
HiTsuki - 10 Days Knowing You

The last thing Diana remembers is saving a boy at waterfall before a huge wave of water comes from upper level of waterfall and hits her body. And when she gains her conscious back, she cannot move her body at all except her ears catch some echos from surroundings. Few months later during the night of Blue and Cold Moon, Vita Kingdom receives their newly born princess, Princess Luna Diana II de Vio. Everyone celebrates joyously their most awaited princess's birthday for 7 days 7 nights and for the princess, she tries to adapt to the new world she resides now. With knowledge in her past life, she leads her new life to accomplish her promises that she had swore upon herself which she couldn't complete due to the accident happened to her. During her journey, under the light of dusk, she once meets a sleeping boy who is left alone in a burnt garden. The boy resembles a bit with her idol during her past life, so Diana decides to accompany the poor boy to cheer him up as she does not want that face to feel any other than happiness. She becomes his playmate for all 10 days she is there of visiting Ares Empire, without knowing the boy is the hidden sole heir of Ares emperor, Prince Lucifer Ruaidhri Aiden ElGrian Ua Arcerius. Author's message: This is my main novel among all my novels that I wrote or will write in future. Few hints/spoilers about this novel will be shown in other short novels that I made too. Feel free to read ^^

saewa51448997 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs



The name Diana hears this day, one day after her second birth. She loses count how many times she heard the name keeps passing by her ears. Diana also does not know exactly who they are that keep mentioning her since she still cannot open her eyes, but she knows the Luna that these people are calling is indeed Diana herself.

By now, she knows already she will be known as Luna and no more Diana. It's a bit sad tho honestly. But Luna is a pretty cool name. Diana wonders why her new parents named her as that.

For Diana name in her past life, she remembered once she asked her parents about why her name as Diana, it was because she was quite wild during mom's pregnancy and also after her birth. But still her small cute and chubby face was the main reason she was named as Diana, a known divine appearance.

While Diana in her new mom's embrace riding a moving vehicle around some place that feels more chilly than the place she got birth the previous day, a huge group of people came by. Their voices sound even louder when the vehicle stopped moving.

Everyone sounds joyousful while chanting her name and even singing a very soothing song. When they do that, Diana feels a sudden calm in her heart. She giggles and smiles enjoying the moment.

Seeing the small baby's response, some people go to her and then either smooch her cheeks or pinch her face lightly or just talk something happily. Though it's weird for her since she already is an adult by her soul but she just lets them. Sometimes it feels good to be pampered again like a child.

Diana's visit to the huge crowd ends with her coming back to her place while sleeping peacefully. She even dreams again the scene in the huge crowd with her imagining what kind of people around her. That makes her lips unconsciously bloom a sweet smile.


During that night after the visit, under the moonlight which barely enters the room, Diana wakes up from the long sleep. Now her both eyes feel lighter and she tries to open them.

In her baby cradle, Diana's eyes start to open slowly and the first thing she sees is the ray of moonlight. She does not know why but her eyes suddenly get teary as she feels something melancholy in her heart.

As she comforts herself before she starts crying which she might wake her parents who are still sleeping on their grandious chamber, appears a blue butterfly from outside of the window and it lands on her cradle.

"I am sorry. So so much. Hiks. I am sorry",the lil butterfly speaks quietly like the lil butterfly really does regret of something to Diana.

But the thing is, the lil butterfly does not realise Diana's recently opened big doed-eyes are now looking loyally at the talking butterfly's movements. Then Diana sees the butterfly's eyes somehow are shiny with few water droplets.

Confusion tempts Diana's mind as this is the first time she hears someone cried when meeting her in this new world. Usually people will cheer excitedly but now this lil butterfly seems so sad.

And so she decides to comfort this lil butterfly. "Hello Lady Butterfly".

"L-Luna? Just how?" The lil butterfly seems confused as to how this baby caught looking at her butterfly form and most importantly can speak, but the butterfly just then flies around Diana several times before changing itself to a normal human size.

'Huh a butterfly can transform and she seems to know me?' Her eyes open widely. Diana looks upside down to the butterfly that has changed her form.

The butterfly is a fine and beautiful lady with blue skin and hair. Her long flowy hair which is like flowing in calm water, reminds her to someone that Diana had met but nothing comes to her memory.

Then Diana sees the Lady Butterfly's eyes still have some water droplets which seem they are parts of her eyes. Though she still has the tears, but now the Lady Butterfly seems brighter and looks like she has many things to say to Diana.

"Excuse me, Lady Butterfly, but may I know why were you so sad just now? How do you know my name and who are you actually? Also I am not dreaming, right?" seeing the Lady Butterfly seems surprised and reluctant to answer her questions, Diana decides to give her some space.

"To be straight speaking, it is okay if you do not want to speak. But I am curious with your eyes.

Your both eyes look at me with many meanings. Feel it wants to connect with something lost inside of me. And with your words keep asking for my forgiveness, though you already know my name, means you do not mistake me for someone else,right?

If yes it's me you talking to, please know you do not have to apologise for anything. And even if I am not, but I know the person has same opinion with me. I believe so everything you did has every reason behind it."

Diana tries to reach to the Lady Butterfly's eyes, to wipe the tears, but obviously her hands are still small, flailing in air.

Seeing her hand fails to reach, she pouts and slowly takes her hand down. 'Haish this hand', sulks Diana in low voice.

Lady Butterfly lets out small laugh seeing the tiny pout and then she puts her face on the baby's small hand.

Cold. The only thing Diana feels after Lady Butterfly's face is touched to her hand.

But even the coldness hits her hand but it still does not distract the whole minutes. The moment there feels like stop for awhile, with two pairs of eyes meeting each other.

"...You, you are indeed special soul, same like her. Two identical but not same person. No wonder Our Holy Lord chooses you to be with her. I am happy, Luna and thank you for forgiving me."

Lady Butterfly's words to Diana are like a riddle. Diana does not get anything especially the sentence of two identical but not same person...

Then Lady Butterfly moves and puts her head on Diana's head. Suddenly Diana sees fast scenes popping in her subconscious mind, like a movie.

There Lady Butterfly is holding a baby in her hug while there are two kids beside her. One has long white silverish hair and another one has short shiny black hair. They keep laughing together so happily.

Then it changes to the baby already is grown up into kid who has blue hair like Lady Butterfly. But weirdly those two kids are still same, playing along with the blue-haired girl alongside a beach.

But then Diana is so surprised seeing both the kids suddenly turn to white and black fishes, swimming together in the sea. The blue-haired girl also follows the kid fishes into the sea.

Next scene appears is the baby already an adult and she follows Lady Butterfly to a village near the beach. Soon after at the young night, the surroundings suddenly turn to red everywhere. Lady Butterfly seems so anxious while looking at the sky. It is the bloody moon!

Both Lady Butterfly and the blue-haired girl run back to the beach rushingly. After arriving, they see the short black-haired kid is sitting in front of the bleedy white fish in despair. The fish no longer breathes.

At that time too, the ocean is fully turbulent. The sea level seems high and waves keep changing vigorously. With the wind moves so fast and hard, the trees there are almost uprooted.

Lady Butterfly keeps walking though it clears her legs are trembled so much. She can collapse anytime but she still strengthens her path until comes to their place. She then hugs the black-haired kid.

After calming each other, both of them look like speaking something. Later, Lady Butterfly takes the dead white fish's body and wraps it with a huge leaf. She then puts the dead body in blue-haired girl's hand before she hugs the girl tightly.

In that night, another fantastical things happen which firstly the black-haired kid turns into a gigantic water monster. The monster then picks up the blue-haired girl and puts her on the body. With a farewell to Lady Butterfly, they went into the ocean and disappeared from there.

In other hand, Lady Butterfly who is left alone, changes herself to a white phoenix and rising high to the red sky.

"After few days flying, the sky changes to normal back. By that time, I know my dear white fish, Luna the Moon Spirit successfully finds her new body. I trace her spirit aura and find her. It's in the growing belly of your mom. In the body you also reside. Though spirits are immortal, but we can disappear too. So the dying spirits who have been killed, to their last survival, they need to combine as soon as possible with chosen dead human soul in a nearest newly developed human body. But sadly, due to human's body has different vibe with other living things, it will cost the other non-human creature to lose their memories completely. My girl Luna in you, she does not remember me anymore. But still I am thankful to you. Because of you, Luna is safe and I can see her again in you," smiles Lady Butterfly sweetly while looking to Diana's soft face.

The short movie in her eyes has already stopped but Diana is still in a long pause. She just gets to know she is the chosen soul to be isekai-ed and resides in a body with a dying spirit soul, who has the same name as her new name. And this Lady Butterfly unexpectedly knows too Diana is already the dead soul, not the new soul for this body.

"Hmm..though I am pretty shock right now, but I am glad you willing to show me your story. Thank you. Now I understand why are you so sad. But you know Lady Butterfly, Luna in me, must also think and want to tell you, you never do anything wrong. So there is nothing to be apologised for.."

"B-but I do not take care of her well. I am a failure."

"My Lady, please remember accidents happen unplanned. Life and death are parts of nature's secrets. We cannot do much about it whether as mortal human nor immortal spirit nor anything. Be patient and never forget the beloved dead ones," says Diana while patting the cold hand of Lady Butterfly.

"And also, Lady Butterfly, may I know who or what are you actually? Are you a spirit like Luna but what type is it you? You have adult body unlike her and the other black-haired kid. Oh is it the blue-haired baby also a spirit?"

"Luna.. She is a Moon Spirit who already changed to her own original state, spirit guiding the moon. The black-haired kid is the Ocean spirit, called as Ae. Both Luna and Ae are young spirits that has just been created by Holy Lord few billion years ago. While me Undine, a Water Spirit is one of four main superiors in Spirit Realm, created way earlier than young spirits. And the baby you see earlier is indeed my baby. I will show and tell about her more to you in future since eventually I am your lifetime contracted spirit too. Our souls are connected until death aparts us".