
The Observer and The Writer


New York

Empire State Building

December 31st, 11:50PM


"Okay....it's just a three-hundred meter drop Daniel. There is nobody waiting for you, you don't have to worry about anyone grieving your death. Soon enough, the boredom, the loneliness, the perpetual sadness.....it will all end soon enough."

A man stood at the very top of the empire state building, looking across the city of New York. The city is was bright, hundreds of lights of various colors illuminated the world around him. Despite the blackness of night, regardless of the clouds in the sky.....it was still a bright sight. He didn't know what to think of the city however, his only thoughts were of his miserable life.

The man seemed to be within his early twenties, wearing dark blue jeans, an unzipped black jacket with a white T-shirt, and some tennis shoes. By his appearance and clothing, perhaps he was a college student who simply couldn't take it anymore.

"Just three-hundred meters....one step and.....and...."

The man looked down from the building, watching the people peacefully walk on the sidewalk, watching the cars loudly rush across the street. It was so loud, there were thousands of people hanging on the ground. Families, couples, friends, they all seemed so happy.

"God dammit...why is everyone down there so happy? What's with all the commotion?"

"That's because it's New Year's Eve; In ten minutes, it'll be January 1st, 1998. The people down there are celebrating with their loved ones."

A young boy of small stature appeared behind the man, wearing nothing but a white semi-translucent sundress and wooden sandals. The boy was fair-skinned, had pink curly hair, and dark blue eyes combined with purple butterfly wings for pupils. The boy carried two sets of feathery wings, two attached to his middle back and two smaller wings attached to his waist. Lastly, one hand held a small harp and the other a paintbrush.

"It's common practice for humans to celebrate such an event with loved ones, they made it an entire year without dying after all. "

The man looked back at the boy in complete disbelief, he seemed human but had such obvious features that yelled otherwise. Was he an angel sent from heaven? Surely not, a God couldn't exist in this world....

"heh, now I'm hallucinating about young boys wearing dresses and with wings. I guess the height of this building is finally starting to make me lose it."

"Oh no, I'm very much real. I decided to be, and thus I am."

The man raised an eyebrow at the boy, reaching his hand out to see if he could truly touch what he was seeing. Once the man's hand reached the boy's face, he felt a soft and warm cheek, characteristics that belonged to a real and tangible person.

"I guess you are real...."

"I told you didn't I? I decided to be real and thus I am. If I wanted to be fake, I would've decided on that too."


The man was clearly confused, he didn't understand what the boy meant when he claimed to be capable of deciding of whether he's real or fake. With newfound confusion, he was now distracted from his original motive, now overcome with the desire to ask questions.

"Do you have experience with that?"

"Of course. I can be real, I can be fake. I can exist or not, I make the decision at the end of the day."

"How does that work?"

"It works that way because logic bends to my will. I am what many humans would call the Observer and the Writer."

The man has heard of a concept called the Observer Effect, but he didn't recall the theory to work in this way. A wave can collapse to a particle if someone were to simply look at it. The boy however claimed to manipulate logic, if he is an Observer and Writer who changes logic at will, doesn't that make the boy some sort of God?

"I am no God. Your feeble mind wouldn't be capable of comprehending God. I have limitations, I can change anything around me but not myself. I am weak, incapable of performing even twenty push-ups. There was this one time in the future where I engaged in a Highschool brawl, however I got knocked out by some Sophomore who plays Baseball at a varsity level."

The man stood there in silence, not only did the boy read his thoughts, he unloaded shocking information that could only leave the man in pure awe. This boy was supposed to be weak? Was the man capable of beating the boy despite the godlike power he explained?

"Anyways, I understand you find it confusing, but it's simply how it works."

"So....why are you even here anyway?"

The man turned back around, walking closer to the edge of the large building before sitting down, letting his legs dangle. A sudden push could end his life, it might end the lives of other people he may fall on top of.

"Because you were too scared to end your life, so I wanted to ask why. You're tired of your life are you not? Do you have anyone to go back to? Does the sight of those couples and families down there not make you angry or jealous?"

They were genuine questions, the boy was curious as to why the man was hesitant to end it all. Was the boy looking forward to such? Or was the boy concerned? Either way, he was certainly curious.

"Why not just read my mind?"

"I can read your current thoughts, I can't deep scan your entire mind however. Besides. I don't think you truly know why you're so hesitant either."

"Okay, but why ask me specifically? I'm sure there are others who can answer your quest-"

"I didn't interfere with them, as an Observer and a Writer, I am stuck to one person until their demise."


The man had forgotten about it, the boy did say he was also a writer....

"Do.....you write my life?"

"Negative, I can only interfere."

"And that means?"

"Humans all have free will, they can live their life however they like and do whatever they want. As a writer however, I can directly change an individual's history and even write their future whenever I want to. Everything in the middle is decided by you; Of course, the middle may also be altered due to cause and effect shenanigans from changing individual history but for the most part, life is all you."

"Do you mean to tell me that my life sucks because you made it so?"

"Now I didn't say that, but I will admit to writing your life in such a way."

The man looked behind him once again, glaring at the boy with eyes full of anger, but eventually collapsed to an expression displaying disappointment. To think that everything had been a result of simple strokes from the brush the boy held.

"Was there a specific result you wanted? Did you WANT me to die?"

"Not exactly, but suicide was an outcome I was expecting. Humans are fragile after all, I wouldn't expect one to have the strength to endure such a life for long."

"Unfortunately, you'd be wrong about that one. I have it pretty easy in comparison to other people. Though I may have the desire to end it, there are others who are capable of enduring."

"Oh, then maybe I'll head onto those people once you forfeit your-"

"I'm not forfeiting my life"

The man looked down at the people of New York. The skies were dark but the city was bright, the lit faces and smiles of all the joyful families and couples down there, even those who only have their pets with them seemed to express pure jubilation....why?

"Seems like the countdown started."











"Happy New Year!"

The cheers of New York rung across the country, sending waves of pure elation across the world itself; Laughter, kisses, songs, and wishes. Suddenly the world had stopped spinning for the man sitting atop of the Empire State building, ten minutes ago he was sulking and ready to end it all. What changed for this man? At what point during his conversation with this boy, at what point did he start to appreciate what was happening down below?

"You never wanted to die, your hesitation was a simple sign that you had the desire to live. You also disagreed with me on the notion that humans are fragile mentally and seriously, you probably want to prove me wrong on that."

"So I wanted to live and I'm stubborn, did you purposely bring out those traits?"

The man slid himself back on the building, making sure his legs weren't dangling anymore before he stood back up and shook his pants.

"Alright, I'm going home."


"Listen kid, or Observer, or Writer, whichever phrase you prefer. Thank you, it was only ten minutes but thank you. Not only should I now prove you wrong by getting my life together, you technically saved my life by talking to me. I would've continued to spiral down from here. But um, yeah, I'll be heading down now."

"Well alright, I will throw more challenges further down your life. I don't really like being wrong you know...."

"Yeah Yeah whatever, watch me....I'll make the greatest comeback you've ever seen."

Just like that, the man headed inside the building through the roof, and made his way down. The young boy stayed on top of the building however, looking over at the city, wondering whether the man would've reached this conclusion if he hadn't made himself known. Of course, it didn't take long for the boy to reach his own conclusion, smiling as he began to fly off into the sky.

"The human spirit is a wonderous thing, I'm sure that man could've motivated himself it given more time alone. Wouldn't you agree, Jireh?"

At the very sound of the name, the stars in all the cosmos began to sing. Songs of light and joy, of purity and happiness, refusing all "Darkness " that existed within reality. The name alone brings the sentient universe joy.

"I made them all in my image, Raphael. Humanity of a species where spirit overcomes all obstacles. The indomitable human spirit is a power that could twist reality and create miracles in even the most hopeless situations."

A voice, heard not only in Raphael's mind....but yours as well.

"Dear Audience, the elegant "Doves" who indulge in my world. Your curiosity appeals to me, higher beings who take interest in my creation. My message however, goes to you to. The human spirit applies to you all as well. Just remember to take care. For now however, this may shall come to an end."

-The Observer and The Writer (Complete)

The abyss:



Why are you here?


The story has ended

Two Twins.

Genesis Deities

Truest Concepts of Reality



































The tale of Order and Chaos 1:
