
Hogwarts: The Grey Wizard

“I’ve gone through a lot of hardships to sit in the bright classrooms of Hogwarts.” Anton’s eyes were blurred, as if he recalled something bad. “So, Professor Snape, how could I go to Forbidden Forest to kill spiders in the middle of the night? This is a groundless accusation!” Anton grabbed the collar of his wizard robe tightly to avoid revealing the blood-stained shirt inside, and said loudly, “I’m innocent!". ================= This is an edited and translated mtl work with 1000+ chapters. This fanfic will be updated daily at anytime. (Credits to the original author of this Chinese novel)

NotyourAngel · Phim ảnh
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70 Chs

CH: 54 The Way of Living

A woman in love is often impulsive, and without hesitation, Miss Lisa knocked on the door once more.

She entered.

The bashful Lupin felt self-conscious about having Lisa reside in his room under the scrutiny of so many onlookers. Thus, he selected the most spacious master bedroom on the ground floor of his suite for her accommodation.

In essence, the family gained an additional member.

However, it could also be said that one less person was present at home, as Lupin made frequent trips downstairs throughout the day. Apart from meal times, he rarely crossed paths with everyone.

As a result, Fiennes felt neglected. Since Lupin had fallen in love, he had ceased seeking Fiennes's companionship, leaving the man to admire only a lovely woman!

Anton had to coax Fiennes into engaging more with the outside world and refrain from spending entire days in his room's bathtub.

As Lupin grew more refined and spiritually attuned each passing day, he became increasingly self-sufficient, less reliant on Anton and Anna's assistance. His days were filled with managing business affairs, arranging appointments, visiting the cinema, exploring amusement parks, learning to drive, and juggling numerous other responsibilities.

Anton found himself too preoccupied to tend to Lupin. He, Pedro, Andre, and Anna dedicated themselves to delving into the depths of Pedro's soul to uncover memories. Despite the pendant's magic, the process proved unexpectedly arduous.

"I've found it!" Anton exclaimed, lacking enthusiasm.

Waving his wand, the pensieve beside him flickered, projecting an image of a bronze gate before everyone.

The gate bore countless goblin runes and intricate patterns.

"Behind this gate, but what lies beyond?" Anton pondered aloud.

No one offered an answer, not even the goblin Pedro.

Fixing an accusatory glare on Andre, Pedro snapped irritably, "It's your fault for sending me back in time countless times. I've lost countless memories!"

Furrowing his brow, Andre suggested, "Why not transport me to a previous moment and consult your past self?"

Taking a deep breath, Pedro hesitated, "Return back?"

Anton dismissed the idea. "It's too risky to manipulate time further. The impact could be irreversible." He rubbed his temples wearily, prompting Anna to swiftly provide him with an ice pack to soothe his discomfort.

"Let's proceed." Anton urged, his breath coming in heavy gasps as he applied the ice pack to his throbbing head. "Every step we take leaves a trace, and even if forgotten, memories linger deep within the soul. Let's continue unraveling the mysteries behind this gate."

Shaking his head, Andre interjected, "Son, you need to rest. Persisting in this manner poses risks to your well-being."

After contemplating for a moment, he proposed, "I'll return to the family and procure some potions for you. They may alleviate your condition."

"Damn it!" Pedro scowled, his gaze bore onto Andre. "Why didn't you mention this earlier?"

Andre seemed resigned as he explained, "I'm nearly eighty years old, my friend. The repercussions of time travel have affected not just you."

Anxious, Anna clutched Andre's hand, her face creased with worry. "Please refrain from such remarks. You have a good life ahead of you."

Gently caressing Anna's head, Andre reassured her, "I will do my utmost to thrive and safeguard our little princess."

Noting Anna's skepticism, he added, "I've also dranked Pedro's Stubborn Phelps potion. Trust me, I'll live as long as our little princess."

Pedro's eyes widened in disbelief. "Impossible! This is my most closely guarded secret. How could I share it with you?"

Andre's warm smile remained unwavering. "As I mentioned, we are good friends."

"Damn it, damn it!" Pedro grumbled, shooting Andre a disgruntled look before turning to Anton with a perplexed expression. "Don't you find this strange? Do you know about this? Have you delved into my memories?"

Anton swiftly shook his head. "I don't, I haven't, please don't speculate!"

"You must have gleaned much from my memories." Pedro extended his thick palm. "Hand over the pendant. I won't toy with you; let everything spiral into chaos!"

Glaring daggers at Andre and Anton, he continued with fervor, "Your human wizards have exterminated all my kinsmen. I cannot permit you humans to acquire goblin knowledge."

Anton's smirk remained unwavering "I've been anticipating your outburst."

Tapping the table lightly with his fingers, he declared, "Pedro, I will compensate your goblins."

Pedro sneered in skepticism, "Compensate?"

"Why, you ask!" Anton interjected.

Locking eyes with Pedro, a grin tugged at Anton's lips. "I can transform into a 'Morphoventus Aves,' a shape-shifting viper, and I've recently developed a werewolf arm."

Pursing his lips in defiance, Pedro challenged "You may be a prodigy, but what does that prove?"

"I will persist in my studies." Anton declared resolutely, his eyes gleamed with determination. "I am determined to create a spell that can transform a viper and a werewolf into humans."

"Having gained valuable insights from your memories, I intend to delve into the study of goblins in the future." Anton acknowledged.

Pedro's narrowed gaze bore down on Anton with a glint of danger "What do you have in mind?"

"Transforming humans into goblins? Oh, that doesn't pique my interest," Anton remarked, extending his hand in a diplomatic gesture. "However, the prospect of converting goblins into humans is quite intriguing."

"Goblins becoming human?" Pedro's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Indeed," Anton affirmed. "Similar to human Animagi, this spell would enable goblins to assume a human form, facilitating their survival in the human realm and seamless integration into society."

"No!" Pedro erupted in anger, kicking the table over with a swift motion, startling Anna, who hid behind her father.

"Why should goblins be altered into humans and assimilated into human society?" Pedro demanded vehemently.

Remaining composed in his seat, Anton responded calmly, "The era of goblins has passed; it is now the age of humans. Each era's creatures must adapt to survive in their own unique way."

"Pedro, I understand your lingering resentment, but it is solely your animosity. Consider the goblins living as marginalized individuals at the society's lowest echelons. If presented with an opportunity for equal survival chances, would they not seize it?" He proposed.

"By transforming their goblin form into a distinct Animagus and enabling them to exist as humans, I propose a solution." He stated.

"Pedro, you have clung to pride and resentment for centuries, yet you have failed to extend a helping hand to your fellow kin for a better life, even in the smallest measure." He remarked, his eyes glinting with disdain.

"You are revered among goblins as their sage and leader. What have you accomplished?" Anton's voice dripped with scorn.

"No, you disregard the goblins, fixated solely on past glory," He continued.

"No!" Pedro recoiled in alarm.

With a soft crack, he vanished. A smirk graced the corner of Anton's lips. "You will return, begging for mercy."

Observing Anton with a thoughtful gaze, Andre noted, "You bear a striking resemblance to someone I once knew."

Taken aback, Anton inquired, "Who?"

Andre's demeanor took on a cryptic air. "You've imparted the survival principles to ghosts, werewolves, and goblins. Perhaps in the future, you'll share them with diverse intelligent beings."


"Grindelwald..." Andre's voice trailed off, his eyes drifting towards Anna. "Fate works in mysterious ways; our Rosier family consistently aligns with change."

Unperturbed, Anton remarked, "Impossible. I'm too indolent to endure such exhaustion and alter the world. It's all mundane. I'm drained from investing my life solely to shift power dynamics. I'm not a saint; spare me from this mindless pursuit."

Though Andre offered a reassuring smile, he chose to remain silent as he added, "I'll return to retrieve the potion."

With a soft crack, he, too, vanished.

Only Anna and Anton remained, exchanging meaningful glances.

"I won't ever become Grindelwald," Anton assured Anna earnestly, emphasizing that he wouldn't tread the path of Voldemort either.

Anna's face beamed up with pride. "Indeed, you never engage in evil deeds."

After a moment of contemplation, Anton chuckled softly. "I agree."

Becoming the third-generation Dark Lord was truly inconceivable for him. He held no interest in the European wizarding world's transformation. If he were to dedicate himself to grand ideals, it wouldn't be in this realm. Gazing out the window as the sun rose in the distance, his vision blurred.

"I can't return." Anton stated with a hint of finality.

"I have a home now, don't I, Anna?" He expressed wistfully, his words carried a sense of belonging.

Anna observed Anton's figure, nodding gently in understanding.