
How To Live As Sly Eyes Character

I was amazed to see a character who has sly eyes. They are usually perceived as ordinary, foolish, or strange by the people around them. But when they open their eyes, the atmosphere suddenly changes and ends up deceiving everyone and revealing their true self. Then one day, i made a character with sly eyes in a game and logged into the game as that character. "I'm not trapped here with you, you're trapped here here with me. haha... " *** This is my first time making a story, so please give comments, suggestions, or something else so I can be better in the future.

Kazekiel · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


To be honest, I can't remember what triggered this desire. All I know is that I've been admiring this sly-eyed character for as long as I can remember.

Perhaps it's because of a certain anime, manga, or novel? Well, I guess it doesn't matter. Their original name is the fox eyes or 'kitsune no me,' but I prefer to call them sly eyes.

They are usually perceived as ordinary, foolish, or strange by the people around them. But when they open their eyes, the atmosphere suddenly changes and ends up deceiving everyone and revealing their true self.

I've always admired them since the first time I saw them. I want to become one of them.

But as time went by, a sense of discomfort began to haunt me: It seems like it's time to face reality.

Yes, that's right. All of this is meaningless.

I can't become a character like that in the real world. Even when I go to a virtual world or play games, I still can't become like them no matter how many games I've played. They would just become like a typical game character, either a good person or a villain.

At that time I always wondered how I could become a Sly eyes character

"Oh right."

Suddenly a game appeared and changed my life.

The Fantasy Life.

Otherwise known by the abbreviation TFL.

This is an open world RPG themed game that we usually find today.

However, there are things that set it apart from other games with the same theme.

Unlike other games where you will be provided with characters and you have to get these characters through effort or by lottery/gacha and also the monotonous game story.

This game features character customization. This feature allows players to create the character they want both in terms of appearance, strength, and character traits.

Thanks to this feature, there is also another feature called Multiple Story. Where players will feel a different story or experience according to the character they made.

I've been playing this game for quite a while and I quite like it. I have created various characters and completed various stories in the game.

Even so, I still feel empty because I still haven't been able to create and play the Sly eyes character that I dreamed of because of limited designs, strengths, traits, and stories that are still limited.

But one day, a notification appears that there is a new update from the game.

"Holy sh*t. Finally! After all this time!"

Customization files for Sly eyes characters have been posted on the bulletin board and are trending in real time.

As I dreamed, finally I can make my dream come true. I immediately went in and tried to make the Sly eyes character very serious.

However, like games in general. Still there are systematic limits to the game.

"Hmm... What should I do?"

Apart from the character design part, the strength part and the character part are still unsatisfactory for me.

'Should I just make something like this?'


'what can I expect from a game?'

"Well... At least it's not that bad."

I quickly sobered up and started making Sly eyes characters based on imagination and information I had gathered a long time ago.

How long has it been like that.

Looking towards the window, the sun seemed to have set and the sky was dyed with darkness.

It is said that when someone is happy and focused while doing something, they feel that time will fly by as if time is running very fast.

'it is real'

Still, everything I do is less worth the time.

"Like this-"

When I feel the light on my monitor getting brighter and brighter.

"Like this-"

Then when I closed and opened my eyes because of the too bright light, the atmosphere completely changed and the situation felt unpleasant.

Pale white skin with black hair.

The pattern of thin lines that look like narrow eyes that give off a faint impression as if they were forgotten for a moment and without leaving a single second in the memories.

However, that faint impression also made him look strange and disturbing at the same time.

As a result of putting so much time and effort into expressing a dual and whimsical atmosphere that can be said to be everything for the Sly eyes character, a very satisfying result came out.

How many times have I slammed and smacked the keyboard or mouse and said 'this is not a Sly eyes character!'

Finally, a character that I had dreamed of for a long time was standing there.

'here he is. It's a Sly eyes character!'

By my standards this is fine. Slanted eyes and a mysterious face with an unpredictable expression.

The future of Sly eyes is completely unpredictable and unknown.

"A fitting name for a Sly eyes character..."

I'm not very good at naming. But, dead we're naming it soon cause I wasted too long.

"Because I have sly eyes... Callius... Taken from the Latin callidus or sly."

Now that the look customization has been completed, it's time for the main show.

If the main thing in the main appearance of the Sly eyes character is the slanted eyes and a mysterious face. Then other settings are also needed that are suitable for this character.

For example, when his eyes open or his facial expression suddenly changes and becomes so strong that it makes the people around him feel shocked, scared and threatened.

To make the most of these points, look at the list of characteristics more strictly and seriously than at appearances.


[Attribute:The Darkness Itself]


Description: you are darkness itself.

You own and control the power of darkness especially dark magic that can even devour the world.

What will happen if your whereabouts are revealed to the world?

At least it will definitely get the world's attention.

[Characteristic: The Jack Of All Kill]

[Rating: Unique]

Description: you master all types of weapons and all types of martial arts.

This is technology created to kill people. This is very useful in the game world.

While you can spare your enemies sometimes, I'd rather kill him if he's too dangerous to be left alive.

It is a basic mindset even in the real world to sacrifice 1 person for the safety of thousands.

[Attribute: Deceiver of the world]

[Rating: unique]

Description: you have a natural talent for deceiving others and even the world.

Under no circumstances can you hide your true colors and show the side you want to show.

[Attribute: What is your power?]

[Rating: unique]

Description: You can completely hide your powers.

Sounds like you don't want to attract the attention of others.

Or on the other hand, you enjoy the attention of others in a shady way.

[Attribute: Unbending Will]

[Rating: unique]

Description: you are free from all mental and subconscious disturbances.

Nothing can affect your mental and subconscious.

This is really a messy prerogative.


"It looks neat."

While this may not seem like a big deal, it is very important.

With this optimal combination, the perfect Sly eyes character will be created that I have always dreamed of.

"Uh, by the way..."

Basically this character is too perfect even though at first I thought there would be certain limitations in making this character.

What is this uncomfortable feeling.


I don't know.

I'll taste it myself after trying it.

I hit the character creation button with lots of questions and strange feelings behind me.

"Thinking about it, it doesn't seem like anything special."

Like that.

I then found myself in the game world with the Sly eyes character I made.