
Beginning of the journey

The night passed quickly and the rebels fell asleep as soon as they saw the sun rise. They needed rest to tackle the next mission with bravery because otherwise it would mean having weak warriors, and especially ones who were a little drunk.

But the werewolves were aware of this, and although they celebrated a little wildly, Lyra was always attentive and very controlled in any situation that could get out of hand. Fortunately, there were only laughs and an atmosphere of love and tranquility.

The next day, when it was already midday, Lyra was preparing things for her journey. The journey from the tribe to the kingdom was a bit long, so taking provisions and especially weapons would serve her well to be at ease and assume any challenges that might arise.

After packing everything in her backpack, she gets ready by putting on her comfortable outfit and with an optimistic smile, accepts her next challenge with all the intention of winning. She leaves her cabin and the first thing she notices is that some men are lying on the ground due to last night's big party.

And it's because not everyone can become respectable and mature warriors, and although this doesn't mean they are lazy, it puts Lyra in a somewhat complex situation since she can't leave without some companions to help represent the village, because almost everyone is sleeping.

She just exhales as a gesture of resignation and now doesn't know what to do, so she decides, before making any decisions, to go visit her friend Alexander. He wasn't at the party last night so it's very likely that he's awake.

And even if he had been at the party, it wouldn't be an excuse not to visit her friend. Lyra always sees him as a warrior worthy of admiration and above all as a friend, so she goes to the infirmary to see how he's doing.

Although she was also hoping he could accompany her, he was one of the few people she could trust, so if he could accompany her, it would be more than fine, but she would find out by seeing how he is at the moment.

To her luck, when she arrived at the infirmary, he was sitting on the bed eating. When he saw her, he smiled and told her to come closer, the smile he made cheered up Lyra, giving her some indication that he was better.

"It's good to see you doing so well," Lyra says in a friendly tone.

"Well, I feel good, the medicine they gave me here is quite peculiar haha, the wounds are healing quite fast," says Alexander with his characteristic charisma.

"Oh yes, impressive haha, I also healed my wounds quite quickly, there are many interesting things in this tribe."

"Yes, things worth fighting for, so as soon as I feel better, I will continue with my research to understand why this place has been the focus of so many problems."

"Oh yes, the research, it's quite curious that being a peaceful tribe, they have had to raise arms against the oppressive kingdom, but that's something I hope to change, and for that, I need your help."

"Of course! I'll be your good ally and follow you wherever you go, hoping to get some information too. Where will our next destination be?" says Alexander excitedly, eager to see what new adventures await them.

After Lyra explained where they would be going, both she and Alexander prepared for their next adventure, where they would need courage, knowledge, and strength to not be overcome by the evil forces of the other kingdoms. That day, they mapped out their route together and divided tasks to strengthen communication and anticipate any problems, but that wouldn't prepare them for the great danger they might face and that they couldn't even imagine was going to happen.

The next day...

"Do I really need to carry all these bags for the trip?" Marcus says to Lyra.

"Come on, you don't have to carry as much as the other two warriors who will accompany us on this journey, and these are things we will need considering there are several of us, so change that attitude because once we cross that door, there will be no turning back," says Lyra with a friendly and inspiring tone.

"Okay, I'm excited, I won't deny that, but when it comes to entering battle in that dark forest, so many suitcases can hinder us..." Marcus says with a bit of timidity. "You're right, but being several of us, we can assign tasks quite well, so when there is danger, you'll be in charge of guarding our backs and especially our resources," says Alexander, who is on his horse with Lyra. "Phew, okay, as long as I can listen to my leader Lyra and stay focused, everything will be fine," says Marcus with great enthusiasm.

Lyra smiles and encourages the team with whom she was starting her journey to the castle. And so Lyra, along with the four warriors, including Alexander, Marcus, Rogelio, and Sparta, set off on their journey into the deepest part of the forest. Before they left, Lyra had exchanged a few words with the great sage of the Kahiah tribe, where apparently she had handed him something in his hand, while Alexander observed what happened.

By nightfall, the five warriors were silently walking on their horses, they were a bit exhausted, but finding a place to sleep wouldn't be an easy task. That's why Marcus was leading the small group to someplace where there were no signs of danger. With his great sense of smell, he could detect enemies at a distance and also find food along the way. While he stayed in the front, Lyra was very attentive to the surroundings and any strange sounds. Being half-wolf, just like the rest of the group, their senses were quite sharp, and detecting any threat wouldn't be a problem.