
HP: Bruno in Dumblegame

[Word Count: 42.76K] Meet Bruno Green, the bloke who's got the inside scoop on all things Harry Potter. He's just transmigrated right back into the thick of it, returning to his original eleventh-year body in that wizarding world, without any actual memories of his previous life. What a return, huh? Now, brace yourselves for some serious butterfly effects as the story kicks off, starting in the blazing summer before Harry's first year at Hogwarts. There'll be a new prophecy around, one that's got Bruno on a collision course with Dumbledore, while Harry's gearing up for his showdown with Voldemort. So, expect the unexpected and enjoy the journey! General Approach & Style: I'm crafting a narrative that remains as true to canon as a Hippogriff, but with a distinct twist — it might start with a leisurely pace, embracing the slice of life element, and as we progress, the tempo accelerates, with a primary focus on adventures that'll warm your heart. However, there's an epic journey waiting in the shadows, concealed by a mysterious prophecy. Well, looks like I'll be accidentally cooking up some suspense and tossing in a sprinkle of action here and there (in chapter six). Before that we have heartwarming dramatic moments, a sprinkle of humor, exploration of familial bonds, and the joyful chaos of friendship. Plus, yes, there'll be hints for the gradual development of a romantic subplot, and a promise of smut to add some spice when the time is right. Alright, folks, let's set the record straight from the get-go. Don't go expectin' a load of smut right outta the gate. We're talkin' first-grade students here, and as our dear Bruno once wisely put it: 'I'll give it a shot... But come on... They're just a bunch of kids...' Hah. As for calling my fic a comedy, well, maybe some of the goblins might not catch the drift, but it's all in good fun for me. So, why not? Updates: Now, for a bit of more serious business. I might be a fresh bloke in this bloody scribbling, and these updates might be a bit unpredictable at least for starters. Let's ease into it. Target word count for each chapter: 5K+ enchanted words per week, but I'll start biweekly until I get used to it, to prevent burning me out. Note: Oi, and a little heads up – English isn't my native tongue, but hey, I'm pretending like a pro! So if you spot a few quirks and blunders here and there, just play along, won't you? After all, we're all in for the adventure! Hah. But seriously, let me know if your eagle eyes spot anything odd. Disclaimer: Nope, I'm not a Sirius Black. I'm not the one who can summon Butterbeer on demand either. These characters and the whole magical gig? Courtesy of J.K. Rowling. I'm just adding my two Knuts for fun and mischief.

SeriousBloke · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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8 Chs

The Boy Who Slept Too Much

Everyone and their grandma knew Harry Potter was some kind of unique kid. History had him as the only one who not only survived the Killing Curse but also wiped out Voldemort. That was some grade-A famous stuff over the world. Books about him were everywhere, and every young wizard and witch knew his name. But aside of all that Pottermania, there was another kid at St. Mungo's Hospital – just as exceptional but not as famous yet.

Bruno had this mop of dark curls framing his face while he snoozed away, looking all peaceful and sweet. Black dad seemed to make him well-tanned and half-breed, as you may say. The boy had been in a non-stop nap since the day he was born, completely shut off from the world for eleven years. Healers couldn't figure out this mystery no matter how hard they tried. But there was this one white lady who wasn't giving up on trying to wake the kid.

Olivia Green was a witch with hair all neatly pulled back into a bun. Those olive-green eyes matched her name, and those sleek retro glasses with the black frames added a touch of class to her elegant self. Her lips were thinner than the plump ones her son had, but no less pretty.

Bruno saw Olivia in his dreams in another world. She had always been by his side during his nights of illness, offering solace and support. When Bruno finally awoke, he instantly recognized her, and tears of joy welled up in his brown-green eyes, painting the most exquisite sight he had ever beheld.

He was all like, "Mom? Is this real? Is that really you?"

And she was giving him this bear hug filled with that mom-type love.

"Yes, Bruno," Olivia said all teary-eyed. "I'm here with you, my love."

Years of tireless work in the Department of Mysteries had prepared Olivia for this moment, knowing that her son would speak right away. As a former Legilimens who delved into the depths of the Brain Room, she had managed to get inside Bruno's consciousness using Legilimency after several years. It was through this connection that she learned Bruno wasn't merely in a deep slumber; he was living an entire life in another world. For some enigmatic reason, his soul had not tethered itself to this reality but had seamlessly transitioned to the next.

"I kept my hopes up, knew you'd wake up someday," Olivia said, clutching him tightly. "And finally, I succeeded in bringing you back."

Curiosity brimmed in Bruno's voice as he simply asked, "How?"

"With a little help," Olivia said, nodding towards the old witch in tattered clothes. 

It was only now that Bruno noticed her, sitting on a chair on the other side of the bed in a dark corner that somehow shielded the light emanating from a solitary soap bubble floating above the ceiling. It seemed as though the old witch had used some enchantment to not interfere with the family reunion, and only now had she dispelled it.

Her face was slightly disfigured, as if stung by bees, yet somehow it failed to evoke any sense of disgust. One of her arms was missing, and her neck was adorned with unsettling dark miasmas. Those looked very sick.

"Hello, Bruno," the old witch rasped.

Bruno looked around, and there were a bunch of empty vials, probably leftovers from some funky potions. One of those brews must have been the key to Bruno's mind working so smoothly, not wondering too much about everything. Suddenly, he could realize that it was some sort of so-called rebirth. He felt completely like he had been named Bruno his entire life.

"Uh... Granny?" Bruno asked, causing the old witch to cough violently.

"Consider me your godmother," she finally spited out.

A crooked smile appeared on her swollen face. It was hard to miss the fact that the diseased patch of black, withered skin on her neck caused her considerable discomfort. Bruno nodded uncertainly, but he wasn't afraid of the old witch's appearance. He continued to feel safe, as Olivia lovingly ran her fingers through his black curly hair. The old witch placed her wand on the table next to the vials, using her remaining hand to reach towards the bed and pick up something.

"We brought you back to this world using the Resurrection Stone," she explained, holding a small black gem between her fingers. "Although it would be more accurate to call it the Soul Stone, because in reality, you didn't resurrect; you simply returned to your original body in this world. I hope I'm explaining it clearly," she said, waving the gem like she's a magician.

"Kinda, yeah," Bruno nodded, glancing at the magic wand. But he wanted to ask another thing at first. "What happened to my old bod back in that other world?" 

"It died," the old witch simply replied, pointing her finger at him. "After death, your soul returned to the body that was destined for you from birth. There was always a connection between you and it."

"Wait, you killed me in there?" 

"No, don't think like that," Olivia jumped in all quick. "I'd never—"

He felt that she wanted to say more, but she was so afraid. He felt her love. He didn't blame her for anything. He just wanted to know the truth. Bruno didn't take his eyes off the old witch's dark eyes, but she dismissed it with a wave of her one remaining hand.

"We didn't extract your soul or anything of that sort. Your mother merely called for you, and you yourself chose to return to your original vessel. What is the last thing you remember?" she asked in response.

Bruno frowned. The sensations were rather strange. If everything before this could be considered normal, now it seemed as if he were trying to recall a forgotten dream.

"There was this strange noise, like a blasted car alarm; a burst of light. And then... I reckon that's when the lights went out for me," he said, settling back into the pillows. Olivia never wavered in her gaze, and their eyes met. "I heard your voice, y'know. Glad you reached out. Can't say I recall having a mother over there... Being an orphan's just about the bleakest thing."

This caused Olivia's eyes to moisten once again. Her glasses tilted slightly as she embraced Bruno once more. Following that, Bruno felt a warm kiss on his cheek.

"And I'm glad you've returned to me," Olivia said with a dreamy smile. "I would never harm you. Just know that... And I'm so happy that we can truly talk now. Not as through the dreams, as I used to do."

"I remember you from those... Even if I ain't too sure if we can still label 'em dreams... It's gotten pretty weird. Feels like somewhere along the line, what used to be reality turned into a dream, and what was once a dream became reality. Gets a mite confounding."

The old witch chuckled.

"Believe me, son, we're just as confused as you are right now. It's only a couple of forbidden elixirs that allow us to remain in a normal state," she said, nodding towards the empty vials, confirming Bruno's suspicion.

"I gotta ask this," Bruno started, his focus snapping back to the wand that the old witch had snatched back into her hand. "Does the name Harry Potter mean a single thing to you?"

Seeing the shock that engulfed the two of them, Bruno could tell for certain that they hadn't expected this question, even under the influence of their potions.

"It seems that Mr. Potter's fame extends far beyond this world," the old witch said with a crooked smile. "And what do you know about him?"

The old witch's eyes were burning with curiosity and admiration as Bruno recounted the series of books about Harry Potter in broad strokes. Olivia, however, listened with a somewhat sad look, occasionally stroking his head as if she couldn't quite come to terms with the fact that her son was beside her.

In return, Bruno learned that he awakened on his eleventh birthday, which happened to be Dudley's birthday as well—June 24, 1991. It was quite ironic, as the story from the perspective of the main character began on that very day. Somewhere on Privet Drive, Harry Potter probably had already woken up in his cupboard under the stairs from Aunt Petunia's knocking and was soon going to the zoo to set free a Brazilian boa constrictor later that day.

"I knew it! Yes, indeed, oh, very good. Well, well, well... how fascinating... how very fascinating..." old witch mattered through the story.

Somehow as soon as Bruno started to talk he reveal almost everything he knew. He just had a feeling that they should know. The old witch leaned back thoughtfully in her chair.

"Fascinating... fascinating..." she muttered, giving Bruno vibes reminiscent of Mr. Ollivander.

"And what exactly tickles your fancy, huh?"

"It seems that books in your world are the result of someone's memories from a previous life. Or perhaps Harry's thoughts somehow projected quite vividly from this world into the consciousness of his mother's reincarnated soul due to the sacrificial ritual she performed."

"Yes, that's all very fascinating," Olivia remarked unexpectedly coldly, "but could you please tell us what you promised to talk about?"

"I don't even know where to start," the old witch replied, staring at Bruno with her tired eyes.

"Just tell it as it is," Olivia suggested. "As you know, I've been observing Bruno through dreams. He is more mature than he appears. He will understand."

"Especially considering I'm under the influence of potions," Bruno grinned.

"Especially considering he's under the influence of potions," Olivia echoed, a smile of mixed pride and satisfaction crossing her face, as if he had just validated all her anticipations of his shrewdness.

The old witch winced, whether from the pain of her neck wound or the impending conversation, Bruno couldn't tell.

"You see, Bruno, there is a prophecy that foretells your arrival. The knowledge you possess only serves to confirm that it is indeed you," the old witch began, addressing Bruno's inquisitive gaze. "To be honest, finding you was quite a challenge since you existed outside of my timeline. Yes, I have returned from the future," she continued, noticing the questioning looks. "And yes, I think I am the only one who managed to go back in time for a several years or so. But my time travel was not solely intended to alter your destiny, but also my own," the old witch clarified, capturing Olivia's attention.

Olivia quickly interjected, "But even if you manage to change the past the way you want, it would ultimately lead to your disappearance from this world."

"Yes, I'm quite sure of it, but my present self would cease to exist and that's enough for me," the old witch replied, nodding towards her missing arm. "As you can see, I'm not particularly concerned about this physical form even. I simply wish for the younger version of myself to live a happier life than I have. At least, that's my hope."

"Hold on a moment," Bruno chimed in, eyeing the old witch as she nibbled her lip. Riding the time-travel train, with the potion vibes and all those bees biting her face, the question popped out without a warning, "You aren't, perhaps... Hermione, are you?"

"Please, don't try to guess who I am," the old witch pleaded, her voice trembling. "Indeed, I was acquainted with that young lady, as she graciously shared valuable information with me. However, I cannot reveal my identity to you because then you would attempt to change my destiny simply because I said so. If you were to alter the fate of my younger self based solely on the words of my present self, it could have dire consequences."

"But how am I meant to sort out whose fate I can tinker with?" Bruno inquired, looking all sorts of perplexed, and then tacked on with a hint of sheepishness, "Not like I got a clue about how this all works, but still."

"You're thinking in right direction. Interact with whomever you desire, do as you please, but do not seek me within those people. That's important. You need not worry about me. Perhaps we may never even cross paths at school, but I am certain that even that will have an impact on everything that unfolds for me. It may seem senseless to you now, but changes in time are paradoxical and manageable at the same time. Some certain things cannot be directly altered and will happen in some other form anyway. You might call them canon events, as you've read about all in books. Trust me, one does not simply go back in time and fix everything. Some moments are meant to exist regardless. Essentially, by going back, you are not changing anything; you are simply fulfilling what was meant to be."

"Uh... I'm still struggling to figure out how changing anything makes sense if that was meant to be," Bruno said.

"That's why I brought you back. During my travels through time, spanning decades, I discovered a way to create temporal nodes that distort and rewrite the lines of destiny. You just need to know that you will create an alternative reality when I'm gone, in order to return the Stone to its rightful place," the old witch replied, hiding that small Deathly Hallow in her pocket.

"Perhaps we shouldn't rush to return it immediately. Who knows, there might be more potential to tap into from this artifact?" Bruno suggested, though he wasn't entirely convinced why he need that Stone. 

"You listen to me, but you don't hear," the old witch responded slightly irritably. "Even with your awakening, nothing will change until I go back. It won't be of use to you because it's my Resurrection Stone, which I retrieved from my own future. If you start doing something with it now, while I'm here, you'll only worsen everything. See this?" The old witch pointed to her black withered skin on her neck and her missing left hand. "This is the price I paid for trying to retrieve the Resurrection Stone from the ring before. I'm just talking about the ring that Voldemort hid in the Gaunt shack."

"And can we discuss the matter of the ring and the Resurrection Stone?" Bruno inquired, his tone carrying uncertainty. "Are we confident it won't meddle with your fate?" 

"I'm glad you're starting to understand the situation. In reality, we need to talk about the Stone because due to my shortsightedness, I linked that item to myself outside of time, I suppose. You cannot influence the ring from this moment onwards. That was my mistake because the ring wasn't meant for me. I shouldn't have searched for it."

"You didn't know that the ring was cursed," Bruno concluded, which elicited sick laughter from the old witch.

"Oh, I knew about the curse! I only hoped to use the Stone and then return it to its place. The thing is, the ring wasn't cursed when I found it," the old witch replied, surprising Bruno. He was even more surprised when she continued, "There wasn't even a hint of the Resurrection Stone! Yes, yes. The story you told about Harry Potter is entirely true as far as I know. Except for a few details, which apparently didn't affect the overall picture... Anyway, imagine my surprise when I discovered almost innocent ring in the Gaunt shack, enchanted with compulsions but without any deadly curse. It was undoubtedly one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, but the only thing the protective spells did was make you desire to possess the ring, to protect it, to keep its existence a secret. I have no doubt that with prolonged wear, it will either possess you or try to make you return it to its owner, but no curse! No Resurrection Stone!"

"I find it hard to wrap my mind around that possibility," Bruno said. "Without the Stone and no curse—"

"I cursed the ring myself," the old witch said. "I had to do it to ensure that events unfolded as they supposed to be. As I said, time travel only created a situation that already existed... Obviously, I didn't have the Resurrection Stone, and I couldn't retrieve it from one timeline to insert it into the ring. So, I believe someone else will do it or pretend like it was done... And I think you already have an idea of who that might be. After some time, the ring will become just as it was depicted in your books... I only made sure the curse existed for certain," the old witch's lips curled into a wicked smile. "The only downside of this dark magic is that it affects the soul of the wizard along with the cursed. No wonder Voldemort didn't use it."

"But the ring is a Horcrux. Gotta blow that thing to smithereens, don't we?" 

"Sure, if you don't want Voldemort to rule the world, but the ring is not your concern," the old witch cut him off. "This gift is not meant for you. You can certainly help Harry and his friends in all their endeavors, but, all you need to know, Voldemort is not your concern, simply because it's other prophecy."

Bruno nodded again, feeling unsure. It seemed like Dumbledore was supposed to die no matter what. If she wanted to confuse him, she had definitely succeeded.

"I suppose, you know the full text of this damn second prophecy. Just tell us it already," Olivia said with a hint of frustration. 

It was clear that she, too, had been kept in the dark about everything. The old witch closed her eyes, as if recalling something, and then began speaking without any preamble but with mystery voice making it more dramatic.

"The one with the power to hinder the Master of Death approaches… Born to the woman who have thrice endured him, born twice as the Solstice dies… And the Master of Death will accept the challenge from him, but he will have power the Master of Death knows not… And either must interfere the scheme of the other for neither can achieve their goal while the other lives… The one with the power to hinder the Master of Death will be born as the Solstice dies…"

A dead silence filled the room as the old witch opened her eyes. Bruno and Olivia stood frozen, their lips wordless, lost in contemplation of what they had just heard, while a shimmering soap bubble peacefully floated above the bed.

"So that's why you insist on awakening Bruno on his birthday," Olivia said gravely after a while. "You wanted the prophecy bind Bruno with the Master of Death for sure."

"Consider it more like Bruno getting more chances to come back to you on this day," old witch replied with a forced smile. 

Olivia could only purse her lips. Bruno started to understand the magnitude of his destiny.

"Hold on, wait a moment. You're telling me this 'Master of Death' thing is like Harry needing to face Voldemort?" Bruno's skepticism was evident.

He wasn't exactly thrilled about the idea of diving into a big showdown with some mysterious bad guy.

"Not quite, but because of his goals and manipulative schemes, many good people will perish," the old witch clarified. 

"So, he is a bad guy," Bruno said. 

"For me, this is the most hated person in the whole world. If you don't have rose-colored glasses on, then you will see the same thing in him," old witch said, her lip twitched in anger.

Bruno swallowed. He recalled Aberforth's words from canon, expressing his thoughts on Dumbledore: 'My brother Albus wanted a lot of things, and people had a habit of getting hurt while he was carrying out his grand plans.' It all made sense now, but he was not quite sure.

"Madam... Uh... Godmom," Bruno spoke very softly, which brought some kind of a smile back to the old witch's face. "But... Who is this Master of Death?"

"Guess," she simply replied.

"Uh... There was something around how snagging the three Hallows makes you the big boss of Death, but nothing clear for sure," Bruno said.

"Just don't tell me it's Dumbledore," Olivia gave her guess, letting out a nervous laugh.

The silence of the godmother only confirmed Olivia's suspicion. Bruno felt as if he had been trapped. It became difficult for him to breathe. Was his most powerful opponent the greatest wizard of this time? This was no joke.

"Dumbledore?" Bruno whispered incredulously. "But why... Are you certain he is the Master of Death?"

The old witch sighed. "The strangest thing, Bruno," she softly uttered, "is that it might not be him at all. The prophecy applies to two wizards — both will possess the three Deathly Hallows, which made them Master of Death, but at different times. One of them is, of course, Dumbledore. The other is Harry Potter."

"But then... Does that mean Harry could... uh... be the bad one too?" Bruno asked.

"You forget that I am from the future and know who among them turned, as you say, 'bad'," the old witch explained, sadly chuckling. "However, it is possible that Dumbledore indeed became the Master of Death ten years ago. Around the same time when..."

"...when Voldemort disappeared," Bruno gasped in horror.

"Yes, precisely," she confirmed.

Olivia leaned forward, adjusting her glasses. "So, you're suggesting that Albus Dumbledore orchestrated the murder of the Potters?" she asked.

"It's merely a speculation that could also be false. As time goes on, you might come to the same conclusion. I'm simply considering the evident possibilities. Perhaps it was merely a chance event that unshackled Dumbledore's hands. Maybe it was something inevitable causing by Dumbledore's scheme. I couldn't travel far enough back in time to uncover more," the old witch explained.

"And you're saying that Bruno woke up from an eleven-year slumber, only to find out that in a couple of months, he has to go to Hogwarts to fight against Dumbledore, who is now also known as the Master of Death? And you think I'll let him go there?" Olivia asked, her voice laced with anger.

"There was no mention of any fights in the prophecy," the old witch reminded, trying to ease the tension. "It doesn't even say they must kill each other, like the other one does for Harry. 'And either must interfere the scheme of the other…' It implies that they will hinder each other's plans, not necessarily kill each other… ugh… but…" The old witch tried to say something more, but a deadly cough came up.

Olivia decided to finish old witch's words.

"But the prophecy also says, 'for neither can achieve their goal while the other lives.' Don't think for a moment that you can say something to a Ravenclaw girl and she won't pay attention to it," Olivia replied challengingly, causing the old witch to look away. 

"It's better not to set a goal to survive, I reckon," Bruno murmured with a touch of sarcasm, but Olivia was even more skeptical and continued asking questions.

"Or are you suggesting that Dumbledore won't attempt to remove the obstacle? Will he simply watch his plans crumble?"

"I doubt Dumbledore would go that far," the old witch said. "I have studied him for a long time, and as far as I understand, he needs to maintain his position as the headmaster to achieve his goal. The death of one of his students would surely disrupt his plans."

"You clearly haven't studied Dumbledore well enough. There have been student deaths at Hogwarts while he was the headmaster," Olivia interjected.

Bruno realized that the canon didn't cover the earlier years, so he couldn't know many things. However, the fact that students had died at Hogwarts before came as a surprise. He remained lying still in his bed making a mental note to clarify this information in more detail in the future.

"But not because of his actions," the old witch pointed out. "Dumbledore only made the school safer. He dispelled and sealed many cursed places within it. I understand it still sounds dangerous to go in Hogwarts, but you must also remember that Dumbledore has never killed anyone. Even Grindelwald is imprisoned in Nurmengard, not dead, as many believe."

"See, Mom. Looks like El Bosso Dumbledorro has never killed anyone directly," Bruno said, letting out a light chuckle. "The worst that can happen to me is to imprisoned in Azkaban, so you don't have to worry about."

But Olivia didn't appreciate his sarcastic humor.

"What about the part that says, 'born to the woman who have thrice endured him, born twice as the Solstice dies'?" she asked, quickly regaining her composure. "I understand why Bruno is considered 'born twice', but I don't recall having suffered three times because of Dumbledore's actions."

"Just because you don't remember doesn't mean it didn't happen," the old witch replied, leaving Olivia speechless with her ambiguous response.

"I can just chill and wait till the sixth year, right?" Bruno asked with an innocent grin, trying to jump into the debate and give his mom a breather. "I'll hang around till Dumbledore dons the ring and meets his fate. After all, our sweet godmom didn't curse it for nothing."

"I doubt that inaction will solve the problem," the old witch replied with a crooked smile. "The curse on the ring will only make him more proactive before death. And according to my future, death will be nothing more than an adventure for him."

"Wait, hold up. You're sayin' Dumbledore could pull a stunt and come back from the great beyond?" Bruno questioned, looking like he just got hit with a bludger out of nowhere.

A shiver ran down his spine. This was getting more serious.

"The Master of Death," the old witch simply replied, shrugging her shoulders.

Whether she didn't know or didn't intend to reveal more, Bruno couldn't tell.

"But the prophecy isn't directly linked to Bruno yet." Olivia exclaimed, refusing to back down. She was starting to dislike the whole situation more and more. "You said, 'and the Master of Death will accept the challenge from him,' but no challenge has been posed by Bruno yet. I suppose, if there is no challenge, then there is no prophecy and no danger to Bruno."

Bruno wanted to believe that it shouldn't be something more dangerous than a TikTok challenge, but it didn't feel like the right time for jokes anymore. The old witch frowned at those words. It seemed that Olivia had touched upon a slippery and unpleasant topic that could disrupt all her plans regarding Bruno.

"Perhaps it sounds logical," the old witch reluctantly agreed. "But by doing so, you would turn your son into an ordinary boy, who, I have no doubt, Dumbledore will find out about anyway, as the prophecy was or will be issued by Sybill Trelawney. Dumbledore will still assume that Bruno will be the one to thwart his plans. And if Bruno sets a goal not to go in Hogwarts and hide from Dumbledore, then you are challenging him, I suppose. No matter where you run, Dumbledore will find you, and then you will be playing by his rules. He will cause you much more harm if you strip Bruno of the power to resist him..."

"And what power do I have?" Bruno blurted out. "I ain't exactly lining up to compete with that bigshot wizard as Dumbledore as I've read of."

"Oh, you yourself told us. It is knowledge."

Bruno rolled his eyes. He understood where the old witch was leading. His existence alters the canon. He would change many things regardless. With knowledge of the plot, he could reshape much of it in his own way. Even if he didn't know about the prophecy, he would alter the course of events after old witch bond the time. Simply by leaving the hospital and delaying someone for a second, it could lead to horrifying consequences due to the so-called butterfly effect.

"So, just 'cause I know the future, I can mess with all the events to throw a wrench in Dumbledore's plans?" Bruno inquired.

"Obviously," the old witch replied.

"But... What am I supposed to shake up? How do I throw him off track?" Bruno's frustration was palpable.

"Don't worry, Bruno," Olivia said, patting his shoulder. "I'll whip up a plan once you run me through the whole spiel again—"

"No," the old witch abruptly interrupted Olivia. "I want to emphasize that the prophecy says: 'The one with the power to hinder the Master of Death.' It doesn't mention my power, yours, or anyone else's. Only Bruno can come up with something, so I'm confident that only his initiatives can interfere with the Dumbledore's plans. Bruno is the variable that shouldn't have existed, which is why only his ideas can hinder the Dumbledore. Of course, I can't stop you from offering him your suggestions, but by doing so, you may subconsciously push your ideas through him, which might only do more harm."

A long pause ensued, and no one broke the silence. Faint voices could be heard from behind the curtains — perhaps visitors had come to inquire about the patients in the ward. It seemed incredible that discussions about matters that would undoubtedly affect the lives of many wizards in the future were taking place near an ordinary bed in St. Mungo's Hospital.

The chair on which the old witch was sitting creaked. She slowly stood up. With her only hand, she reached into her collar and pulled out a small object on a gold chain, grimacing in pain as it brushed against the black wound on her neck. The sand inside the artifact indicated that it was a Time-Turner.

"Are you already leaving?" Olivia asked, sounding concerned. As much as she disliked what was happening, neither she nor Bruno wanted to let go of such a valuable source of knowledge so quickly.

"The irony is that even with Time-Turner I have no time left at all," old witch said, smiling sadly and looking at Bruno. "Just remember, you have great power to change things."

"And with great power comes great instability," Bruno said with a sigh, making the old witch cough once more.

"I suppose, that applies more to the old wizard," she said, making him smile this time. 

At some point, those words instantly helped to face the challenges that lay ahead. The prophecy had set his path, but it was his choices and actions that would shape the wizarding world's destiny. And so, his journey to challenge fate and carve his own future must began, guided by the knowledge of the prophecy he had gained from the enigmatic old witch. 

"Will we meet again?" Bruno blurted out quickly.

"I doubt it. Take care of yourselves," she replied and then added more quietly, "You're my only hope."

Bruno even thought that the old witch wanted to approach him, perhaps to embrace him. Perhaps she herself didn't want to leave them so soon, or she was saddened by the fact that she was leaving so much on the shoulders of a boy who didn't know where to begin. Bruno decided to encourage her instead of saying farewell.

"Hey, don't worry. Seems I've got a handle on what's up for alteration," he spoke slowly, but there was confidence in his tone.

"And what's that?" old witch asked with the same interested look as Olivia had.

Bruno's lips widened into a serpentine smile.

"Everything within my grasp."

The old witch bid her farewell with a crooked smile on her disfigured face in return, spun the Time-Turner, and disappeared without a sound. It was a strange feeling she leaved behind. The feeling as if she had never existed.


In the next episode...

Bruno Green: Main Hero or Sidekick? Exclusive Daily Prophet Photos

Well, here I bloomin' made it, didn't I? It took me a good bloody month, mate, before I dared to kick off sharing this PadFic on FFN. Couldn't for the life of me conjure up a proper nickname, I tell ya. But then it hit me, like a Bludger to the noggin, when my Marauder mentor sorted out the problemo. So, without further ado, allow me to introduce you to the one and only, Serious Bloke!

And I 'ope I managed to pull off that tricky bit with the portal fantasy blendin' right into the world of Harry Potter – believable, smooth, and all that jazz comin' from me eggs. Took me a fair few attempts, I tell ya. This 'ere's the seventh bloomin' version of the chapter! Givin' me a horcrux vibe indeed. You might spot a few things I missed or find yerself a bit confused, but don't yeh worry 'bout that, my friend! The answers'll come, they will, in their own time.

Honestly, I reckon I won't be makin' any more changes 'cause this feels like the best I can do, ya know? But yer thoughts and comments are always welcome! If yeh fancy sharin' what yeh liked or didn't like, go ahead and give me a shout. Helps a bloke out, it does! Now, we're in this together, goin' on this wild ride through the wizardin' world. Let's see where it takes us, shall we? Cheers, mate, and enjoy the readin'!

Siriusly yours,

Serious Bloke

SeriousBlokecreators' thoughts