

Karlo kept staring unaware of the gossips of his friends. suddenly vemo recalled something. karlo was Searching someone in the auditorium hall. was it that girl? .he started thinking.

Maybe love really happens out of nowhere. without warning anyone. without anyones will.

Everyone kept staring at the two .Only when the girl suddenly stand and walked out of the place that karlo came back to his senses.

Xiumen said"Hey bro!, how can you hide something like that from us. "

"what the heck are you saying? "karlo replied back.

Adrett continuing the topic "Hey karlo we all know for how long you were looking at that girl"!

"Oh!, That Maiden?. "

"Maiden, who" .Everyone confused.

"Is that her name?" vemo asked.

"What Nonsense Are You Guys Spouting? ",who, maiden huh, i just said because i don't know her name." karlo spouted.

Everyone "←_←→_→".

"Bro, you're slow for sure. we can give you some tips if you want".

karlo standing up and looking towards them "who wants your knowledge " ,bug off!. and went for the class.

Everyone followed quietly. vemo confused. what just happened.

Jenhad came back to sit on a bench after a call. It was from her Lenile who ask her do for her chores today in work as she take a half day leave.someone from back was calling her name as she was deep in thought thinking about the classes she attended from morning till now.

The classes she had before was simple and never had any assignments and projects .And the lessons she learned wasn't so high level. So it was tough for her to catch up.

Just then someone knocked on her head, she looked up to see a beautiful pairs of eyes staring her.

"Zuni, why are you here?, Isn't it almost class time." __jenhad

"Are You Crazy? ,I was looking for you all over. why did you suddenly disappeared before lunch. i wanted to eat with you. __Zuni.

"Oh sorry i didn't have any appetite and i had a call to attend to".

"Its Okay Don't Be Sorry. Its Alright. Just don't get disappear without telling me"_zuni.

"Bdw lets Get Back To Class." __zuni


Jenhad seat were in second last of the first row adjacent to Zuni's. Many new teachers came and everytime they come they had to introduce themselves again so that teacher would remember their names.

Since it was first day they had a light lessons and soon final bell rang and everyone went out to their highly priced cars and bikes.

A girl was standing near the gate waiting for everyone to leave. She was ashamed of going home without vehicles. She was also from poor background and could only get admission through scholarships.

The girl saw jen and hopefully was going to approached her for getting a ride from her. Even though it was just a bicycle but it was still better than walking and moreover they were from same class.

Before she could speak out someone shouted from behind--"Look! it's that girl from the poor Society " and Everyone looked at her.

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