
Chapter 9: $100,000

Leaning back in the driver's seat, Murphy stared intently at the laptop placed on the steering wheel, considering what to do with the footage captured of the vehicle and the two murderers.

  Turn it over to the police? That's what a good citizen should realize ...

  But Murphy had never considered himself a good citizen of Los Angeles, and even after coming to this world for more than a year, he didn't have much of a sense of identification with the United States of America.

  More importantly, what benefit could this have for himself?

  Other than some routine spiritual rewards, Murphy couldn't think of anything else.

  Playing the filmed footage once more, with one hand resting on his chin, Murphy began to consider the possible direction of this matter.

  This kind of serious and vicious case, appearing in downtown Los Angeles and Santa Monica Valley must have gone in very different directions, with the former being lackluster and the latter receiving a lot of attention.

  The fact that the case took place in a well-policed, affluent neighborhood alone will put it in the public eye, and the LAPD will be under tremendous pressure to offer a huge reward if they can't find any valuable clues.

  How much money can the reward be? Murphy speculated, according to the deceased's equal weight and the location of the crime, several tens of thousands of dollars is absolutely there.

  Now there is no reward, if you hand over the video, Murphy believes that he will not get any substantial reward, he will never overestimate the credibility and quality of the United States of America police.

  Moreover, once the video is handed over to the police, it also means that he can no longer sell it to the TV station, and that will be another large amount of income.

  For him now, not to mention tens of thousands of dollars, a few thousand dollars is a big number.

  Therefore, handing the video over to the police was definitely the worst option.

  As for whether he would be treated as a suspect if he entered the scene before the police, he considered it before he went in, the surveillance in this era is not as pervasive as in the future, especially since 911 has not yet arrived, the government is blanking out on a lot of residential areas, but the road he walked on before he came here is the main road leading from the Valley District to Beverly Hills, and Murphy remembers it very well that there is a PR surveillance present on it, which is enough to prove that He was not at the scene when the victim called the police.

  Thinking for a long time, Murphy gradually formed a preliminary plan, eyes back to the laptop, open the editing software, a series of video processing, deliberately from the manor gate to the two black murderers in the car to leave the section cut out, so that the video looks like from the mansion into the interior only began to shoot.

  If everything plays out according to his plan, this video has the potential to bring in a high amount of income, and may not be able to earn the first bucket of money to start their own movie road.

  With that done, Murphy picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

  "Hello," a familiar female voice came through the receiver, "This is Carla Faith."

  "Hey Kara, it's me, Murphy."

  Resting her left arm on the car window, Murphy was direct, "I've got a video here of a robbery that just happened in Santa Monica Valley."

  "Bill Road?" The opposite party asked.

  Murphy nodded, "Yes, I just filmed it."

  Carla's voice was a little flat, "You're too late, someone has already provided us with this news footage, and the reporters on my end are rushing over there."

  Hearing this, Murphy couldn't help but look at the time, this consideration plus editing took an hour and a half, for people running news, the difference of a few minutes could face two completely different situations.

  "Anything else?" Carla asked.

  "No." Murphy chuckled softly, "But, Kara, I got to Bill's Road before the police did."

  "What?" The voice on the receiver raised a full hundred decibels, "What did you say?"

  Murphy said calmly, "I got to the scene before the police did."

  "Damn it, why didn't you say so!"

  The opposite side of the room came out in a complete yell, "Murph, I need to see you now, if I don't see you by zero hour, I'm going to fucking kill you, I swear! I will kill you with the most brutal means you can think of!"

  These words reached his ears, Murphy didn't care at all, after spending more than a month together, he already had a general understanding of what kind of person Carla Faith was, for the sake of news and ratings, she was capable of doing a lot of crazy things.

  Driving all the way to Burbank, Murphy considered many more aspects, especially how to maximize the benefits of this video, like this case, it was completely unattainable.

  In the white building of Channel 6, Carla kept pacing back and forth in her office, checking her wristwatch every now and then, the news department reporter who had rushed to the scene had just come with the exact news, the case took place in a multi-million-dollar mansion, and the homeowner and couple, as well as their servants and bodyguards, had all been killed, and the deaths were very tragic.

  The video provided to her by the previous freelance reporter, which was taken after the police blocked the scene, didn't attract much attention, and she wouldn't even have bought it if the case didn't take place in a wealthy neighborhood.

  It was precisely because such a bad case happened in the Regal District that she needed more impactful and attractive video or picture material.

  And that Murphy guy even arrived at the scene before the police, Carla said nothing to believe that he would abide by the rules and not shoot something useful, during this period of time both sides have worked together many times, she more or less understand some Murphy Stanton, that is a bold, careful, and the bones of the people through a fierce force.

  Such a person would never stick to the rules.

  Fox Los Angeles local station Channel 6, just Fox TV network's numerous television channels in the hair of the not very eye-catching one, in the Los Angeles local television station ratings has been ranked in the position of not up and down, late-night and morning news is even more lack of enough attention, like Carla, such as a keen sense of news, but also has a strong sense of enterprise, knows very well that the case that has just occurred, it will attract What kind of attention.

  It would not be an exaggeration to say that it would be the focus of social news in Los Angeles for the next two weeks, and the ratings of the program in charge were directly related to her position and promotion.

  Glancing out through the glass door, there was no movement outside, and Kara was just about to retract her gaze when a tall, familiar figure turned the corner at the end of her line of sight, and her furrowed brow loosened slightly, and she couldn't help but push out the door and greet Murphy in stride towards the side he had come from.

  "How rare."

  Seeing the tall woman walking briskly across the street, Murphy said deliberately, "I'm surprised you came out to greet me."

  Carla pinned a strand of long blonde hair behind her ear, a smile appeared on her delicate face, and she asked in an eager low voice, "Did you bring the stuff?"

  She was wearing a well-fitting professional suit, just standing in front of Murphy's near front, a pair of light blue eyes staring this way as if Murphy was the object of her crush.

  Of course, Murphy wouldn't think so, he knew that Carla was a shrewd and mature professional woman, and definitely couldn't be fooled by these outward appearances that she unleashed by utilizing her gender advantage.

  "Here." Murphy pulled the memory disk out of his coat pocket and placed it in front of Carla and waved it around, "The Valley Bill Road home invasion homicide and robbery, I saw at least four victims!"

  Kara's eyes lit up, a strange glow radiating from them.

  "You really filmed it?" She asked uncertainly.

  Murphy nodded gently and shook the memory disk again, "I'm not going to tell you how good this video is, I think you'd better see it for yourself."

  The corners of her mouth twitched slightly as Carla pulled a smile and took the storage disk from Murphy's hands, leading Murphy towards the editing room, ordering as she passed the office area, "Michael, Kate, drop what you're doing and come to editing room one right away."

  A man and two young men immediately followed.

  The editing room was unusually quiet, Murphy, as before, stood behind Carla and the others, whose eyes were staring straight at the screen, completely captivated by the video Murphy had shot.

  When the first dead man appeared, Michael and Kate looked a little rattled at the sight of the gore, but Murphy could see it on Carla's face, behind that delicate professional makeup was inexplicable excitement, like a young woman seeing a limited edition bag.

  The second deceased appeared on the screen, and the corners of Carla's mouth had hung a smile, the luster inside her eyes was even better, and she even turned her head to look at Murphy, who slightly tilted her head and returned a similar smile.

  There was no doubt that the woman had taken a big enough interest in the video.

  The video was still playing, and Carla was satisfied enough that she picked up the phone and dialed an internal number, saying, "Get Connie from Legal over here."

  Murphy wasn't surprised; Carla was a savvy news practitioner and executive, and knew that the video was very sensitive and could have legal implications.

  A few minutes later, a dark woman with short hair walked in, and Murphy just watched from the sidelines as they discussed the possibility of the video appearing on the program.

  "Would you look at this video," Carla replayed, "and which ones would be able to be aired?"

  Connie, the woman in black, stood next to Kara's chair, looked at the screen, and asked, "You mean legally aired?"

  "Bullshit!" Carla's profession and power was obviously great, "Of course it's legally broadcast!"

  "Has the deceased been identified?"

  Seeing Carla shaking her head, Connie said, "We can't broadcast the identity of the deceased without informing the relatives."

  The editor next to her, called Michael, added, "If we broadcast the deceased's face, it's the same as broadcasting the deceased's identity."

  "Where did the video come from?" Connie asked.UU Watch www.uukanshu.net

  "He filmed it." Carla pointed to Murphy, "He got to the scene before the police did."

  Seeing the woman in black looking over, Murphy stepped forward and offered to extend his right hand, "Hello, Murphy Stanton, freelance journalist."

  "Hello." Connie shook on his hand, then turned to Carla, "It's best if none of this is broadcast."

  Carla's face immediately grimaced, "I asked you to come over here to settle a legal matter, not to veto my work program."

  "Okay ...," Connie thought for a moment, "The dead man's face is coded, and don't reveal the details of the address where the case took place on the program."

  "That's no problem?" The questioner was Murphy.

  Connie nodded gently, "As long as there's no court injunction, we won't break the law."

  "What about journalistic ethics?"

  The one who hadn't been quiet, Kate, said, "It's beyond the standards of all television broadcasts."

  As soon as she spoke, Carla's gaze pierced through like a sword, "Have you seen the ratings for our program? I'm willing to suffer any consequences for airing such news!"

  Saying this, she commanded without question, "This is the headline of the six o'clock news!"

  "Wait!" Murphy suddenly spoke up and interrupted them, reminding, "Gentlemen, we haven't discussed the price yet."

  "You guys go out first." Carla waved her hand at the other three, waiting for them to leave, her body sitting on the chair turned this way, "Make a price, Murphy, don't be too outrageous."

  Murphy's expression was serious, "One hundred thousand dollars!"