
Chapter 76

The length of "Brave to Death Island" is obviously shorter. After Anna and Irene walked out of the theater, the "Interview with the Vampire" on the other side has not ended yet.

"Hello, I am a film consultant for tppcz."

The two had just walked to the front hall of the theater when they were stopped by a young man. This is very common, and Anna and Irene have encountered them before.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" The other party nodded when they saw the two of them, and quickly asked, "Do you think "Course to Death Island" looks good?"

"So far, the best action movie I've seen!" Irene said first, "I will definitely watch this movie again."

"The film was nearly two hours, but it didn't feel long at all. The time passed quickly, and it came to an end without knowing it." Anna thought for a moment, and said, "I think only shock can be described. Can't calm the urge in my heart."

"Which character or actor are you more impressed?" the man continued to ask.

"Christopher Lee!" Irene took the lead again. "He is almost seventy years old. He is unambiguous to star in an action movie like this. He has a strong aura. He has a cruel and powerful taste in every gesture and a British accent. It's charming."

£, "It should be the reason for the role setting. I think Ed Harris, who played the role of General Hammer, is more brilliant." Anna has a different point of view. "His affection for his dead wife, the love of his opponents, and his sophisticated acting skills It perfectly shows a responsible, passionate and righteous soldier."

"Thank you!"

The young man then handed each of them a questionnaire and a signature pen with the design of "Courage to Death Island". Anna and Irene didn't hesitate to choose a+ on the questionnaire and returned the questionnaire to each other as a small gift. The signature pen belongs to them.

Someone successively accepted award-winning consultations from the staff of this research and consulting company. Anna paid a little attention. It is no exaggeration to say that 99% of them are full of praise for "Breathtaking Island" There are also many people who are extremely satisfied like her and Irene.

It's not surprising to think about it. Fans who can come to watch this film at midnight must be true fans of action movies. If you talk about pure action movies alone, after entering the 1990s, they will be more than "Brave to Death Island". Wonderful video?

She couldn't think of it anyway.

Not long after, "Interview with the Vampires at Night" also ended. After Anna's three companions came out, they directly refused some people's inquiries. When they got here, they could still see them yawning and sleepy eyes. It seems that the spirit is not very good, not as excited as Anna and Irene.

"How is the movie?" Anna asked.

"Very exciting, Pete and Cruise are so handsome!"

The talking girl yawned and rubbed her eyes vigorously. Her spirit improved slightly. "It's just that the film is too long, the rhythm is too slow, and it's a bit dull. It always makes people feel like sleeping."

"Okay, okay, go back to sleep again!" Irene took a few people and walked out, "I called home, and the car and the driver are waiting outside."

When Irene and Anna returned to their dormitory at New York University, discussed a few movie plots, and finally entered a sweet dreamland, the midnight show in Los Angeles had just ended.

"Frankly explain..."

Walking out of the theater, Cunites fiddled with the signature pen he had just obtained, and asked Jones and Allen and their companions, "Who didn't choose a+?"

"Do you think we will rate others on a movie that is more exciting than "Life and Death"?" Allen waved his hand, too lazy to talk to Cunites, and simply changed the subject, "Hey, guys!" "Brave to Death Island" is over, where do you think is the most shocking scene?"

"Bathroom!" Kunites yelled first. "The dialogue between Captain Seal and General Hammer was the most shocking!"

"Yes, it's in the bathroom!" said a companion on the other side, "especially the soldier under the bathroom, who could have survived, for the vow of life and death..."

"I think it's the title!" Jones said slowly, "The slow motion of General Hammer and the soldiers passing by the salute, I still remember it clearly!"

"I think so too!" Allen agreed. "The sensationalism of the bathroom scene is too direct and rude. I still like the opening paragraph of General Hammer!"

"And..." someone added, "When General Hammer was about to launch a missile last, the picture cut to the peaceful life off the island. In the end, he couldn't bear to cause disaster to change the direction of the missile."

"General Hammer is shouting there—!"

"The voice-over at the beginning of the film, they won't come to save us, right, sir? The sense of substitution is too strong!"

"The dialogue between Gusby and John Mason." Cunites learned from the emphasis of the film role, and said, "I will try my best! Losers always complain that they have tried their best, and the winner can become a beauty queen!"

"Duke Rosenberg's movies always send some life tips and serve as a buffer of humor."

"Don't say anything else, there are too many beautiful scenes and pictures in the film..."

"And the soundtrack..."


Whenever the sun rises above the horizon, a new day will come.

In the luxurious suite of the Fairmont Hotel on Mason Avenue in San Francisco, Duke walked barefoot to the door in his pajamas, opened the door, took a thick stack of newspapers from the waiter, handed over the tip, closed the door and returned bedroom.

On the white and soft bed, Shania Dunn lay naked on it, her straight buttocks were smooth and attractive, especially different from the snow-white skin of her legs, the redness on it seemed a little swollen and could be vaguely Seeing the faint palm print, it seemed as if he had just been brutally beaten by a poisonous hand.

"Hi, Shania, are you still up?"

Throwing the newspaper on the pillow, Duke lay down beside Shania Dunn, stretched out a hand, and slowly stroked upward from the slender and straight calf, and finally landed on the red buttocks, not light. Scratched twice without heavy, the soft and elastic touch from the fingertips was simply enjoyable.


It can be heard from Shania Dunn's air-conditioning voice that she absolutely does not enjoy this moment. She turned her head back to look at her hips and said angrily, "You're too heavy!"

"Hey, my dear, don't forget, you kept shouting and shooting hard last night." Duke made a very innocent expression, "You seemed to be enjoying it, high-pitched voice..."

Seeing the increasing resentment in Shania Dunn's blue eyes, Duke had no choice but to raise his hand, "It's all my fault. I will take care of you today."

Originally, Duke thought that the two would only be in love for one night, but he did not expect that there would be a second time. After these two observations, he determined that Shania Twain had a slight tendency to be abused, especially when he attacked from behind. At the time, if you slap that pretty buttocks hard, Shania Dunn will obviously be more excited.

"I want a newspaper."

Supporting her body, Shania Dunn crawled towards the head of the bed. When she straightened her body, Duke put a soft pillow under her **** in time. The two cooperated very tacitly, like a real couple. It's a pity that neither the man nor the woman has any thoughts about feelings from beginning to end.

After receiving the newspaper that Duke handed over, Shania Dunn sat on the head of the bed so half-leaning, showing her beautiful and **** body generously and unreservedly, but Duke's energy was not in Above this, he would like to read the newspaper's comments on "Break into Death Island". The film has been officially released in North America since midnight yesterday, and the intensity of publicity will be maximized.

Before Duke could do anything, Shania Dunn took away the other newspapers. She flipped through it for a while and found out the entertainment pages of these newspapers, and then threw the other pages on the ground.

"Want to see?" Shania Dunn raised her eyebrows provocatively.

Tilting his head to look at her **** sunken in the mattress, Duke slowly rubbed his palms, Shania Dunn rolled his eyes in cooperation, and quickly said, "I'll read it to you."

"Los Angeles Times, Kenneth Turan's short film review." She glanced at Duke, and continued, ""Break in Death Island" is the terminator of other **** movies, and the male hormones in the summer are wonderful It broke out in an unparalleled way. The film has the fast-paced and explosive style of a typical Duke Rosenberg format, as well as a jaw-dropping death toll. At the same time, it's particularly interesting."

"Well... he scored 8.5 points for the film." Dunn added.

"Go on." Duke still had the same expression.

""Courage to Death Island" is a luxurious popcorn entertainment movie." Shania Dunn changed a newspaper. "This is Peter Traverse, the film critic of "Rolling Stone", who gave the film Scored 8.8 points."

"Also, Roger Albert." She picked up the "Chicago Sun", "This is a top-notch action thriller with various styles and humor! It deserves a thumbs up!"

"Congratulations, dear." Shania leaned over and kissed Duke **** the face. "The famous Roger Albert not only scored 9 points for your movie, but also put up a big thumb!"

"Warner's PR did a good job." Duke praised Warner Bros. and asked, "Does he comment on "Interview with the Vampire"?"

"Interview with the Vampire" scene after scene let the audience experience the creepy but extraordinary imagination, 9 points, a thumb!"

Hearing what Shania Dunn read, Duke suddenly had the urge to laugh. Roger Albert is indeed Roger Albert. This hand is very beautiful, and the quality of the film itself is not bad. , Can completely preserve his reputation, film critics must not offend 20th Century Fox and Warner's bottom line. At the same time, they may receive benefits from both sides, and they really deserve the title of the nation's first film critic!

After checking the time, Duke stopped Shania Dunn from continuing to read, took the phone on the bedside, and dialed Robin Grand's phone number. The film critic's film reviews were all for commercial films. It is false, the box office is the most real market reaction.