
His Luna Mate

"I feel so sorry for whoever you get married to. " She commented as she shook her head. He chuckled, "You don't have to dear, because she will be getting all of this. " He stated as he gestured at his body. She looked at him and felt her cheek begin to turn red. "Seems like my princess is blushing." He teased her. "No, I'm not. I'm just...." Tbc

gift_james · Thành thị
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142 Chs

Chapter 14

Isla took a shaky breath as Greta pulled her into the hallway.

The silk skirt of her gown flowed around her legs and dragged slightly on the floor, which made her look as though she were floating. Her three guards were waiting to escort her and they smiled at her appearance in appreciation.

Greta had done a wonderful job making her look like a princess. Especially her hair. She had somehow tamed the unruly waves and coaxed them to flow around her in the most elegant of ways. The top layers of her hair were pinned back in a clip that matched both her gown and her necklace. Upon the piles of thick hair sat her tiara, silver and tantalizingly shiny.

"My lady," A guard said as he bowed low.

The other two guards followed his lead.

Isla curtsied and smiled as her parents approached them.

The queen adorned a deep purple gown with similar silver accents as Isla's.

Her auburn hair was braided and wrapped around her head, with a few stray tendrils tickling her cheeks.

The king wore his blue tunic, black cape, and ceremonial sword.

The large gold crown sat proudly atop dark brown locks.

The three of them were the epitome of royalty.

"Isla!" Hilda gushed, grinning and taking the princess's soft hands.

"You look wonderful. Where did you get that necklace?"

Isla blushed and touched the beautiful gem.

"Mikel's grandmother sent it for me."

"What a lovely birthday gift. And it matches your dress perfectly," the queen admired the necklace for a moment, though she seemed a bit troubled.

"Hello, Father," Isla curtsied before her father, who bowed in response.

His wink was hidden from the guards, but he offered his elbow to her.

"Happy birthday, Isla," he smiled as she slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow.

Hilda took her place on his other side and together they walked toward the ballroom.

"Everyone is looking forward to seeing you this evening."

"I'll be glad to see them as well. It was very kind of them to make the trip," she replied.

It went unspoken that nearly every noble and king that was in the ballroom was looking for their son or even themselves to take her hand in marriage. The potential to marry the future queen was incentive enough for any of them to make the trip.

"Just make sure that you talk to everyone, even if it is only for a few minutes. Fortunately for you most people will seek you out of their own volition. But we don't want anyone to feel ignored. Tonight is as much about political relations as it is about your birthday," Gaius advised her.

"Always smile. If you don't look like you're having a good time people will get offended," Hilda added.

This continued back and forth until Isla's head was spinning.

They acted as though she had never been to a party before.

She had been a princess for a while; she knew how to act amongst other people with high positions in society.

She began to ignore them until Gaius leaned down close into her ear so that no one else could hear him.

"And make sure that you keep that wolf in check. I know that it's close to the full moon, but you need to stay in control."

His assumption that she wouldn't try her hardest to stay stronger than the beast within her offended Isla.

And what did he know about her wolf other than what she had told him?

He had no idea how much work it was to fight something that was very much a part of her.

He talked about it like it was just a bad habit, like biting her fingernails.

Like it was something that she could eventually stop doing if she tried hard enough at it.

She wanted to say all of that to him, but refrained.

"Of course, Father."

"That's my girl. You'll do wonderful, darling," he grinned as they approached the doors to the ballroom.

Two guards stood on either side of the door and waited until the king gave them the signal to pull the doors open.

As the doors opened, trumpets began to play to announce the arrival of the royal family.

Isla filled her lungs and released the air slowly in attempt to calm her nerves.

Large groups made her nervous because they made her wolf nervous.

Her mother and father took their place on either side of her and walked right alongside Isla as they entered the ballroom.

The crowd made the appropriate noises of admiration as they entered.

It was hard not to notice all of the bachelors in the crowd, raking Isla's body up and down with their greedy eyes.

She swallowed anxiously and ignored them.

Instead she focused on the faces of the well-dressed ladies in the crowd.

Most of them were kind and supportive, but a few were filled with envy and anger.

Apparently, Isla couldn't look at the crowd and feel comfort. Instead she just looked above everyone's heads and smiled politely as she and her parents walked up to their thrones at front of the room. She stood between them as her mother took her seat. Gaius remained standing and lifted his arms to address the crowd.

They silenced immediately.

"Thank you all for journeying to our home to help us celebrate the twenty-first anniversary of our daughter's birth. Please enjoy all the food and drink to your contentment. The band that will be playing is the band that has played for all of my events for the past ten years, so I can assure you that they are the best. Enjoy yourselves! This is a celebration!" Gaiu's deep voice rang throughout the chamber until the crowd clapped and cheered appreciatively.

That band took their cue and began to play an upbeat tune that had Isla's slippered foot tapping along while she waited for the first brave soul to ask her to dance.

Gaius and Hilda sat on either side of her, just watching their crowd.

Isla recognized that they were letting their guests eat and drink and dance before they joined in the party. Isla surveyed everything, more alert than ever simply because her wolf was so close to the surface. It was locked firmly away in the cage within her head, but it did not like what was going on around her.

Finally, a young man was brave enough to venture up to Isla.

"May I have this dance, My Lady?" he asked.

She didn't recognize him but curtsied in a respectful manner.

He was cute, in a boyish way, with round cheeks and blond hair.

She took his outstretched hand and let him lead her onto the dancefloor, where everyone parted for them.

He was awkward as he placed a hand on her hip and stretched their intertwined hands out to the side.

He was breathing heavily and blood had rushed to his cheeks to color them bright pink.

Apparently his bravery only went so far as to ask her to dance. She impatiently waited for him to gather his courage. A giggle threatened to escape her throat as she saw him bob his head, counting the beat.

He eventually found it and began to try to lead her about the dance floor.

Isla was afraid to distract him from his dancing, but felt as though she should start a conversation.
