
How I ended in a novel as a villain of the story

Life happened. Sorry have to take one week break! This novel tells the story of a Victor, orphan with hard life that got one day reincarnated to his favorite novel. But to his surprise he was not reincarnated as a main character but as main villain that is meant to suffer and slowly loose everything he had. Embark with Victor on journey for a good life with his girls, family and friends. I will be posting two chapters every morning ( I am from Europe so in your timezone it will be different ).They should be at least 1000 words long. R-18 chapters are released as bonus chapters and are not counted towards chapters per day. I am not marking them in chapter names but there is always warning in chapter before them at the end. They are always safe to skip if you don't like them. This just my hobby that makes happy so I decided to share it with you guys hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing it. Just so you know I am not really a fan of NTR and Incest so don't count on that please. PS: I am really bad with novel tags. So if you are better with them than me I will gladly accept your input.

Victor_PR · Kỳ huyễn
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73 Chs


After few minutes Katarina appeared with eight little girls in tow. And started to speak. One could see the looks ranging from anticipation to anxiousness on the faces of little girls.

"I already explained to the girls what is going on Your Graces. May I ask how do you want to do this?"

I stood up and smiled on the girls trying to ease the mood a little for them. To the contrast to my looks in previous life I was cute kid. With short blond hair and blue eyes, same as my mother and sister. So, I hope that my cuteness will calm the girls down a little.

"Hello! I am Victor Burghoff son of the duchess Burghoff. I came here in order to find myself my personal maid that will grow and learn together with. May I ask you to stand next to each so we can all see each other and introduce yourself one by one."

As they stood next to each I spotted the girl I was looking for. Metallic dark blue hair and eyes, and very cute face. I tried very hard to hide my excitement as I looked at her, standing there unbelievably anxious. She was a very rare spirit beast, spirit shadow wolf to be precise. That gained her ability to turn into human form very early, and not only that, she was able to use full human form where even the tail and ears are hidden. Adventurers was about to find her in forest so she turned to her human form because she was scarred, she would be caged or killed. She could not use her shadow attribute yet since as the humans have there awakening at the age of five via ritual spirit beast awaken their magic abilities by itself at the same age, else she would just used shadow walk and ran. Her rarity is hard to fathom. Only about 1% spirit wolfs are able to gain element and only about 1% of those gains special element rest will awaken common element like fire, lightning, wind and so on. And even from the uncommon ones the shadow is among rarest together with light.

She will escape the orphanage as soon as she awakens her element and later on will be forced by MC (main character) to the contract, and that ahole not only he will never gain her full-fledged ability he can't even use her ability properly. So, I decided to "confiscate" her and treat her right.

As I was deep in my thoughts thinking about her, I started to hear anxious girlish voices in front of me that pulled out of my thinking.

"I am Nadia, 4 years old" Black-haired blue-eyed girl spoke and bowed

"I am Petra, 3 years old" Blond-haired green-eyed girl spoke and bowed

As this it went until the long-awaited moment came. It was turn for my little wolf girl to speak.

"I am Lola, 3 years old" She didn't bow just quickly jumped back to row of girls.

Honestly, I stopped paying attention after that. Once they finished, I looked towards the director and spoke:

"Would it be please possible to speak in private with Lola? Just for a minute." I turned towards mom and sis, and before anybody could tell something I told them "Of course you two please stay."

Seeing that, director just nodded, and gathered the rest of the girls with her and they left the room.

The anxiousness on the Lola's face palpable.

I just smiled as warmly as I could and started to speak.

"Hello Lola, I will be honest with you. And I would love if you could do the same. I would love if you came with me and studied with me to become my personal maid. Of course, later you would have to pick if you want to be my personal maid or my companion as I can see you are a spirit beast, spirit wolf to be precise looking at your characteristic hair color. Don't dread, this hair color knowledge is so obscure that I am sure neither the adventurers or staff in here in orphanage knows about it." Ok I had to bullshit here a little since, it's kind of hard to tell her 'I read the novel so I know', I really hope this will work "or both. Anyway, it's up to you. What I can promise is warm bed, three foods a day, and nobody will ever force you to do something, or hunt you for contract or to kill you. So please let me know what you say?"

Lola's jaw dropped. She tried to use her senses and feel malicious intent from the boy or the woman and girl behind him. Females exuded just surprise, which was visible on there faces. So, she was more or less sure that they did not know about this. As for the boy it was mostly anxiousness and expectations, there was no malice that could be sensed from him. From the begging as he spotted her, she didn't feel single bit of malice from him just happiness at first than expectation and anxiousness at the end. What can easily be explained by him being anxious about her reply.

After a silence that felt for Victor like it would never end. From nowhere little girl's voice could be heart.

"Outside of my learning and training duties could I use my wolf form?"

"Sure, truth be told I would also love if we could hone your abilities in your wolf form."

Boy answered instantly

"What type of contract would you be interested in?"


Boy answered instantly again.

There are two types of contracts one is partnership the second one is domination.

Girl smiled.

"Then I am going to be in your care." Girl spoke softly as she bowed her head slightly.

Victor could not hold his happiness any longer and started jumping around screaming from happiness. What earned him and chuckle from the three girls. It was visible for all three of them that this was very important for him.