
Hollywood Relife

Reincarnated back in time as the son of a now deceased businessman, you now have the chance to do what you always wanted to do. Make money, make movies and enjoy life. But all is not black and white(maybe it is) as you don't know anything about Hollywood and have to start as a newbie. But you have done things like this before and can also do it again. Who knows, maybe you will even get an Oscar or a hot actress as your girlfriend? Anything can happen. AN: I am currently rewriting this. this may contain some sports themes but does not go too deep into it. Just buying a club and enjoying watching your team play. Mostly about entertainment industry

LuenorSureva14 · Thành thị
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49 Chs

Mr. Bean-2

Rowan Atkinson was not having a good time. Though he was a bachelor in electrical engineering, his mind was not in it. He tried his hand in acting, but failed at every step.

He wanted to he an action hero, but when people looked at him, they said he is more suitable for comedies but he didn't listen.

"Mr Atkinson? " A man wearing a suit asked Rowan. Rowan looked at the man and nodded. The man took a seat next to him and handed him a document. "I am from Jackson TV. We want to produce a new series and want you as the male lead. It will be a comedy and can have more than one seasons depending on the audience response. We want you to join us."

Rowan looked at the script in his hand. Mr Bean was a title. It was a slice of life series about the daily life of a guy named Bean and his stuffed bear. It looked to have potential and could give Rowan the necessary boost.

"I will think about it." He said.

The man smiled and gave him his business card. "Give me a call when you have decided." He then got up and left, leaving Rowan pondering about the offer.

That night, Rowan looked at himself in the mirror. He had read the script and found it a bit unique. He smiled at himself according to the requirements of Bean and tried to find the comedy part of him.

After some time, he gave the number on the card a call.