
Chapter 65 - Unattended

The lights in the roof of the theater came back on, and less than twenty audience members stood up and clapped their hands sparsely; applause was a frequent occurrence at film festivals, just a polite response from the audience, and Murphy listened to the applause and couldn't tell what it meant.

Perhaps only the people who applauded themselves know the true view of the movie in their hearts.

Daisy is vigorously in the applause, she liked the movie in the modern Little Red Riding Hood against the big bad wolf set, Little Red Riding Hood abuse kill big bad wolf, loli shelling loli control and so on, looks really very cool very cool.

Her male companion, however, had only one thought, love life, stay away from lolitas!

He has seen a lot of movies about lolita, this fruit hard candy is definitely the most ferocious, with Lolita's evil, Iris calm and calm and Matilda's ferocious, more on their own smart, rich in wisdom, is simply a set of various dangers in one, those explicit and implicit lolita control, in the face of such a frosting of the surface of its arsenic in the fruit of hard candy, can only ask for more luck.

Not far behind them, Jones Butler did not applaud, but grasped the last time, while the memory is still clear in the head, to record more information about the film, which will also become part of the basis for the judgment afterward.

Violence, gore, sensitivity, controversy, simplicity, tension, thrills ... She began by writing down these key words, followed by her own judgment of the movie below.

"An empty house, a hard table and chairs with iron plates, a few monochromatic walls, large chunks of dialogue, and a simple but tight plot that nevertheless creates a suspenseful and thrilling plot."

"Fruit of the Loom" has many of the elements that sell popular movies: internet romance, ****, crime, murder, revenge, suspense, deduction, scheming, intellectual combat, thrillers, pedophilia, psychoanalysis, etc. The film's director is a great storyteller, sensitive to the subject matter but knows how to keep it under control, and a master at creating tension, and even more so at synthesizing cinematic techniques. "

After thinking for a while, she wrote, "Plot in brief: the underage girl and ******** division of online dating, the girl to go to the appointment, the two fight, the girl to break the trick to confuse the photographer to find out the evidence of his murder, the implementation of retaliation, the photographer to use psychological tactics to seek relief, the girl castrated the photographer, the photographer to break free to kill the girl, the girl to break down the photographer's psychological defenses to be hanged! The girl breaks down the photographer's psychological defenses and hangs him, and justice is served."

Finally, Jones-Butler added, "The plot flows smoothly, with a tightly woven chain of events. Suggested attention level: priority!"

Next to him, Baker Lassiter from Castle Rock was not taking notes, but his head was running at high speed; also a professional movie watcher and buyer, he had his own assessment of the movie.

If a full ten points, he would give the movie a passing score of six, which was not a rating for the movie, but a market potential score.

From his own feelings, Baker Lassiter judged that the female protagonist would be rejected by a significant portion of the male audience, and I'm afraid that many male viewers wouldn't like the girl and would feel a chill down their spine after seeing the movie.

Women may find it over the top and will gush with glee, but Baker-Larsenet believes that there is no shortage of sympathetic ladies who disapprove of the heroine and favor the male viewer's position, and there should be none of the male viewers who fall back into the lady's camp.

This limits the movie's audience and dooms it to a market that will not be wide open and is bound to be a niche movie.

As a buyer, Baker Lassiter's first concern is the market, and the market prospect is the only criterion for him to judge the movie.

After Blair Witch, everyone wants to follow the example of Artisan Films, picking up a big bargain from the St. Dennis Film Festival, Baker Lasseter is still rational, knowing that that kind of miracle comes from a large investment in marketing operations, rather than the natural birth of the film, this Fruit Hard Candy market audience is here, there is no value of large-scale operation.

According to this standard, the film's market potential score can only be said to fail, but which is filled with some of the selling points, but also can not be ignored.

First, violence against violence is a very suitable for the audience YY behavior, at least can let a considerable part of the audience look cool; Second, Little Red Riding Hood naive and cute, and so cool, to have the brains, to have to act and acting, even the eyes will act; Third, in the fighting room to spell the scene, in addition to the last blow, the baggage also shakes down, is definitely a low-budget production of the model, in full compliance with the aesthetic standards of the B-grade film fast and easy; Fourth, the editing is crisp and clean, the music and rhythm with a compact, the director of a simple and sensitive story to tell a tense and interesting ...

Everyone always has a different perception of a movie, Bill Robbins had seen the rough cut version before, when various sound effects had not yet been added, and now, after watching it, although he was a little surprised by Murphy's use of the camera and the editing rhythm, and totally did not expect the final presentation to be so good, but what impressed him the most was still the variety of sounds in the movie that he had not heard before.

The off-screen voice of the male and female protagonists' conversations; the disco with its rapid ringing and stopping; the friction sound of the ice in the ice packs; the subtle sound of the scalpel cutting the skin; the cameraman's agonized gasp; the shattering sound of the glass bottle falling through ...

All of these have been blended into the sound effects by Murphy Stanton, that rookie, with great skill and precision, mobilizing his sense of hearing, intensifying the expression of the characters' psyche, and enhancing the film's power of impact.

The applause, which was not much, gradually died out after less than ten seconds.

Watching the screen return to darkness, Murphy's heartstrings unconsciously tightened up, the first screening in his life ended just like that, this is about the road to the future of the screening, and did not let him see through the chaos ahead.

Murphy stood up, where no one else could notice, his hands shaking gently, although he had experienced the brutal life of the prison, but counting the time he had spent on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, he was still a young man, and even if he was in a good state of mind, he was still a little nervous at this point.

Especially when he saw a few professional movie watchers, Murphy took a long breath, which didn't let the shaking of his hands infect the rest of his body.

He had pressed almost all of his fortune onto this movie, and this was the beginning of a series of plans, if it failed, it would never be as simple as starting over, so how could he not care?

"We're done with the movie?" Paul Wilson beside him was a bit stunned.

The audience had already started to leave one after another, and those few professional film watchers finally stood up, Murphy stabilized his mind and reminded Paul Wilson, "If you feel lost, you can go outside and cry."

The spectacle was indeed different from what Paul Wilson had anticipated; there was no long-lasting applause, no fans flocking over to congratulate the movie, and even fewer audience members infected by the film asking for autographs ...

The screening of Fruit of the Loom ended, the audience filed out, and they remained unattended.

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