
Hogwarts: Breaking the Wizarding Secrecy Starting Selling Potions

Murphy, whose worldview has been solidified in materialism, finds himself in the realm of idealism and magic. Unable to adapt to this new world, he decides to change it. In order to journey to the ultimate realm of magic, he must gather resources, recruit talent, establish organizations, manipulate human nature, and become the mastermind behind the scenes. Murphy: "Give wizards technology, give Muggles magic. All for the greatest benefit!" Aurors: "Sounds nice, but you're abusing the three unforgivable curses, indulging in luxuries, violating secrecy laws, infiltrating the Ministry of Magic, controlling Gringotts. Are you still claiming not to be a dark wizard?" Guide for Avoiding Pitfalls: 1. Start as a struggling laborer, prone to outbursts of anger. 2. Accumulate wealth in the early stages, becoming a major capitalist. 3. Hogwarts School part begins in the fourth volume. 4. 'No System' protagonists in the novels who rely on Gold finger, they are nothing without Gold finger. Guide for Getting Into the Story: 1. Techno-wizard, with extensive theoretical knowledge. 2. Develop multiple ways to achieve godhood, primarily focusing on transfiguration. 3. Explore vast plot twists, operating as the mastermind behind the scenes. 4. Don't want to see how Tom gradually becomes the savior? (Updates every hour till 250 chapter) (霍格沃茨:从倒卖白鲜开始成神最新章节)

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Chapter 80: Specific Immunity

"I'm telling you this just to prepare you for your sister's condition." Murphy said, as if he had never hesitated from the beginning.

"Then, are you going to save her?" Alex asked with disbelief. He really didn't trust his black-hearted boss.

"Save her, of course!"

The Seed of the Soul is an important support for him to carry out his plan with peace of mind.

Rather than waiting for the next opportunity that may come at an unknown time, Murphy thinks it's better to grab it now.

Although there is no sign of backlash yet, it is better to prepare for a rainy day than to cram at the last minute.

"Then I'll go too." Alex said.

"You? You take a rest." With Alex's little skill, Murphy really didn't expect him to be able to help him. "Don't worry, I'll find a way."

At present, judging from Celica's letter, there are two main dangers in the village.

One is the plague, which is the most direct and fatal threat.

But if he can detect the source of the disease in advance, he can take precautions in advance, including getting a vaccine, to minimize the risk.

Second, Murphy is a little concerned about what Celica said about there being no living people in the village.

If Celica meant that everyone in the village was dead, Murphy would understand it better, but using this way of expression, it's like saying that everyone in the village is dead?

Living dead?

Zombies? Or inferi? Or ghosts?

Ghosts are nothing to be afraid of. Most ghosts cannot affect the real world, but zombies and inferi may be able to find some special spells and magic to deal with them.

The third is the curse she mentioned. After entering the village, you will be cursed with the seed of the mind and cannot leave.

At present, this unknown is the greatest, and the risk is also the greatest. Murphy does not understand the working principle and working mode of this "curse", nor does he know how strong its binding force is, so he has no way to guess whether he can avoid or break this curse.

But since it is possible to transmit information from the inside to the outside, then the problem is not completely impossible.

Arrange external aid outside the village and contact the command at any time, and the possibility of breaking the situation is not small.

At present, it seems that the village is blocked by a magical forest. If it is really trapped, the worst case scenario is to violently demolish the house and dig up the entire forest. He does not believe that this blocking magic is enough to isolate the space.

And the reason why Alex was not allowed to follow was also considered in this regard. Alex must want to rescue Celica more than himself, so it is safer to leave him outside to transmit information or implement the rescue plan.

In addition to the three dangers mentioned in the letter, there may be a black wizard from a hundred years ago, which is also something Murphy needs to consider.

In this regard, Murphy plans to get some powerful Muggle equipment from the Danger Group.

Unfortunately, his wizard security shop has not yet opened, and he can't find a suitable person to help, otherwise he would like to pull a few wizards in together.


Harada Toshisuke didn't let Murphy wait too long, and gave him a test report.

"From the description in those letters, combined with history, the possibility of plague is very high. I thought of this possibility at the beginning. After sample testing, a small amount of plague bacteria was also found, confirming this speculation."

"There are germs on these letters, will I be infected?"

The name of the Black Death is really well-known, and Murphy is still a little worried.

"The amount of bacteria on the letter is very small, and the plague bacillus is mostly transmitted by rat fleas. If you eat the meat of plague animals, you may also be infected, or it may be transmitted through the respiratory tract in the form of aerosols. However, if only the skin contacts a small amount of bacteria, the infection may not be serious. However, I still suggest that you burn or disinfect the clothes that have touched the letter."

Murphy nodded, handed the letter to Harada Toshisuke, washed his hands, and disposed of the clothes and other things.

"If I want to enter this village, what suggestions do you have?"

"According to what you said, the village should have been closed a hundred years ago. It is incredible that the plague is still going on."

"However, the survival ability of plague bacteria is very strong. Judging from the detected bacteria, they should have undergone some mutations. They can enter a semi-dormant state under the condition of nutrient deficiency, and their metabolic rate is greatly reduced, so that they are like being frozen. This may be one of the reasons why the plague continues to this day."

"Once it obtains enough nutrition, it will be reactivated and become toxic. Therefore, its infection ability is not necessarily much worse than that of ordinary plague bacteria."

"But you don't have to worry too much. Plague is no longer a very terrible disease for modern medicine. Although it develops quickly and is a highly pathogenic bacterium, it is not resistant to disinfectants and fungicides, nor is it resistant to high temperatures. It is not difficult to kill it in vitro. At the same time, it is resistant to streptomycin and kanamycin. It is also sensitive to antibiotics such as toxins. If it is treated in time at the early stage, it is generally not a big problem. "

"If you are going there, I also suggest that you get the plague vaccine first, but it may take about half a month to a month to get a good immunity. In addition, it is to take good protection, avoid contact with the source of infection, and bring clean water and food and other conventional epidemic prevention measures. "

Murphy originally planned to get a vaccine, but, "half a month... is too long, is there any way to speed up the acquisition of immunity?"

Harada Toshisuke thought about it, and suddenly said: "The paper of the Umbrella Company, "Research on the Use of Difficile Promoter for Specific Immunity", should be able to accelerate the activation of T cell clones through difficile promoter, cultivate specific immune T cells in vitro, and then inject them back into the body, so as to achieve a similar effect to vaccination. Moreover, this method can not only prevent, but also be used directly for treatment. "

After he mentioned it, Murphy also thought of the research that Patrick had mentioned.

Murphy immediately called Patrick and asked him to make some arrangements. Then he brought several samples of mutant plague bacteria and came to the Baiyao R&D Center of the Umbrella Biotechnology R&D Base.

Considering that Boris would take over his identity in the Muggle world, he did not let Patrick reveal who he was. At this moment, he also made a little disguise and dressed up as an ordinary Muggle researcher.

After finding the supervisor arranged by Patrick, Murphy handed the mutant bacteria samples to the other party, "I want to obtain specific immunity to these mutant bacteria. If I use white fresh promotion factor, how soon can I achieve my goal?"

(End of this chapter)