
Homelander is in DC

Wonder Woman: Why Are You Superman’s Brother? Eric said: "On my first day after traveling through time, I crawled into Superman's baby spaceship as a baby myself, pushed him out, and took his place. That's how I became the 'Son of Krypton.'" Superman asked: "Why don't you go save the plane?" Eric replied: "I can't lift things while standing on air." Batman asked: "Why doesn't kryptonite affect you this time?" Eric replied: "I originally wanted to fit in with you all as a Kryptonian, but all I got in return was alienation. Fine, I won't pretend anymore. I'll come clean. I am actually Homelander." ...... This is the story of a guy who pretends to be a Kryptonian but is actually a cunning and sinister Villian, causing trouble in the world of superheroes. --------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a Day

OasisTL · Tranh châm biếm
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90 Chs

I have no chance of salvation...


As the devil in Lana's heart slowly approached the direction where she was hiding, his footsteps suddenly stopped upon hearing a voice.

A dark figure appeared behind Jeremy.


Jeremy nervously turned his head.

Even with his keen perception, he couldn't detect how the other person had appeared behind him, which made him even more nervous.

"Is it... you?"

Seeing the identity of the dark figure, Jeremy took a step back in fear.

"It seems you're deeply indulged in your own masterpiece?"

Eric, hidden in the shadows, approached Jeremy as he stepped back.

"You... I don't understand what you're saying?!"

Jeremy swallowed hard, stuttering.

Gone was the arrogance and composure he had at the prom; now all that remained was deep-seated fear.

Hiding behind the statue, Lana's mind was completely filled with confusion.

She couldn't believe that the devil who had attacked her classmates at the prom also had someone he feared.

Who is it?!

While feeling fear, Lana couldn't help but feel curious about the figure lurking in the darkness.

Sounds of steps.

The shadow emerged from the darkness and approached Jeremy, who was retreating.

"You certainly understand, Jeremy. After all, you've just accomplished what no one else could — turning Homecoming into a bloodbath. It's unbelievable; sometimes sanity and madness are just a thin line apart."

Using his super vision, Eric had found Jeremy, the culprit behind the Homecoming tragedy, before Clark.

Watching the mixture of cowardice and madness in Jeremy's eyes, Eric couldn't help but express his feelings.

"So, you're here to stop me?"

Jeremy's red eyes filled with anger.

Madness triumphed over cowardice; he no longer wanted to escape!

"When they hung me on the cross and humiliated me, you didn't come to stop them. When they stripped me naked and painted on my body, you didn't stop them. And now you want to come as the agent of justice! Shut your face, you bastard!"

Jeremy's eyes turned silver-white, and lightning engulfed his body, surging towards Eric.

The immense power made Lana, hiding behind the statue, shudder involuntarily.

That terrible lightning had knocked down Whitney and turned Fleck into ashes.

Even just a glance filled Lana with dread!

Seeing the opponent launching an attack on Eric, she could already imagine Eric's tragic fate.


Eric blocked Jeremy's fist with one hand.

The lightning all over his body surged towards Eric, but it couldn't knock him down.

Not only did it fail to knock him down, but it also didn't seem to cause any harm to him.

Lana widened her eyes in disbelief.

What's going on?

Could it be that Eric is more terrifying than this devil?

Shocked beyond words, Lana's mind was filled with all sorts of absurd thoughts.

With one hand blocking Jeremy's attack, Eric suddenly reached out and grabbed his neck.


In Jeremy's incredulous gaze, Eric snapped his neck.

All the lightning enveloping his body disappeared in an instant.

The devil in Lana's eyes was easily dispatched by Eric.

After dealing with Jeremy, Eric casually threw his body to the ground.

His original plan was to extract information from Jeremy on how to enhance superpowers with kryptonite, or how people affected by kryptonite awaken superpowers.

If the other party was smart enough, there might have been some value in keeping him, but Eric quickly realized that this idiot wasn't worth keeping.

After dealing with Jeremy, Eric looked towards where Lana was hiding behind the statue.

Lana quickly covered her mouth, barely daring to breathe.

Eric had no interest in the goddess of his elder brother, and after just one glance, he left directly.

In the prom hall, Clark rushed over and was shocked by everything in front of him.

All the sprinklers in the hall were turned on, spraying water over the burning flames, and splashing crimson splashes onto the ground.

The flowing water gradually diluted the blood on the ground.

Several students lay on the ground, unaware of life or death.

Clark recognized them as members of the football team.

Fleck, Tommy, Ross... He even saw Lana's boyfriend, Whitney.

Some of the victims lying on the ground still had faint moans coming from their mouths.

Clark didn't know if it was meaningless moaning of pain or a cry for help.

"How could this...?"

Filled with immense self-blame and pain, Clark knelt heavily on the ground.

The water sprayed onto his face, mixed with tears streaming down his cheeks.

This was all my fault!

Clark hung his head low, clenched his fists against the ground, trembling all over.


Just as Clark was engulfed in immense pain, a familiar voice sounded in his ear.

In the pouring rain, Clark raised his eyes blurred with tears.

Eric was standing next to him, looking at him expressionlessly.

"Eric, you knew what happened here, and you knew who the murderer was, didn't you?"

After a brief thought, Clark understood the whole story.

"Why... you could have stopped all this!"

Clark, with his eyes reddened, stood up, his voice trembling, almost bursting with anger.

"I don't think you would believe me, Clark."

Facing his elder brother's furious interrogation, Eric's tone remained indifferent.

"Because now you believe in the power more than you believe in me. Superman's power makes you happy, but it's also dangerous. It makes you regress to relying on power rather than technique, training, and wisdom, leading you to lose your judgment."

"Prejudice, stubbornness, tunnel vision, Clark, these are the mistakes you've made. If you want to choose your own right path, you need to see the consequences of these mistakes!"

"Then you're faultless?" Clark glared at Eric, his eyes burning with fire.

"Because we are different people! You are light, and I am darkness. You are love and order, and I am violence and chaos! Words like salvation and redemption have never been associated with me. So, Clark, don't demand me according to your standards, and don't expect me to be a savior who saves others."

Eric's words remained cold.

Moving his gaze, he looked through the numerous obstacles and saw the distant ambulances and police cars rushing over.

After glancing at the football team members lying on the ground, Eric turned and left.

Standing silently in the sprinkled hall, Clark's mind was in turmoil.


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