
HP: Bruno in Dumblegame

[Word Count: 42.76K] Meet Bruno Green, the bloke who's got the inside scoop on all things Harry Potter. He's just transmigrated right back into the thick of it, returning to his original eleventh-year body in that wizarding world, without any actual memories of his previous life. What a return, huh? Now, brace yourselves for some serious butterfly effects as the story kicks off, starting in the blazing summer before Harry's first year at Hogwarts. There'll be a new prophecy around, one that's got Bruno on a collision course with Dumbledore, while Harry's gearing up for his showdown with Voldemort. So, expect the unexpected and enjoy the journey! General Approach & Style: I'm crafting a narrative that remains as true to canon as a Hippogriff, but with a distinct twist — it might start with a leisurely pace, embracing the slice of life element, and as we progress, the tempo accelerates, with a primary focus on adventures that'll warm your heart. However, there's an epic journey waiting in the shadows, concealed by a mysterious prophecy. Well, looks like I'll be accidentally cooking up some suspense and tossing in a sprinkle of action here and there (in chapter six). Before that we have heartwarming dramatic moments, a sprinkle of humor, exploration of familial bonds, and the joyful chaos of friendship. Plus, yes, there'll be hints for the gradual development of a romantic subplot, and a promise of smut to add some spice when the time is right. Alright, folks, let's set the record straight from the get-go. Don't go expectin' a load of smut right outta the gate. We're talkin' first-grade students here, and as our dear Bruno once wisely put it: 'I'll give it a shot... But come on... They're just a bunch of kids...' Hah. As for calling my fic a comedy, well, maybe some of the goblins might not catch the drift, but it's all in good fun for me. So, why not? Updates: Now, for a bit of more serious business. I might be a fresh bloke in this bloody scribbling, and these updates might be a bit unpredictable at least for starters. Let's ease into it. Target word count for each chapter: 5K+ enchanted words per week, but I'll start biweekly until I get used to it, to prevent burning me out. Note: Oi, and a little heads up – English isn't my native tongue, but hey, I'm pretending like a pro! So if you spot a few quirks and blunders here and there, just play along, won't you? After all, we're all in for the adventure! Hah. But seriously, let me know if your eagle eyes spot anything odd. Disclaimer: Nope, I'm not a Sirius Black. I'm not the one who can summon Butterbeer on demand either. These characters and the whole magical gig? Courtesy of J.K. Rowling. I'm just adding my two Knuts for fun and mischief.

SeriousBloke · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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8 Chs

Mayhem in Knockturn Alley

Bruno couldn't help but marvel at his twisted luck, leading him into this wretched basement. The sight of those bloodstains smeared across old toys threatened to turn his stomach inside out. He still remembered those unsetting, disembodied eyeballs in the mirror in Galloglass shop. They left his heart racing, as if he had just run a marathon.

"So, this is what it's like bein' the bloomin' main character, huh? Blast it all," Bruno grumbled, his words directed at no one in particular.

The only door in the basement turned out to be locked. It seemed like they should save the Noggin Zoom Tonic for a more suitable time, but would that time ever come at all? Bruno retrieved a vial hanging on a chain around his neck, uncorked it, and attempted to take a sip, leaving a tiny drop for later. But the potion tasted so delightful that he felt the desire to down it all at once. With Felix Felicis as one of the ingredients, it might be pushing him to do some rather unexpected things, all for a favorable outcome.

"I reckon this is the Felix's doing," Bruno mused. 

Then, it occurred. It was as if a veil had been lifted, and suddenly, Bruno could perceive more than he ever had before. The world around him seemed to expand, and he felt as though he had fish-eye lenses for eyes, capturing a broader, more panoramic view. Fear, that old companion, was swiftly ousted, replaced by an overwhelming surge of confidence. He felt invigorated, as if the universe was an open book of endless opportunities. What did it matter that he lacked a magic wand? He was convinced he could master any challenge the world might throw his way. His mood brightened, and a cheerful feeling washed over him.

Bruno glanced at the now unnecessary empty vial, and for some reason, he felt the urge to shatter it and see what would happen. He ripped the vial from the chain and threw it over his shoulder, not surprised in the slightest by his actions. The sound of shattering glass echoed. Bruno listened. There was some noise upstairs, as if someone was walking, but it seemed that people upstairs hadn't reacted to Bruno's actions. He needed to break something more substantial.

At that moment, some rustling could be heard in the basement. Bruno passed an open box with various Christmas decorations and lifted the cloth covering a small, bedraggled bird trapped inside a cage. It appeared as if someone had subjected it to severe mistreatment. The bird emitted a faint, pitiful chirp. It trembled, its feathers ruffled with fear.

"Oh, hello there, little birdie," Bruno murmured softly, not wanting to startle it further. "I'll go with 'birdie', alright? Well, I don't exactly fancy myself an ornithologist, so don't go complainin'."

The bird let out a timid chirp, a mixture of fear and curiosity.

"Can you understand what I'm sayin'? I reckon you're some sorta magical birdie, aren't ya?" Bruno continued, his voice soothing.

The bird responded with a slightly more confident chirp, indicating its agreement.

"Well then, I've stuck in here as you did. I'll do the honours and set you free from that confounded cage. Then you'll lead the way out when I'll open that door. Sound like a plan? You do wanna stretch your wings, don't ya?"

A little bird made a happier yet uncertain sound.

"Heh, that's the spirit."

Bruno reached for the cage, causing the table beneath it to tremble. There was no key in sight, but sometimes, brute force did the trick, as his mom once said. Bruno began to carefully stretch the cage bars apart. The bird let out an approving chirp and squeezed through the opening. With one final push, it fluttered out, letting out a joyful trill.

"Could you give a louder chirp, maybe they'll hear us?" Bruno asked.

The bird landed gracefully on a nearby wardrobe, almost appearing guilty in its silence.

"No, I'm not being sarcastic. I can't just hang around here all day waiting for them to come down."

He pushed the cage, which was precariously perched on the table. The bird let out a trill of horror as the cage crashed into a nearby vase, creating a cacophony of shattering glass.

"Alright, now I need to hide... oh, not 'we,' just me, of course."

The bird showcased a knack for disappearing amid the chaos. It swiftly tucked itself into a jar, much like an ostrich burying its head in a shimmering silver substance, creating a billowing cloud of shiny dust. This left Bruno standing there, looking rather charming but somewhat foolish, as if he were at a party all by himself.

"Oi, that little bugger! What the hell are you up to in there?" The voice from above roared.

Footsteps approached from above. Bruno was in a windowless basement, and the only door could soon admit a dark wizard with no good intentions. There was no doubt, yet Bruno remained remarkably composed. His mind raced with thoughts on how to see sunlight again. The idea struck him like it had always been lurking in the back of his mind.

With a quick burst of movement, Bruno lunged toward the corner to the right of the door, concealing himself just as the door swung open.

"Where are you, you little scoundrel? I told you, if you make another racket, then… Oh, no… That's mom's vase! Oh, you wretch!" The male voice roared, followed by the sounds of overturned objects and crashing.

"Immobulus!" The spell was cast, freezing the bird in place. Clearly, this wasn't the first time the bird had attempted to escape, as the wizard reacted smoothly.

Bruno peeked at the side of the door and caught a glimpse of the back of an old man who looked like a vagabond. The bird all covered in silver color freezed in the air. All that shiny dust from a jar caused old man to sneeze. 

"Ughhh-blech... You little sh...squork... you think you could leave like that?" the old man said with a maniacal voice. "Accio, swift-collar!"

The basement echoed with the pitiful cries of the unfortunate bird, which appeared to be a swift. On any other day, Bruno would acknowledge that summoning a collar for a living creature was a clever feat. However, this was not the right moment. His mind raced as he confronted a crucial decision: does he have to attempt to save this little bird or try to leave on his own or?

With cautious determination, he pushed the door hiding him. What he saw was horrifying. The old man knelt on one knee, holding the swift by its neck and pressing its face into the floor. Jet of white sparks emanated from his wand as the poor swift writhed in agony.

"Baubillious! Yeah! That's what you deserve! I told you to stay quiet in your bloody cage! I had to kill you, just like that—"

The door creaked.

The old man aimed his wand at the sound, but no incantation followed. His mouth, with blackened teeth, contorted, revealing gaps between them. Clearly caught off guard by the unexpected guest in the basement, he provided Bruno the chance to undertake a most reckless action.

"Surprise," Bruno said cheerfully.

He took a step forward, seized the wand, and tugged it in a way that would simultaneously prevent a shot directed at him and unbalance his opponent in a vulnerable position. The old man, caught entirely off guard, failed to release his weapon and, due to inertia, toppled onto his back right into a box with toys. A crunch followed by a blue flash signaled the wand's fracture into two distinct pieces. Bruno managed to retain one of them. An angry bird-like cry reverberated within the room.

"NO!" the old man roared.

"Hell yes!" Bruno muttered triumphantly. "Oh, that looks handy." He said looking at the sparkling half of the wand and sprinted up the stairs like a madman, the swift flew overhead. Bruno could hear the old man behind him, struggling to free himself from the box he had fallen into. If this man had treated the swift so cruelly, Bruno dreaded to think of the consequences if he were captured after breaking the wand.

"Get the boy, Thorfinn!" old man screamed far behind.

Bruno propelled like a bullet into what appeared to be a sitting room and immediately collided with someone he assumed was Thorfinn. The tall, blond-haired wizard in disheveled attire couldn't react in time, as his attention was drawn to the swift flying above.

"Get… Whoa?!" Thorfinn managed to utter as Bruno accidently (or not) hit him in the chest.

The shard of the wand, still sparking and held by Bruno, acted like a makeshift stun gun. Lightning burst forth from the point of fracture, striking Thorfinn squarely in the chest. His body tore from the floor, collided with the wall, and then collapsed onto an old, moth-eaten couch. Apparently, the last incantation used after the wand's break had exploded outward, leaving Bruno standing there, surprised for a while. 

"Didn't know that was coming."

"Did you catch him? He broke my wand!" the old man screamed, clambering up the stairs.

A squeak sounded, and Bruno noticed the swift fluttering in the adjacent corridor as if beckoning him to follow. There was an open door near a bubbling potion. There was no need to say it twice.

"Stay low," Bruno advised the blond man, who was nearly unconscious.

Bruno raced past the cauldron, ensuring on an instinct he dropped useless not sparkling now shard of the wand into it, the still-glowing bronze feather jutting from it. Immediately, something hissed and gurgled within the cauldron, releasing billowing plumes of smoke. Thankfully, it didn't explode right away. Sprinting down the long corridor leading to the exit, Bruno heard the old man, who had now reached the room, coughing from the smoke and yelling something at Thorfinn.

A second later, Bruno yanked on the handle of the door, realizing it was locked. But he remembered the sensation when the wand shot Thorfinn with lightning. He remembered how something flowed from his heart, through his hand and into the wand. Bruno tried to recapture that feeling, and it came so easily at that very moment.

Then something strange happened. The handle and the wooden area around it melted as if it were lava, but it didn't harm his hand. The door swung open freely, and Bruno leaped out of the house into the dim, grubby alleyway. 

"Who was that bastard?" Thorfinn yelled in respond in that smoke behind.

"The bastard who's gettin' outta this dump," Bruno muttered, exhilarated by the strange magic he had conjured. It seemed like the Noggin Zoom Potion made you do random magic quite intentionally.

"Just get him, Thorfinn!" came the old man's cough-ridden voice.

Bruno closed the door, and the melted area began to solidify. He could already hear people approaching the door, but with a simple gesture, he reshaped the softened part of the door, like molding plasticine. But nothing happened. Bruno grinned and darted away, shouting over his shoulder.

"Not happenin', bi—"


An explosion resounded just before Bruno could take more than two steps. The entrance door shattered into fragments, causing Bruno to stumble and hit the ground. A flying splinter of wood left a painful scratch on his face.

Through the billowing smoke, he saw the tall blond man with a twisted, deranged grin charging toward him.

"Didn't know you nabbed a kid," Thorfinn's voice echoed with laughter. "You'd better have told me before."

"I did not!" the old man said behind him. "Don't have a clue who he is. Might he's on a Polyjuice."

Bruno tried to get up, his body aching from the proximity to the explosion. Another thought immediately crossed his mind: he should have tethered Yubai to himself. A house-elf only senses the call of one wizard—their master—the one with whom they have formed a magical bond, and this doesn't extend to their offspring, if they have any. Of course, one could have split the bond between two, accepting some shortcomings in the process, but hindsight makes us all wise.

"Oh, really? Let's spice things up a bit then," Thorfinn said gazing at Bruno, his voice dripping with malice. "How did you say, lad? Stay low? Avada Kedavra!"

Bruno barely rolled to the side when a green curse shot out, narrowly missing his head by inches. Thorfinn only started to laugh. It was clear that negotiation wasn't an option. Apparently, Thorfinn had no intention of apprehending him as ordered by the old man. Revenge for Bruno incapacitating him earlier seemed inevitable.

"I said get him! We have to figure out what he was sneaking around for!"

"But they dodge so cute when you try to kill them," Thorfinn said with a wicked grin.

Bruno's mind felt like it was about to burst from his skull. 

"Hear the words of a wise man!" Bruno wheezed, making the blond man laugh once more.

With a push, he got up. Bruno quickly assessed his escape routes, but the terrain was unfamiliar, and he needed time. His hand found the wooden box with the rune spoor in his pocket, which he still carried with him. Like a true magician, Bruno created a pile of sand in front of him, simply tipping the open box upside down. Thorfinn's face contorted in surprise as he was buried in sand.

All that was left for Bruno was to run wherever his eyes led him. He had only sprinted a few steps when, unfortunately, Thorfinn managed to cast a spell.


A rush of air, along with sand, knocked Bruno off his feet. He fell once more, wedging himself into the corner between the buildings. Now his legs were under the sand — an awful twist. It felt like there were no more options under the influence of Noggin Zoom Tonic. Adrenaline and despair surged through his veins. He was just about to get back up, preparing to time a jump to the side, or maybe even toward one of the nearest windows, but they all had bars.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Bruno turned and could only watch in horror as a green beam came hurtling toward him. There was no chance to swiftly leave this corner. His feet were buried in the sand.

And then, at the very last moment, the rune spoor leaped out of the sand, blocking the path of the deadly curse. The beam struck Tris, causing the three-headed snake to fall lifeless, once again bewildering Thorfinn.

Bruno wanted to shout "Tris!" but the Noggin Zoom Tonic seemed to kick back in, as he realized there was a chance to escape. This was influenced by the Swift, which swooped down from above, its tiny beak aiming directly for Thorfinn's eye. With nimbleness that surprised him, the bird pecked fiercely at the wizard's face. Thorfinn howled in pain and fury.

"Ah, feathered bitch!" Thorfinn roared, flailing his arms wildly.

The Swift, however, was relentless. It circled around Thorfinn's head, darting in and out, its tiny body a blur of silver movement. Thorfinn, with his bleeding eye and flailing arms, struggled to fend off the bird. In his panicked state, he inadvertently pointed his wand in all directions, casting random spells that shot off in every direction, shattering windows and scorching walls on the adjacent buildings.

Bruno crawled out of the sand-covered corner and sprinted into the darkness, but he was met with another setback.

"Immobulus!" the old man shouted, but a blinding burst of lightning struck everyone. The old man and Bruno yelped in pain as they fell to the ground. The swift, struck by the spell, plummeted to the ground, completely motionless. Bruno couldn't have anticipated that the old man would use a shard from his broken wand. Such a reckless move from an old idiot was beyond his calculations.

However, despite his bleeding eye, Thorfinn found the situation amusing. He burst out laughing and casually kicked the swift with his foot, sending it tumbling away. He raised his wand once again.

Fortunately, his aim was off. The curse missed Bruno, but upon hitting the wall, it created a dent. A shard of stone from the impact struck Bruno's head, causing him to collapse onto the ground again. His vision blurred, and he nearly lost consciousness. Adrenaline surged inside him once more, whispering that there would be no positive outcome.

"Still struck a head!" Thorfinn yelled with a laugh, his sadistic glee evident despite the chaos.

A ringing echoed in Bruno's ears. As he slowly regained his senses, he saw Thorfinn looming over him, his twisted grin promising nothing good. 

"So, you hit me. I think this is when payback comes," Thorfinn said.

Despite quivering with fear, a surge of anger pulsed through Bruno. How he longed to retaliate against this blond man, but he was utterly drained of strength.

"I think we're even now," Bruno managed to utter, wincing at the pain in his head and prompting only Thorfinn to laugh louder.

"Jokes ain't no help to you, lad."

Nonetheless, they were still talking. 

"Help!" Bruno instantly screamed, but Thorfinn only laughed.

"No one's going to help you here. You're on my turf," Thorfinn said, his voice dripping with malice. 

In the dim passageway behind him, a hooded figure observed, then swiftly disappeared. On one of the rundown buildings, a weathered sign Knockturn Alley caught his eye. And why did Bruno's luck fail him so miserably on his first visit to this place?

The old man got up from the ground, apparently regaining consciousness after being hit by his own spell.

"Drag him over here!" he yelled. "He needs to learn not to mess with Rowles!"

This was likely the only positive thing. Seeing that Bruno was no longer able to entertain him, Thorfinn ceased his attempts to unleash the killing curse. 

"Sure. Don't know who you are, lad, but I'll drag that info out of you," Thorfinn said, casting a binding spell.

Bruno felt the constriction of ropes around his legs, his thoughts still racing like a whirlwind. His head still throbbed from the blow, and he questioned why he had dared to approach that mirror. What would his mother say? Her words echoed in his mind, "I want to ensure that I'm always at my magical best and ready to assist you whenever you ask." Now, he desperately wanted to ask for help here. 

In that moment, it seemed as though, somewhere in the distance, he heard her voice.


Thorfinn dragged him across the ground, and at first, Bruno dismissed his mother's voice as a mere figment of his imagination, an echo of his thoughts in the desolate alley. But as the seconds passed, he couldn't ignore the urgency and sincerity in those distant cries. It was a desperate plea.

"Bruno," the voice called out again, now closer and filled with concern.

He recalled memories from another life, a white void where only his mother's call existed... Her voice... the first thing he heard in this life... He spotted something silver and grabbed it.

"Let me help you, Bruno!"

The heart pounded in his chest, and adrenaline surged through his veins. With a mixture of hope and desperation, he mustered all his strength and shouted back.


And then…


The sound of his voice seemed to take on a life of its own, resonating like a clap of thunder that echoed through the narrow alleyways. Windows trembled and shattered, adding to the chaos. Bruno was bewildered, unsure of the force that surged through him.

In the aftermath of the overwhelming roar, an eerie silence engulfed the alley. The dust settled, and Bruno found himself lying on the cold cobblestones, dazed and disoriented. His throat hurt like hell. Thorfinn, whom he had unknowingly overwhelmed with his power, was now clutching his ears, attempting to regain his senses.

"MY EARS!" the old man screamed, sprawled in front of the house. Blood ran down his cheeks, just as it did for Thorfinn.

Struggling to catch his breath, Bruno pushed himself up onto his hand, holding a swift in another one. The weight of what had just transpired bore down on him, making his body feel heavy and weak. He couldn't comprehend the surge of energy that had coursed through him, nor the impact of his voice.

His eyes met Thorfinn's, a man with that wild look. One eye of his was still bleeding, now his ears were bleeding too, and a crazed smile curled on his lips. The man's laughter reverberated in the air, an unsettling chorus to the recent tumult. 

"That one was good, lad," Thorfinn said. "I must admit…"

He didn't finish. At that moment, a loud crack echoed through the street, drawing everyone's attention in that direction. Olivia, having arrived on the scene, held Yubai's hand as she swiftly assessed the situation. Her olive eyes brimmed with concern.

"Mom," Bruno sighed.

Another crack — Yubai now stood nearby Bruno. With a quick incantation, the elf cast some kind of magic, and in an instant, they glided on the sidewalk without a sound, coming to a halt just behind Olivia.

"Are you alright?" Olivia asked, her voice unwavering, but she did not turn around to see Bruno. Her eyes were locked on the blond smiling wizard in front of her. She instinctively positioned herself between Bruno and Thorfinn, acting as a protective barrier between her son and the looming danger. The air seemed charged with tension as the two adversaries faced off—one wielding untamed power, the other radiating a mother's fierce determination. The alley seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the next move in this unexpected encounter. Bruno couldn't fathom why they hadn't left the place, but there must be a reason.

"This... This bastard sent an Avada at me," Bruno said with hoarse voice, barely catching his breath. "Future… Death… Eater…"

It seemed for him crucial to immediately inform about his opponent's capability.

"Complaining to your mommy?" Thorfinn said, sounding maniacal. "Shouldn't come here, 'cause now you ain't gettin' outta—"

He didn't finish his thought, as Bruno's mention of the unforgivable curse seemed to unleash all restraints within Olivia. She raised her wand, her voice devoid of warnings or preambles.

"Bombarda Maxima," she simply uttered, with a cold, composed tone.

Thorfinn lunged to the side, narrowly avoiding the yellow beam that whizzed past him, striking the unsuspecting old man behind directly. The explosion sent him flying into the depths of the house. Thorfinn retaliated with a green beam aimed at Olivia, but she remained unmoved, the spell shooting high above her. She didn't speak another word. The explosive curse seemed to have become a rapid-fire incantation, with Olivia sending them one after another at Thorfinn.

"Thorwald!" Thorfinn yelled, realizing that the spot where the old man had stood was now a crater, blood trailing within.

It was as if a storm had unleashed its fury upon this part of Knockturn Alley, the thunderous roars surpassing any prior commotion. Thorfinn made the worst decision he could. Miraculously dodging each explosive spell, he darted back through the barrage of debris, diving into his home. Olivia relentlessly continued her assault, sending deadly yellow beams after him. Every second, the house was subjected to detonations. After several blasts, the roof collapsed. Two more hits, and the walls crumbled inward. Only then did Olivia cease her assault. It was a miracle that neighboring buildings hadn't suffered from the devastation.

"No one dares harm my son," Olivia said coldly.

Turning to Bruno, who could no longer think, his strength spent, he rested his head on Yubai's arms. In his hand, he held a small bird.

"Save... this... silver... cutie," Bruno managed to say, then succumbed to unconsciousness.


"Remarkable... Absolutely incredible... It's a miracle the boy didn't die... I've never heard of anything like this... What luck that you found him, Olivia..."

"After all, I am his mother, Minister. I'll do anything for my son... And... I won't encounter any issues with me using all that force or even shouting Bruno's name Muggles might hear?"

"No-no, dear... Don't worry. We are only grateful to you for counteracting those criminals, and they didn't even die. Just think... Unforgivable curses in broad daylight, the basement filled with items from missing children, and Merlin knows what dreadful things those wizards've done to them. It's all right next to Diagon Alley... The press will eat me alive." 

"It won't, if you say that the capture of the dark wizards was planned."

"Planned? Nonsen... I mean... What do you mean?"

"If you were to portray the situation as if I informed you that my son astutely noticed two suspicious wizards leading the way to Knockturn Alley while discussing the use of unforgivable curses, it could indeed work in your favor. You could claim that you promptly dispatched Aurors to apprehend these criminals, while Bruno and I found ourselves in a perilous situation. Presenting the matter in this light could undoubtedly cast you as a hero."

Bruno listened to all of this, lying with his eyes tightly closed. He felt an incredible weakness. It was as if words barely crawled from his ears to his brain, making it difficult to understand anything. His limbs were as heavy as lead, and his heavy eyelids wouldn't lift. He wanted to lie here forever, on this comfortable bed.

"Excellent idea! We could even say that Bruno was abducted, and the Aurors came to your aid. I shall talk Dawlish into this and... I mean, are you willing to go along with this?"

"Bruno has read 'Daily Prophet' a lot since he woke up. He has a very high opinion of you, Minister. He would be delighted if he could be useful to the Ministry."

"Your son will undoubtedly grow into a very capable wizard. Nasty cut he's got there... The work of one of the Rowles, I presume?"

"No doubt, Minister. If Bruno hadn't managed to perform magic without a wand, I don't know what to think..."

"Order of Merlin, Second Class, I promise him. First Class if I can push it through."

"Bruno will be satisfied just to share a page with you in 'Daily Prophet.' He always said he would like to have his picture taken with you."

"Well, well, dear, that's not a problem. The boy certainly deserves recognition..."

The door closed, and silence followed. There was a scent that Bruno could recognize among thousands—he was in St. Mungo's Hospital. His thoughts gradually came back to life, and a hint of a smile appeared on his face. He opened his eyes. Above the bed floated a shimmering sphere, resembling a soap bubble. This time he had a whole room with a window for him only. Privileges all the way.

Bruno hadn't thought he could get close to the Minister so quickly. Olivia was catching everything on the fly and following the plan Bruno had crafted weeks ago — getting close to the Minister at any convenient opportunity. Of course, Fudge was far from an example of perfect authority, but he could be utilized. He could be manipulated, just as Dumbledore surely did.

The events that followed were slightly hazy in Bruno's consciousness. The day after waking up proved to be quite eventful. Moreover, after the explosion and blow to his head, everything around him was still vaguely perceived. He and Olivia discussed what happened for a while. Here's the moment his mother embraced him. 

"Tris died because of me," Bruno said with a guilty tone. "I used Tris as a shield, simply tossing her with the sand in front of me, without a shred of doubt, like some selfish moron."

"Don't be absurd. Maybe Tris died protecting you, but she perished because Rowle attacked you. Thank Merlin I had the sense to give you that potion. Perhaps it's worth looking for more ingredients."

"Don't bother yourself," Bruno replied, causing confusion for his mother. "You don't understand. This is a highly dangerous potion. What if you were standing nearby? What if I pushed you into a deadly curse just because that would be the only option for me to survive?"

Olivia pursed her lips. Bruno could sense what she wanted to say, but at that moment, there was a knock, and Cornelius Fudge entered the room. He approached with quick, tiptoeing steps, as if he had just played a prank.

"Are you ready, my boy?" Fudge asked in an excited and slightly bumbling tone. "Reporters will be here any minute, and we've got a story to tell, haven't we? A tale of bravery and Auror heroics!"

"Yes," Bruno replied, but then he clutched his head. It was still spinning slightly.

"Oh, steady now," Fudge said with paternal concern. "We can delay if you're not feeling your best.

"I appreciate the concern, but we can't afford to wait. I'll be fine, and I won't let anyone down." 

"I see your point. Let them witness your condition, see what you've been through. It'll make a more compelling story, that's for sure!"

Olivia chimed in, her voice filled with worry, "Perhaps we should consider—"

But Fudge, always eager to seize a good narrative opportunity, interrupted her, saying, "No, no, my dear. Our young hero here is right. We'll start now and show the world the strength of our Ministry and the resilience of this fine boy. It'll be a tale for the ages, I'm sure of it."

"Not just a tale — a true life story," Bruno corrected him with a weak smile.

"Words of a true hero, well done!" Fudge awkwardly patted Bruno's knee and then added in an excited whisper, "I'll let them in."

As reporters entered and cameras flashed, Bruno felt like he might pass out at any moment, but he clung to consciousness. The aftermath of depleting his magical reserves was exacting a heavy toll on his well-being. It seemed that the Noggin Zoom Tonic had pushed him beyond his limits. Now, he had to wait because Fudge, with his penchant for attention, was determined to etch this true-life story into the annals of history. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, I can assure you, that situation is under control now and every corner on Knockturn Alley will be checked twice to make sure that there is no place for any dark wizards making their crimes, no more! The Rowles brothers were delivered in Azkaban immediately and be waiting for their final trial there. And, as the Minister of Magic, I assure you that each of them will receive their just punishment," Fudge declared, making an "okay" gesture with his hand and kissing it. 

The audience began to buzz with excitement. Someone in the crowd shouted, "Give them what they deserve, Minister!" and everyone erupted into applause. Fudge waited patiently for the cheers to subside.

"But I stand here today not only as the Minister of Magic but as an ordinary wizard deeply moved by the extraordinary bravery of a young man. Bruno Green, who isn't even a student at Hogwarts yet, displayed not only remarkable courage by refusing to give up after being kidnapped by dark wizards but also demonstrated an exceptional mastery of magic without a wand. It was through the swift intervention of our dedicated Aurors that they were able to rescue him from peril."

Applause resounded as Cornelius Fudge stood by Bruno's bedside, shaking his hand, while cameras continued to flash. Despite the chamber's spaciousness, Bruno couldn't shake the feeling that he was on display, akin to a monkey in a zoo.

"I'm pleased to announce that the Ministry of Magic will be covering the cost of his treatment and recovery. In recognition of his heroism and to assist him on his future magical journey, we'll be awarding him a sum of 500 Galleons as a token of our appreciation. Bruno's actions remind us that courage knows no age, and we are truly indebted to him for his valor."

Seeing that the crowd was getting even more enthusiastic, Fudge was emboldened and added, "Furthermore, at the next Wizengamot session, I will be proposing that Bruno Green be awarded the Order of Merlin as the youngest..."

Bruno didn't hear the rest. The exhaustion finally overcame him, and he slipped back into a deep sleep. When he finally awoke next day, he felt significantly better. The memory of Fudge's speech in front of reporters seemed hazy, like a distant dream. It was as if time had blurred the line between reality and the fantastical events of the day.

The potential receipt of the Order of Merlin, either first or second class, still hung in uncertainty. However, it was essential to give Fudge credit—he valued the assistance provided in that very day. The Minister's popularity surely would be rising rapidly. That's why he has this strong desire to express gratitude to Bruno. The Galleon reward provided by Fudge and seemingly funded by taxpayers was quite substantial.

An hour or two later, Rita Skeeter was sitting beside him, taking an interview. Not surprisingly, she was very gentle and cautious with him.

"Do you already know how you'll spend the gold you've received?" Rita asked, sitting by his bedside.

She attempted to maintain an impassive expression, undoubtedly nervous that the boy knew her little Animagus secret. After each of her questions, Bruno smiled at her in a way that seemed to say, "Go ahead, try asking me something different." Her venomous green quill was in her possession, but every time it started scribbling, Rita nervously glanced over her shoulder at Olivia, as if this interview was causing her unbearable torment.

"Absolutely," Bruno said, gently cradling a Swift with a bandaged wing, looked up from the tiny creature he was nursing. He smiled faintly, his gaze shifting to Rita. "I'm gonna snag a broomstick!"

"A broomstick?" Rita repeated. "Wanna fly with your big rescued Snidget?"

"It ain't a Snidget, it's a Swift, and I told ya how she's got her name Silkewt," Bruno said, his tone taking on a touch of chilliness.

He carefully fed the injured Swift delicate pieces of cookies, a gesture of care and comfort for the wounded bird nestled in his hands. The specialized healers' success in mending the bird was a welcomed relief. After the loss of Tris, the new and adorable pet brought some solace to Bruno's heart. Although their time together was brief, the memory of Tris's sacrifice left a lasting impact on Bruno, reminding him of the depths of loyalty and selflessness that could exist in the magical world.

This pet name came to him as Yubai misheard Bruno's final words, 'silver cutie,' before losing consciousness if it was spoken as a name. Bruno couldn't help but laugh happily when he realized that it suited the Swift perfectly. Also, one of the healers told him it was a girl.

"Oh, certainly. Noted. The Snidget remark was just to add a bit of levity to this interview," Rita said with a smile, although no one returned the gesture. "Anyway, you are aware that first-year students at Hogwarts are forbidden from owning broomsticks, aren't you? Or does our young hero fancy a bit of rule-breaking? Enjoying the thrill of defiance?"

"He certainly isn't planning to become an unregistered Animagus," Olivia said, smiling pretentiously. "Oh, this was also, as you say, to add a bit of levity to this interview."

Rita burst into laughter, but her laughter lacked any real amusement.

"Your mother is quite a joker. But I suppose I'm allowed to mention purchase of the broomstick in the article?"

"I suppose you are," Olivia replied coldly. "Just focus on something else."

"On what?" Rita inquired. "Could I at least mention his juicy lips?"

"Another hint at your twisted imagination, and we won't be so kind to you," Olivia threatened.

"Kind?" Rita said, her cheerful facade momentarily fading as she tapped her long, painted nails on her notepad. "Is that what you call those candies you sent me?"

"It's better than a Wizengamot summons, isn't it? By the way, have a cookie. Yubai put in quite an effort to make them delicious."

"Thank you for the compliment, almighty mistress," Yubai squeaked, holding a tray with cookies in his hands, on which also sat still untouched Rita's cup of tea.

Olivia suppressed a laugh at Yubai's endearing address and selected a beetle-shaped cookie from the plate. Taking a delicate bite, she washed it down with the still-steaming tea. Rita, meanwhile, contorted her face in a display of distaste, revealing a few gleaming golden teeth in her mouth. She ignored the offer anyway.

"So, how am I supposed to write if I can't talk about what I see or hear?" Rita asked. "Why on earth do you need me? What's the point of this?"

"Well, Rita, no need to hurry, right?" Bruno asked, his lips curving playfully. "Writing a stellar article, it's all about patience. So, let's begin by talkin' 'bout who this broomstick's for."

Rita squinted her eyes and directed an inquisitive gaze at smiling Bruno.

"What does that mean?"


In the next episode…

"If we can get a picture of Minerva McGonagall with a smile, then we can certainly get a picture of this brat! Put an ad on the front page: 'Thousand Galleons for a picture of Animagus! This could be the opportunity of a lifetime.'"

And phew! What a blinding escape epic quest that was, eh? Hope you had a rip-roaring time because I sure thought it was high time to stir the cauldron a bit. Now, as for our poor Runespoor, Tris... Sorry, but in this Dumblegame, I've got a master plan for that death. Let's take a moment of silence for our triple-headed hero.

I hadn't exactly planned on givin' Bruno any prizes, but that whole scene with Fudge in the third Harry Potter book – you know, the one where he tries to hand out medal for Snape's expert level in hair greasing? Well, that cheeky reference got the better of me, I admit. Seemed like the chat between Fudge and Olivia just slid into place, like a perfect fit. Personally, I never had a doubt that Fudge would go for somethin' like that if it tickled his fancy. 

Finally, I've thrown a bit of Rita onto the stage, but I reckon too much of her could be downright bothersome. She's got the knack for spoiling a twist or two. That's why I had to put a stop to it with this little Skeethanger. Don't be upset... or do, and I'll be flattered. Hah.

SeriousBlokecreators' thoughts