
A new beginning


What is life???

Everyday this question pop up in my mind

Everyday I try to find the answere

And everyday I fail.....


Draco Malfoy was seated in the courtroom of the ministry waiting for aurors to come and take him to hogwarts . He hadn't care if he was going to go to Azkaban, he was just worried about his mother but now he is just glad that his mother was safe. He was glad that his mother was not going to Azkaban. He hadn't expected potter to testify in their behalf but as long as his mother is not going to Azkaban he isn't complaining. He just doesn't know why potter will save him. after-all he had done so many bad things, he deserved to go to Azkaban. He deserve to suffer and hurt.

But in the end he was just set free and ordered to serve for a year as well as complete his study in hogwarts. He was also to help in repairing the hogwarts . It was his punishment which according to him is nothing.....he deserved worst, after what he had done,  he deserved to die like the people he watched dieing and did nothing to help them.

After some time the gate of courtroom opened and enters two aurors who will escort him to hogwarts. Draco stood and nodded his head towards the aurors. They saw him with disgust and held out the port key to go to hogwarts . It is also one of the reasons he wants to escape the world. But he has to remain strong for his mother. She needed him. He knew how much she love him and now father is in Azkaban and all she has is him. So for his mother he will be strong.

They landed in the grounds of hodwarts and with barely contain posture Draco realise how broken hogwarts is. How his second or maybe first home is shattered. No one was supposed to apparate in the grounds of hogwarts. But now after the war it is the prove of how the battle has affected the hogwarts.

In front of him stood the prof Minerva McGongall

With other staff members. She was as usually wearing the pointy hat and green robes. He sometimes wondered why she wore Slythrin colour robes and not Gryffindor. He was to remain in the charge of prof McGonall soon to be the headmistress of hogwarts. The aurors nodded towards the prof McGongall and motioned me towards her. She looked at me with her old eyes and smiled at me. She fucking smiled at me as if a mother is welcoming her child.

I don't know how I reacted I was busy with the conflict playing in my mind as to why she will treat me with kindness I don't deserve it she was supposed to make a disgusting face. She was supposed to shout and glare at me. I have handled that but now I don't know how to react towards her kindness. I looked towards her and nodded my head in greeting.

After the aurors left she motioned me to follow her and I obliged. As we walk to god knows where I saw how much the hogwarts is broken. Its pillars, ceiling ,rooms and floor was broken. As we passed the great hall I was hit with the memories of my childhood spent here to how I destroyed it by letting deatheaters come in the hogwarts.

As we walked I saw people making disgusting faces towards me. Their eyes were filled with hatred towards me and they were whispering something to each other while looking towards me. I tried to ignore them as best as I could.

Soon she stoped in front of a room and turn to look at me again. I don't know what she saw in my face but I can see the pitiful look in her eyes.

" This is your room, for now rest a bit we will start with your probation tomorrow. And also dinner will be served at 7 and I hope to see you there "

After saying this she left me alone with my own thoughts. I opened the doors and went inside. Inside was a bed,a drawer,a working table and a sofa set. There was nothing special in the room but it was enough for me. I noticed that my trunk was already here. Mother must have sent me some things. I opened it and saw my regular,night and expensive clothes. There was also a parchment which I assume must be a letter from my mother. I opened it and started reading it.

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" Dear Dragon,

                        I know you must be suffocating, dreading and hurting. I know Dragon what your going through. I just want you to remain strong and know that I am always there for you. And also don't worry about me I will be fine.  I also want to apologise I am sorry dragon that I as your mother failed to protect you I am sorry that you have to go through that pain. Just please forgive me dragon for everything I was not able to do. And also write to me occasionally and let me know about your days and how your coping and know that I love you dragon. I love you so much please take care of your self I will also write to you occasionally.


    Your mother.



After reading the letter He carefully folded it and placed it inside his drawer and flop on the bed wi

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