
His Wife Run Away After Rebirth.

This is about a young girl who gets married to a young man from a noble family. She died after 7 hellish years of marriage to Yun Leifeng. She gets rebirth to the night of her wedding, but she doesn't want to get revenge, just a peaceful life. She ran away and came back after 5 years with a little bean, not as Mrs.Yun or as Li Arinne. read to find out more please~

Ghost_Sinker · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

Chapter 11

All eyes now look at her direction....

Qi Ran with her thick skin still wave at the staff.

The staff lift up her eyebrow when she saw the girl wave her hand at her. What a pretty face arh....but why look like a dumb girl?....

"Its your turn now miss"

She said with her stiff face.

Qi Ran stop wave her hand and turn her sight to look at her manager. She grasp the manager hand with a sparkling black eyes.

"Dont worry jiejie manager! I will win this war! And bring glory success for you!"

"Just do you best! And....you dont have to think this audition like a war...."

Before she finished talk the girl already dash away from where she stand and to the staff who wait for her.

She frown without she realize it and her doubt raise to the new level now!.

'I hope she will be alright! And really know how to acting!'


"Is that acting?! I feel my eyes want to blind watch how you act!!! Get out!"

All the staff in the audition room feel pity for the woman who take audition today.

All of them been shot by the director sharp tongue!.

"Rubbish! Do you think my Royal Brand is the level of your rubbish acting level?!!! Are you mocking my Brand!!"



The girl run while tear drop from her eyes like a rain when the director criticize her acting.


"What?! Do you doubt my judge?! They all rubbish and not fit my brand! I want a perfect royal!"

Before the other jury said anything the director already cutting and stay still to his judge.

'Perfect royal?! Why you didn't just invited the real royal family if that you want!!'

All of them just can roar in their heart!. They already tired be a jury today with this picky director! The audition already start since 7 am to 1 pm now! But there's still nobody who can fit this picky standard!.

Everytime some participant come in this room, they couldnt help but pray with all their heart and hope that this one will fit what the director want! And they can get out from this mini hell!.

But even how much they pray but almost all the participant already have been shot by the director before they start or finish act their scene!.

When they already lost hope and raise a white flag to ready themself to stay at this audtion room until night with this director a pretty girl come in with the staff.



Everyone eyes in the audition room big and gasp with a big open mouth when their eyes see the participant no.123.


Roar in their heart.

Director Huang too couldn't help but be stunned with the girl. He almost not blink his eyes!.

"My royal!"

All eyes look at the director Huang direction when hear what come out from his mouth!. firstime the director show a face like that!.

"Our saviour!"

And that what come out from all the staff mouth after that. With a puppy eyes they look at Qi Ran like a doggy who have been abandoned by their owner for 100 year long and just come back home this second!.

Qi Ran who standing on the stage make a weird face when she watch the way all this people eyes look at her really make people feel there something weird at their face.

'Is there something on my face?!'.

"Give her scene no.4!"

Director Huang give instruction to his assistant with a very bright face.

"But Director that was the most difficult scene...."

"Who director? You or me?!"

The assistant."....."

The staff and the other jury feel their hope scrambled before start when they hear the director want this pretty girl to act scene no.4. That was the most difficult scene at this audition and Director Huang never give this scene to any participant before and just keep shot they all with his sharp tongue!.

'Do i still need to intro myself?'

Said Qi Ran in her heart when the man who use a sympathy expression to her already give the paper which have the scene she need to act at this audition today.

She read the scene and couldnt help but look at the jury especially the old man who his eyes so sparkling when look at her direction!.

"Sir are you sure this is the scene i must act today???"


The oldman answer fast before the other answer.

Qi Ran look again the paper at her hand.

The paper dont content any word or sentence! But just a blank paper!.

She just saw the word 'Scene 4' at the paper and just that!. Are you kidding me?!.

"Then...i will start now!"

Qi Ran feel her spirit level up when the challenged today really high level and must use brain!.

She never know that to take audition must be this way! Give people a blank paper!.(A dense fml😫)