
Chapter 161: "looking for the truth"

After crying for a while, and letting all the burdens accumulated in her heart come out. Kiana wiped away the remaining tears on her face, and she currently looked a little embarrassed.

Even though her eyes were still red, the hatred in her heart began to gradually subside.

This was all thanks to the magic spell that her big sis and mama had taught her. This spell really works.

"Thank You..."

Looking at Abyss Flower with a gentle gaze. Kiana took a deep breath, and she immediately held the handle of the divine key weapon tightly.

"Mama, please lend me your power."

In the blink of an eye, the stigmata within her body became more active, and the Abyss Flower immediately emitted a gentle radiance that healed all her wounds.

Flowers, and grass, grew and bloomed very quickly all around, As if symbolizing rebirth after destruction.

Successfully used the healing power of the Abyss Flower. Kiana sighed briefly, before her eyes slowly turned firm.

"Bronya, is your body injured? I now can use the healing power of the Abyss Flower. Even though it's not much, I can at least heal the minor and heavy injuries on your body."

Hearing this, Bronya shook her head: "No, Bronya and Seele are fine. You don't need to worry about us."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yes, Bronya is very sure."

Feeling that Bronya doesn't need her help. Kiana stroked the Abyss flower weapon nostalgically, before she took a deep breath.

Their current situation is still unknown.

She wanted to know everyone's exact condition at the moment. Even though she had already imagined the worst conditions, she really wanted to know how they were all doing right now.

Are they all alive, or are they dead?

Or were there only a handful of valkyries who survived Welt Yang's massacre?

Although her heart felt very anxious, and her throat currently felt very dry. Kiana really wanted to know.

She patted her cheeks hard, encouraging herself.

"Mama Cecilia, aunt Theresa, all the other valkyries... Are they all dead? Answer me honestly, Bronya."

Kiana took a deep breath.

"You don't need to consider my feelings. Just, say it. I will accept everything that is."

Hearing what Kiana said. Bronya was briefly stunned, before she shook her head uncertainly.

"Bronya doesn't really understand either. After you were shot, Welt immediately launched a series of attacks towards the valkyrie convoy team."

"Bronya only knew that before the dust rose, and the shockwave hit us. The two of us were transported to this place, along with you."

"It seems Joachim was the one who saved the three of us."

"However, regarding other specifications, Bronya is still not quite sure."

Seeing Kiana's eyes become a little empty, and a little lost. Bronya became a little panicked, and she hurriedly corrected her words.

"Ehem! Speaking of the lance in your hand, Seele was the one who brought it back here. You can ask her later after she wakes up."

In other words, it is possible that Cecilia, the user of the lance, is still alive today.

Bronya didn't want to make Kiana's already low hopes even lower.

At least, let her have hope.

Even though it will later turn out to be a white lie.

At least this won't make Kiana despair.

"Kiana, this place is just a bubble universe. All of them are not people we know. In fact, they might not even be real people."

"Their deaths were not your fault. You did what you could."

"In reality, they are all still alive. They are all waiting for you to come back. So Kiana, please don't be sad."

Felt Bronya trying to cheer her up. Kiana turned around, and she rubbed her slightly runny nose.

"Bronya, are you currently comforting me? I never expected that a little devil like you still has a conscience."

"My assessment of you has changed."

"Bronya, thank you for cheering me up. I feel a little better."

Turned around, and gave Bronya a big smile. Even though it wasn't like the silly smile she often made, it managed to calm Bronya's restless heart.

It is just...

Behind her bright smile. Her blue eyes, had a glint of hidden sadness.

"Bronya, I'm going there to check a few things. You just wait here for a moment."

Hearing this, Bronya nodded: "Okay, Bronya will sit here while waiting for Seele to wake up. You take care of our surroundings."

"Hehe, order received, boss."

Saluting Bronya, and immediately turned her back, intending to check the middle of the hall. The smile that had been on Kiana's face disappeared, and Kiana took a deep breath.

Glancing at the middle of the hall filled with ruined buildings, she could see purple hair sticking out from the cracks in the ruined walls of the building. Kiana, who was very familiar with this hair, suddenly felt her chest become very tight once again.

Gritting her teeth, and gathering all her courage to go that way. Kiana, who saw a fairly large ruined wall blocking her path, decided to clean up the rubble of this building first.

Cleaning one by one, and throwing away the last big ruin. Kiana stepped back a few steps, and her blue eyes flashed with a glint of deep sadness.

One of her worst thoughts, finally came true.

"Sister Sirin..."

Good news, She has found Sirin.

Bad news, She died.

Holding back as hard as she could the tears that were about to fall. Kiana could only bite her lower lip tightly, exchanging this feeling of sadness for pain, and instead she felt her chest getting tighter.

She thought her tears had run out.

Turns out... That's still a lot.

"No... Don't cry... Don't cry again... sister Thea will laugh at me if she finds out about this... I... I'm not a whiny girl..."

Gritting her teeth, and shaking her head many times, as if that could help her throw away all the sadness she had. Kiana, who felt herself becoming very weak, finally chose another way.

The method that Thea always uses when she is depressed.



Slap yourself.

"It hurts..."

Kiana started to regret it.

Bronya, who saw Kiana holding her swollen cheek, shook her head helplessly.

This idiot tuna is finally back to factory settings.

Although she felt a little happy about Kiana's stupid actions. Bronya just coughed a few times awkwardly, and all her attention was immediately attracted by Sirin's corpse which had suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall.

The archon Herrscher of Void's spear pierced her heart precisely, and it immediately stuck into the ground, just like a skewered fish when roasted in a bonfire.

Bronya could see that Kiana was currently trying to heal Sirin with the Abyss Flower's healing ability. But, it was all useless.

Sirin's body, which had been placed on the ground, did not move an inch.

Even though Kiana had healed all the wounds on her body, Sirin was currently almost exactly like a doll that had lost its soul.

No matter how much she had improved it, the person who had left, would never return.

In the end, Kiana gave up.

Bronya was still confused: "Senior Sirin? Why is she here? Who killed her?"

"The answer to the first is because she is the Herrscher of Void, an enemy of humanity. For the second answer, I was the one who killed Her."

Bronya: "!?!"

Realizing that there is someone who answers her doubts. Bronya looked to the side stiffly, and her heartbeat began to beat rapidly.

The person who answered the question just now was Welt Yang. The second Herrscher.

He appeared next to Bronya, without making the slightest sound.

"[Hostile detected...]"

Triggers the security system. Project Bunny immediately appeared behind Bronya, and its cannon at Welt Yang without the slightest hesitation.

Welt Yang looked at the Project Bunny with an interested look.

"What a very unique mechanism. Did you get this robot from the ruins? Then I now know why you two were still able to survive after crossing half the map of the existing battlefield locations."

"The luck of the two of you is really very good."

"If only I had the same luck as you two. This really makes me jealous."

Saw Project Bunny, and after that noticed Bronya. Welt shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and he slowly walked towards Kiana.

He walked very casually, like he was walking in his own house.

Glancing at Kaslana's stigmata on Kiana's back for a moment. Welt withdrew his gaze, and he stood next to Kiana quietly.

Welt didn't move immediately, and Kiana didn't want to move for a while either.

The two of them maintained this silence for a while, as if the hatred between the two of them two hours ago had never happened.

In the end, Kiana who had finished her mourning period for Sirin, took a deep breath, and she asked first.

"How... With all of them?"

Welt answered honestly: "They are all dead. Both the Valkyries from the front line, and the back line personnel, I have all killed them."

Dropping big bombs without feeling the slightest guilt. Welt smiled.

"Now the only valkyrie still alive here is you, Kiana Kaslana."

How do you feel after losing everyone you love?"

"Do you hate me?"

Looking to the side, and saw Kiana just gripping the Abyss Flower tightly until her hands turned pale from lack of blood. Welt, who saw a familiar sight, couldn't help but smile even more.

You're angry, but you can't hit me.

This feeling somehow made Welt feel very nostalgic.

Kiana asked: "Why would you do something like this? What have they done that you had to kill them all?"

Welt answered her: "Trouble? Yes, I did have a problem with the Schicksal valkyries. After all, during these five years I grew up in fear and terror."

"Because you have lost everything, just like me. Then I will tell you a story about myself."

"The story of a boy who takes on his mission and responsibility to save the whole world."

Welt Yang took a deep breath, and he began to tell his story.

"It all started in 1955, the day we were all trapped by Schicksal, and the day Welt Joice, my hero died."

"On the day of the massacre, I was the only survivor."

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