
His Wife Run Away After Rebirth.

This is about a young girl who gets married to a young man from a noble family. She died after 7 hellish years of marriage to Yun Leifeng. She gets rebirth to the night of her wedding, but she doesn't want to get revenge, just a peaceful life. She ran away and came back after 5 years with a little bean, not as Mrs.Yun or as Li Arinne. read to find out more please~

Ghost_Sinker · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter 19

Feel someone is looking at her with a very fierce and sharp eyes make Qi Ran feel goosebumps all over!.

She look where the hell that scary eyes from but she didn't see anyone.

'Probably just my illusion...'

"Raran wait for me at outside. I want to discuss with director Huang about your schedule for the next scene"

"Okey jiejie"

After that she leave the studio and wait for her manager outside.


F**k!. Qi Ran almost jump from where she stand now because the sudden voice appear near her!.


The owner of that voice earlier smirk when he watch the woman startled. He didn't even feel sorry when make that woman shock!.

Hehe you hell!. Qi ran ogle her eyes to that man. But quickly control her emotion. She feel like she know this man's face but can't remember when and where she had been saw this man.

"Why sir? Do you need any help from me?"

She ask while give a insincere smile. Her bright smile immediately vanished because this rude man.

She don't know why, but when see this man smile like an idiot and insincere at her make she don't want near this man!.

Qi Ran take a few step to move away from where this man stand.

The man forehead wrinkle when he saw this woman flinch from him!.


Only that come out from the man mouth. Qi Ran wait for a long time to hear what he want to say after that but he still didn't said any word anymore...

"Yes what sir?"

She ask again and in her head start to thinking is this man normal? Why the way he talk make her want to smack his head? Especially that mouth?!.

That man."....."

He don't know why when infront this pretty girl he don't know what to say! Even one word and what he want to said in his head he can't speak it out!. Actually he have many things he want to say and ask but can't said it. Feel very frustrated right now ah....

"Sir are you okey? Why your face red? Are you hurt somewhere?"

Qi Ran start feel worry to this handsome man but very weird person. Why his face suddenly red when earlier its pale like he didn't have any blood?!.

"No. I just want to give you...this..!"

His hand take something in his shirt pocket and quickly hold the pretty woman hand and leave immediately. He almost fall from his step even there's nothing infront him can block where he walk.

Qi Ran."....."

Why that man give me cheque?. In her hand now a small paper or more accurate it was a cheque...

' Are you so rich that why you give me money? Wow....if i know just stand at here can give me 1 million i'am willing to stand at here 24 hours!'

Her eyes bright when saw the number writen in the cheque. OMG! What a good person arh!.

She look the direction where that generous man go earlier.

"Oww...if i know the reason that handsome man come here earlier to give me money i will already treat him with a very sincere heart! I hope we will meet again and give me money that time too..ahah..."

Her eyes beam a light. Even her lips give a sweet smile but her eyes cant hide what she thought in her mind!. Money! I love money! That was in her eyes said.....



The bodyguard who just watch their boss brag to them earlier to catch that pretty woman heart speechless when they watch what happened after their boss already infront that pretty woman.....

When he already reach where his bodyguard wait for him he give them a sharp glare to hide his embarrass!.

Even feel ashamed with his behavior earlier but like a stalker he look again to the pretty woman while use the pillar to hide his body.

All the bodyguard."..."

Boss! Why you behave like this?! Are you forget that pillar is not good enough to hide your build body?!. And why you look that woman like a pervert?!.

Shock the bodyguards don't know anymore what to say to their boss...

They just can watch their boss which know behave like a pervert stalker and hide his body in the small pillar. Why they the one who feel ashamed when see their boss like this?....

"Aww...why she so pretty like a goddess now?!"

"Last time she really pretty too but i didn't falling in love because her shameless! But now...my god! My heart want to run away from my body to that goddess!"

He really can't blink his eye from look at that girl and didnt realized that the way he talk now like a girl who saw their idol or more worst than a fangirl!!!.

Yups the man was the one who almost hit Qo Ran in the parking lot. Maybe if Qi Ran remember him she will never treat her as good like that!. Well she don't know it was him maybe because today he use a new and different hairstyles so that why today he a bit more handsome than that day. Why should he make a handsome appearance when he just only to meet his cousin that day? The truth actually been forced by his brother to meet that cousin who so obsessed with him!.That why he don't even bother to make his appearance perfect and handsome.

He want to go where that girl stand now but he can't! Why?....he don't want that girl who stole his heart earlier think he crazy or weird man!. But he don't know that Qi Ran already think he was a weird man!.

"What should i do! I want that girl!"

"Boss are you okey?"

Startled the man quickly turn his head to look at the owner voice. His secretary.....

"Why you here? Didn't i order you to.."

"I already book the restaurant you want. Now boss only come while bring your partner to that restaurant and have a nice dinner. So which one the girl boss want to have a dinner this time?"

He ask without realized the bodyguards eyes who now desperate to prevent him from ask that question!.

The handsome man pale skin suddenly turn red. With a shy face like a teenage girl meet her crush....

"I.....i....that girl!!!"

He stutter to answer his secretary question make the man infront him wrinkle his forehead. Can't continue what he want to tell his finger quickly pointing to where the woman stand before but....

"Pfftttt!!....what the hell is that?! A old lady?!"

The secretary give a loud laugh when his eyes look where his boss finger pointing!. Old woman you know! If before his boss only prefer a young lady to hangout and spent time now he can't believe it his boss taste changed drastic and even worst than before....despite he never touch them because of his extreme ODC.

The handsome man."....."

He didn't realized when that woman go but now where his finger pointing is a old lady which now give him a very big smile make all of them can see her mouth where all her tooth already lost!.

"Motherf**ker! I thought that was ghost!"

His face turn pale and shock when he see that old lady smile to where his stand now!. Its almost make him want to fly from here immediately!.

The bodyguards quickly turn their head to other direction because they almost couldn't resists their laugh from escape!.

The man glare his bodyguards and quickly walk away from here. He really feel ashamed now! And want to punch his secretary mouth who still laugh at him!.

"Boss! Do you want me to invite that old lady to go dinner with yo..."

"F**k you Jing ge!! I dont want! That not the girl i want!"

Frustated he yell to the man. He lost his chance to watch that girl before her gone earlier!.

With a sulky expression he leave his bodyguards and his secretary or more accurate his bestfriend!. If that man was not his bestfriend do you think he will leave that mouth from able to speak anymore?!.

"OMG! Why you behave like a child lost his candy? Did something happened when i gone?"

He ask the bodyguards which now quickly catch their boss step!.

"Boss fail to catch the goddess heart!"

Answer the other bodyguard make him speechless.

Fail?! Wow a new record arh!. He must record this to his boss achievement book in this year and brag to their friend after this!.

Even now a evil thought appear in his head....what a good secretary arh...

If the sulky man know maybe he already throw a punch at his secretary gut!. What a good secretary you are?!.

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