
Homophobic (I hate gays but I don't hate you)

After being sexually assaulted by gay guys at a young age, Alberto Rodriguez developed a huge phobia for gays.. He depises them and doesn't want anything to do with them... he has a best friend, Fernando Sanchez, whom he cares for so much... What will happen when Alberto finds out that his best friend was actually gay?... Will Alberto end their 5 years friendship just because he's homophobic?... stay tuned to find out P.S. This is a BL novel; boyxboy .. if you don't like this kind of novel, I'd advise you to not read it..

Anthonia_Charles · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

Chapter two

~~~~~~~Alberto P.o.v~~~~~~~~

The walk to school was quite and peaceful and I love it that way; I feel relaxed right now.. Soon I reached the huge gate of my school.. MEXICO HIGH SCHOOL was boldly written on a huge sign board above the gate.. I sighed as I opened the gates and walked in... Did I forget to mention that this is an "only boys" school.. I walked into the hallway and as always, every one kept staring at me; some with lust in their eyes while some with jealousy and whispering

     *OMG, Alberto looks so hot today...

   *Is it me or it look like Alberto keeps getting cuter and hotter by the minute....

   *I wish one day, he'll notice me....

  *Pfft look at him.. he thinks he's hot.. he looks like a frog to me....

  *Oh my, I wonder if he's big down there....

The comments were starting to piss me off... It was so evident in my face yet they don't seem to care... I sighed and walked towards my locker.. I opened it and saw a single rose and a piece of paper... I picked up the paper and it says...


¶  Dear Alberto,.                      

¶                   I'm writing this    letter to tell you how I feel about you...  The First day I set my eyes on you, I knew it was love at first sight.. I love you so much Alberto.. I can't live a day without seeing you .. I want us to be together forever.. I want to have your kids.. I want to spend the rest of my life with you .. please don't reject me..




No words can describe how disgusted I was.. I angrily tore the paper and threw it in the trash bin.. can't they see how disgusted I am by their kind?!!.. Can't they see I don't want anything to do with them?!!... I took the rose and also threw it in the trash bin... I checked my locker to see if there was any more letters and luckily, there wasn't... I sighed in relief as I brought out my English textbook and shut my locker... Just then, I heard someone yell my name "AL!!"... Only one person calls me that.. I turned and sighted Fernando, waving at me.. I smiled and waved back.. He walked up to me and smiled "hey al, wassup" we shook hands "I'm cool fernan, how are you" "I'm good, just thinking about the hot chicks I'm gonna fuck tonight" he winked as I burst into laughter.. Typical Fernando , after all these years, he still hasn't changed... Fernan and I have been best friends since we were 13... He's the only friend I have and trust... I suddenly check the time on my watch.. it was 7:30 and class starts by 8:00 "hey fernan, it's almost time for class" I clutched my Textbook "oh" he faced his locker.. Fernan's locker is next to mine... he opened his locker and brought out his English textbook, closed his locker and faced me "Alright then, let's go" he smiled and wrapped his right hand on my shoulders... I chuckled and he smirked as we headed to class....

We got to class and everyone, as usual,stared at me and started whispering.. I ignored them as me and fernan walked up to our seats and sat down.. Suddenly, the door opened and our English teacher walked in, She was a woman in her mid 30's... She walked to her desk and faced us "Good morning class" "Good morning Mrs Chloe" the class chorused.. "today we'll be talking about the figures of speech" she picked up a chalk and wrote "Figures of speech" boldly on the blackboard "everyone, open page 156 on your textbook" we did as she said as she started teaching.....