
How the Stars bring us Together

A story originally set within a castle of the Medieval Era, though it's like paradise on Earth(and in slight ruins), the Zodiacs find themselves caught up in trouble when Ophiuchus starts to stir it. They seem to part ways, although the God of Stars seems to think otherwise. The lot are soon sent to recreate their relationships in modern times, whether this plan seems to play or not is another matter... Having already been reincarnated into the thirteen respective Zodiac signs, you can imagine how confusing yet another time period would be. To most of them, at least. A cautionary reminder that this book shall contain some graphic, mature scenes. Viewer discretion is advised. There is also alot of profound language, such as swearing.

markiee · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 2.

•Cancer's POV•

This is just what we needed.. More reason to have a target on our backs!

I sat down on the king-sized bed in frustration, holding my head in my hands. Libra sat next to me, and placed a hand on my back, trying to comfort me.

"Do you have any idea.. How long Taurus holds grudges for.." I looked at her with the side of my eye, with a hint of a glare.

"I don't even know why he's mad- Oh! Because of the hummus that strictly said, "'Piss off from my hummus or I'll hunt you down'." Libra tapped her chin in thought. "That was his?!" She gasped in realization.

"Sounds like his sort of wording choice.. Wait, have you still got the note?" I looked at her, as she nodded and then handed it to me from her pocket. I peered at the handwriting, a frown embedded on my face. "This doesn't look like his handwriting.." I commented, as I showed Libra again. She didn't get it.

"A-Are you sure? It looks very similar..-" Libra was cut off by my snorting.

"Are you doubting me?" I looked straight in her ocean-coloured eyes. She frantically shook her head, as I nodded in approval. "We should convince the others."

5 minutes later~

Aries continued to just stare at the writing, before sighing in exasperation. "You guys really don't think this is Taurus'?" He asked, and we shook our heads. "Until you can find the actual culprit of this message, I won't believe you." Aries then handed it back, and practically kicked us out of his room, with a slam of his door we moved onto Ophiuchus' floor.

"Awh, look what the cat dragged in~ the two, star-crossed lovers. It's a surprise seeing you both here, normally you can't bear to see my snake-face." Ophiuchus smirked, seeing my glaring face. "Anyways, what can I help you both with?" Her face went back to her normal sneer of disgust.

"W-We want you t-to take a l-l-look at this note.." Libra tried to sound demanding, although failed due to her stuttering. It just ended up with the Snake laughing.

"S-s-sorry, what was t-that?" She mocked Libra, and I began to grit my teeth with both impatience and annoyance.

"Just look at the fucking note!" I stormed forwards, and shoved it infront of her face. She was lying on her side, on the bed.

Ophiuchus made a low hiss, before she eventually complied and snatched the note from my grip. She smirked at it, then raised a brow at me. "What, do you expect me to congratulate you on knowing how to spell 'hummus'?" She continued to smirk at her snide remark, whereas I'd had enough.

I grabbed her by the chin, and forced her to look at me. She made no effort to back down, so I simply punched her and stormed out. Libra followed me, after getting over her shock.

"C-Cancer! Wasn't that a bit m-much..?" Libra had ran infront of me. Hold on, was she defending that snake-faced bitch?! I huffed, then held the bridge of my nose in annoyance.

"She was acting suspicious, no? She didn't want to see it or try to help. I think she's the culprit." I finally managed to answer.

"A-Are you sure i-it's not just y-your hatred for her?" Libra looked rather torn. I huffed again, then walked past her and back to our floor. I slammed the door shut and collapsed on the bed in defeat. All of this over some mother fucking hummus.