so his lips could meet her own. Their lips met together in a gentle kiss, Tonk's couldn't help but place her hands around his neck. The kiss deepened with Tonk's hands running through Harry's hair. They had eventually moved into snogging and kept at it for a while, Harry's hands went lower then than Tonk's waist and squeezed, Tonk's didn't get much of a chance to react to it as a second later she found herself lifted into the air and placed on the desk.

"H...Harry" she broke off the kiss, Harry continued and decided to start kissing her jaw and neck instead. "W...wait...what about..." Tonks was cut off as Harry stopped kissing her and looked her directly in the eyes.

"Do you want this?" He asked, his eyes shining as his voice was filled with power.

"W...what?" She blinked.

"Do...you..want this?" He repeated.

"Um...yeah...yeah, I do."

"Then screw what everyone else thinks and fucking kiss me now." Harry ordered.

Tonks wasn't sure if it was the power in his voice, his eyes or just his commanding presence or even the fact that she wanted to, but a second later she smashed her lips against his as her hands wrapped around his neck while her legs wrapped around his waist. Harry's right hand slid along her thigh while his left hand held her by the waist. Their lower halves began grinding against each other.

"Take your clothes off." Tonks whispered in-between kissing.

"If that's what you want." Harry grinned.

An hour later a very happy Harry and exhausted but happy Tonks left the classroom. Harry had changed back into his regular form.

"That...was brilliant" Tonks breathed out.

"It was" Harry agreed.

"Tonks, Mr Potter" A voice said and both turned to see Professor Sprout, the Herbology teacher and Tonk's head of house. "What are you two doing?" Tonks froze, she was about to come up with an excuse when Harry beat her to it.

"Prefect Tonks was helping me Professor" Harry said to her, innocent practically plastered onto his face. "I was exploring the castle when I met her and she's offered to show me the way back to great hall."

"Oh" Professor Sprout smiled at Tonks. "Well done Tonks, I'm glad to see that you're taking your duties seriously, ten points to Hufflepuff. And...oh, why do you look so tired?"

"Oh, I was practising some seventh year spells, I was walking to the bathroom to go and freshen up when I found Harry." Tonks lied flawlessly.

"Oh, well take it easy dear," Sprout said in a caring manner "you don't want to burn yourself out and in the future I'd prefer it if you have someone older with you to help you practise. Another seventh year or a teacher, understood?"

"Yes ma'am" Tonks grinned with a mock salute.

"Well I'll be off." Sprout smiled "I'll see you both later." Sprout added as she walked off.

"You're a good liar" Harry said to Tonks.

"You're not bad yourself." She grinned.

"You know, I think this is the start of a beautiful relationship."


Harry and the other Slytherin first years were currently walking towards their next class. Harry was at the front, with Isabella on his right and her arms wrapped around his right arm while Daphne was standing on his left and Tracy stood on her left. The other Slytherin's walked behind them.

"Ah, what's this?" Harry said as he stopped and the other's stopped as well. A cat was stood in front of them.

"Is that the professor?" Tracy asked.

"No, she's smaller and a different shade in her cat form" Daphne replied "plus this cat has more fur."

"Hello" Harry said as he knelt down and began petting. "May I ask what you are doing here?"

"Uh...that's a cat" Draco pointed out.

"I do have eyes Malfoy" Harry responded.

"I think he means why are you talking to the cat, and while we're on that topic, why are you talking to the cat?" Nott responded.

"Oi" A rough voice said and they all saw Argus Filch, the school caretaker, walking towards them.

"What are you lot doing to Mrs Norris?!" He demanded.

"Mrs Norris?" Malfoy asked, confusion evident on his face.

"I believe he is referring to this cat" Harry said dryly to Malfoy before turning to Filch. "I assume this is your cat."

"Yeah, she is" Filch nodded "and I..."

"She's very beautiful" Harry said, surprising Filch.

"Uh...yeah, she is" Filch agreed.

"Is there a Mr Norris?" Harry asked.

"Dead" Filch answered.

"My condolences" Harry said sympathetically. "What do you plan to do about her fur?" He asked.

"Her fur?" Filch blinked in surprise and confusion.

"Yes, take a close look" Harry gestured to some patches on her fur. "That's not good for her, it can make her itchy and damage her skin."

"What?!" Filch got to his knees and quickly looked at the patches.

"It's easily treatable though." Harry said as he pulled out a parchment and a pen, he wrote something on the parchment and handed it to Filch. "There, just owl order that and she should be fine."

"T...thank you" Filch said as he looked at Harry like he wasn't sure if he was real.

"Not a problem sir, now if you don't mind then I am going to go to class with my friends."

"Uh...right, of course" Filch nodded just as Harry stood up and walked off, the other Slytherin's walked after him.

"I don't know why you were being so kind to him." Malfoy said once they were out of ear shot. "I've heard from father that he is just a squib."

"And that matters?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well..." Draco paused, he wasn't sure if he had just made a mistake so decided to be cautious with his next words "it's just why waste your time on a squib when there are so many wizards and witches?"

"An obedient kitten is better than a wild cat." Harry said. "It doesn't matter, as far as I'm concerned everyone is weaker than me. Besides, do you know where Voldemort and Dumbledore have gone wrong?"


"They both made more enemies than they can handle." Harry answered. "Dumbledore has Voldemort, everyone on Voldemort's side, plus everyone who believes that he isn't capable of doing what needs to be done. Voldemort would have had everyone who is not pureblood but he was smart enough to bring in werewolves and the like, making them enemies of Dumbledore as Voldemort has done more for them than Dumbledore has."

"What does that have to do with the squib?" Pansy Parkinson asked.

"Very simple, a weak ally is better than a weak enemy." Harry replied. "The caretaker may be a squib but he still holds a very important position in this school, it's better to be on his good side than on his bad."

"True" Draco nodded "but I still don't think squibs like him should be allowed."

"Ah, perhaps I should remove him Draco, would that please you?" Harry asked Draco.

"Uh...yes my lord," Draco smiled "that would."

"Perhaps I should remove all of the muggleborn and squibs from Hogwarts's, would you like that? I can do it if you want."

"Uh...yes my lord, I would."

"Hmm, and once I'm done I'll need a new caretaker, how about you Draco?" Harry asked with a smile, mirrored by Isabella.

"Wait what?" Draco blurted out.

"Well if we have no squibs and muggleborns then it'll be up to the purebloods to pick up the slack" Isabella grinned, immediately understanding what Harry was saying.

"Excellent" Harry smirked and kissed Isabella on the lips "you understand perfectly don't you?"

"Understand what?" Nott asked.

"Oh Merlin" Tracy and Daphne sighed at the same time.

"He's saying that without the squibs and muggleborns doing those jobs then we purebloods would have to." Parkinson explained.

"Excellent Parkinson" Harry grinned at her, causing the girl to blush. He then turned to Draco. "Would you be willing to take the squib's job?"

"Uh...no" Draco shook his head, he had never done any cleaning in his life.

"And have you considered what no muggleborns would mean for Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

"Huh?" Draco looked even more confused.

"How are you related to him?" Harry asked Isabella.

"I took all the good stuff." She shrugged.

"Ah" Harry nodded in understanding, he then turned to Draco. "Hogwarts is a private school and functions by having the wizards and witches attending pay for it, are you with me so far?" Draco nodded. "Well at least half of Hogwarts is filled with muggleborns, if they're all gone then that means that Hogwarts's loses a lot of money. To counter that they'll have to either go out of business or charge the purebloods even more. The same would happen with all sorts of businesses if Britain lost all of it's muggleborns and squibs, everything from Gringotts services to simple potion supplies.

Speaking of Gringotts, the goblins will have to produce more money due to how much is needed which would mean that the value of said money will change and...you know what I don't have the effort nor time to explain this. Long story short, it would ruin the country Draco."

"I didn't think about that" Draco gulped.

"And that's why you are not my right hand." Harry responded, Isabella smiled happily at his answer while giving her brother a smug look. "The problem that you all possess is that you're too simple. You're parents are blinded by their desires for pureblood supremacy and they've done the same to you. It's all you think about, even to the point where you forget that my mother was a muggleborn." Harry stopped and turned to look at Draco who gulped. "Tell me, are both of your parents pureblood?"

"Uh...yes" Draco said, though it sounded like he wasn't sure.

"Well my mother was a muggleborn and I am capable of obliterating all of you." Harry said, a hint of warning his voice that they all caught. "Grow up, all of you, I will not waste my time babysitting a bunch of babies who can't even tell between reality and what they wish to be true."

"S...sorry my lord, I..."

"Will get better." Harry interrupted as he looked at Malfoy. "A new world is coming Malfoy, you're spot in it isn't secure yet. Now come on, I m not being late to class." Harry walked off with everyone following behind him, including Malfoy who barely noticed the fact that the other Slytherin's were now walking ahead of him.


"Now girls" Harry said as he brought Daphne, Tracy and Isabella into his room. "I mentioned training you before, you should recall me telling you about me getting you a teacher." The girls nodded in the affirmative. "Well she's here." Harry gestured to his right, the girls all turned their head to see the new arrival.

It was a woman with a curvy body, her clothes possessed a gothic style, she walked with the grace of a predator. Her eyes were as black as her curly hair.

"Ladies" Harry grinned as the woman arrived at his side and placed her hands on his shoulder "meet your new teacher, Bellatrix Lestrange."