457 Down the rabbit hole

Saavi and Celaena sat on a shuttle heading towards the Amara clan. Saavi navigated the aircraft pushing it passed it's speed limits to get there in time.

"What are we going to do once we get there?" Celaena asked from the passenger seat.

"Help Lord Mano and Lady Lyra, and stall for time until Mikaela arrives." Saavi told her what Mika wanted them to do.

"What stall for time...you mean she wants me to-"

"Yes, stop time. If necessary."

"I've never stopped time in such a big scale before."

"Well there will be no better time to try than tomorrow."

Celaena stayed silent as she thought about what will happen if she can't do it.

Will she have to tell her friend that she let her family die?

As Celaena tried to keep herself from having an anxiety attack, Mika cracked the code on the door and was now touring the insides of many lab rooms underneath the imperial palace's floors.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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