
His lovest Sweetheart

"His Sweetheart" is a modern urban romance novel that tells the story of the young handsome man and the lovely girl. The male protagonist is a top student and very aloof, but he is trapped in loneliness in his love life until he meets Actress. Actress is a naive and cheerful girl who loves to laugh and play. Her arrival makes Male lead's life full of sweetness and hope. However, the relationship between the two is not always smooth sailing as they face pressures and tests from their families. They need to confront their inner selves, overcome difficulties, and eventually realize their dreams of love for each other.

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45 Chs

Chapter 24

Tanyue was a gentle and delicate girl, with a pretty face and long flowing hair. Her voice was soft and she was usually quiet.

Tianxin didn't pay attention to Yan Heng and continued to practice her movements. The other girls watched the two of them, seeming to want to make fun of them.

Yan Heng glanced at Tianxin out of the corner of his eye and saw that she was still struggling with her movements. "It's okay, Zhong You just said he was thirsty, you can give him the water," said the girl who was Tanyue's roommate. She was giving Tanyue face.

Zhong You was a little confused, he didn't remember saying he was thirsty, but under Yan Heng's threatening gaze, he said, "Thank you, I happen to be thirsty," and took the water from Tanyue's hand, sparing her the embarrassment.

To prove that he was telling the truth, Zhong You drank half the bottle in one gulp. "Thank you for the water, classmate," he said.

Tanyue looked a little bitter. "You're welcome. I'm going to practice dancing now," she said, determined to show Yan Heng what she was capable of.

After the break, everyone started dancing to the song "Happiness and Then What". The movements at the beginning were gentle and graceful.

Everyone was taking it seriously and the effect was much better than before. Zhu Ting couldn't help but sigh, each girl really did try to appear perfect in front of the boys.

Tianxin felt her back burning, the intense gaze made her heart flustered, and all she could think about was the rhythm of the music. She wasn't sure if it was her imagination, but her heart was beating abnormally.

After two rounds, it was time to change back into their school uniforms. "Let's stop here today. Yan Heng and Zhong You, why don't you consider coming to watch us practice more often? I think we'll do better with you guys around," said one of the girls.

"Let's see," Yan Heng said indifferently, while Zhong You couldn't believe it. What did "let's see" mean? He really wanted to watch more.

When they got into the elevator, Yan Heng followed Tianxin and pushed her in front of him. The elevator was crowded and Tianxin had wanted to move Yan Heng forward, but she ended up touching his waist.

Yan Heng felt a tingly sensation all over his body, tickling his heart. He grabbed Tianxin's hand and hid it behind his back, unlike the times when he just grabbed her arm.

Tianxin felt even hotter, her heart beating faster and faster. Yan Heng's hand was cool and comfortable, and the elevator was already crowded, so no one noticed their actions. Tianxin's face was almost touching Yan Heng's back, and she lowered her head, accidentally touching his spine.

Yan Heng's heart was laughing happily as he held someone's hand. He reluctantly let go of Tianxin's hand when they reached the first floor. Tianxin watched him proudly exit the elevator. Didn't he know that he shouldn't randomly hold a girl's hand? She only accidentally touched his waist.

As Tianxin was lost in thought, Zhu Ting pulled her out of the elevator, noticing how red her face was. "Ah, Tianxin, why is your face so red? Are you heat-stroked?" It was really scary how red she was.

Tianxin said seriously, "I was just dancing and it was hot in the elevator." Tianxin had fair skin, and her face turned slightly red, as if she had applied a light layer of blush.

"Really? I didn't feel hot at all," Zhu Ting asked doubtfully.

"It's probably a matter of physical constitution," Tianxin couldn't tell her that she had secretly held Yan Heng's hand in the elevator and felt embarrassed.

Yan Heng walked quickly, leaving Zhong You struggling to keep up. "Yan ge, slow down. Why are you walking so fast?" Zhong You asked.

Yan Heng smiled at him, and Zhong You's whole body got goosebumps. "Yan ge, did I do something wrong? Don't scare me like that," he said.

Yan Heng patted Zhong You's shoulder. "You have poor emotional intelligence, kid. You should learn from me." Ha ha ha ha. He had held her hand, even if it was only for a short time, and it was a wonderful feeling.

Zhong You was confused by what had happened. Why was his admired Yan ge so silly? He shuddered in fear. What was wrong with his emotional intelligence? Maybe his IQ wasn't enough, but his emotional intelligence should be okay.

Yan Heng was happy and bought a box of Alpenliebe candies before returning to the classroom.

Tianxin didn't see Yan Heng when she returned to the classroom and thought he had gone out to smoke. He had a strong addiction to smoking, and she could smell the faint smoke every day when she was around him. She didn't like the smell of cigarettes, but she didn't mind it on him. Maybe it was because he always ate candy.

Yan Heng secretly gave Tianxin some candy, and she looked surprised. "This is too much," she said. They had agreed on twenty pieces, but she was feeling guilty because she didn't remember how many she had already taken.

Yan Heng opened the candy and took one out. "You can give some to your dorm mates. If your tablemate asks for some, just give it to her," he said. Tianxin instinctively opened her mouth, and Yan Heng fed her the candy.

Tianxin stared at Yan Heng. "What are you doing? Class is starting soon," she said.

Yan Heng took out another piece of candy, not in a hurry. "It's okay. I'll eat with you," he said and put the rest of the candy on Tianxin's desk.

With candy in her mouth, Tianxin's cheeks puffed up. "I'm sure you've never eaten candy in class before. Let me show you how it feels," she said. Because she was still holding the candy in her mouth, she wasn't speaking clearly. "And by the way, if you put the candy on both sides of your mouth, it's easy to tell. You should put it on your tongue," Yan Heng said, sticking out his tongue to show Tianxin. She was so angry that she wanted to cut off his tongue.

Tan Xiaoyue looked over at Yan Heng and Tianxin, seeing them laughing and talking. She felt a bit jealous. Why couldn't he treat her better? If she were his tablemate, would she be able to talk to him like Tianxin did, and even bring him breakfast?

Tianxin opened her English book. She had already previewed the text, and the teacher would ask students to read it out loud. She hoped she wouldn't be called on.

Yan Heng watched Tianxin mumbling and propping up her chin, thinking she was a silly girl.

As expected, the English teacher only read the words twice before moving on to the text. The teacher was tall and thin, usually wearing a grey tracksuit. He had a habit of stuttering in Chinese, but he spoke English very fluently.

"Class monitor, read the first paragraph," the teacher said.

The monitor read the first paragraph, and the teacher motioned for him to sit down. "Did anyone catch the mistake?" he asked.

"No," the class replied.

"Irritation was wrong," the teacher said.

"Irritation. I'll remember that for next time," the class monitor said. The teacher repeated the correct pronunciation several times before explaining the grammar and meaning of the word.

"Okay, let's move on to the second paragraph," the teacher said, looking at the attendance sheet.

Tianxin lowered her head, silently praying it wouldn't be her turn to read. She was still tasting the sweetness of the candy, and she had not even finished it yet. If she spoke, she would surely be exposed. "Jiang Tianxin, why don't you read the second paragraph slowly, so everyone can hear it clearly," the teacher said. Tianxin felt a headache coming on. Slowly, she stood up, her mouth full of candy.

"How come, don't know the word? Which one do you not know?" The English teacher looked at Tianxin, who seemed a little embarrassed. Yan Heng stood up, "Teacher, Jiang Tianxin has a sore throat and can't speak." "What are you eating in your mouth, Yan Heng? Can you speak clearly?" Several people couldn't help but laugh. Zhu Ting turned her head and looked at Tianxin, who shook her head. "Teacher, I have low blood sugar." "You can still get hypoglycemic and dizzy while listening to class? This is the first time I've heard of it in my life. I didn't expect Yan Heng in our class to be so fragile, like a delicate flower." This made even more people laugh. The nickname "Yan Delicate Flower" became famous in their school. "What are you laughing at? What's so funny? Jiang Tianxin, you sit down, Yan Heng, go stand outside. What kind of behavior is it to eat during class?" The English teacher stuttered in a hurry, and everyone listened a bit stutteringly, holding back from laughing out loud. "Okay, teacher, I won't do it again next time, I'm sorry," Yan Heng apologized politely and left his seat. Tianxin, who had just sat down, also stood up. "Teacher, I also ate during class," Tianxin stood up with her head down. Although she knew that Yan Heng had already helped her out, and she didn't have to read the text anymore, she stood up impulsively. "You two are really interesting. Both of you go stand outside. Eating candy also requires a team," the English teacher said. Tianxin followed Yan Heng out and stood in the corridor side by side. Yan Heng looked at Tianxin and said, "Why did you stand up? Are you stupid?" "Then why did you stand up? The teacher didn't call you. Aren't you even more stupid?" Tianxin retorted. Stupid? How could he let his beloved silly girl embarrass herself? But now he was a little pleased, as if he had the illusion of being willing to go through fire and water with her. "Why are you standing with me for punishment? Is this the first time you have been punished to stand?" "You helped me. Can't I feel guilty? You can't forget to be grateful as a person," Tianxin twisted her white sneakers back and forth, her mood was quite complicated.

"Jiang Tianxin, who taught you this? I didn't expect you to have such awareness," Yan Heng touched the back of her head.

"Isn't everyone like this?" Tianxin slowly began to enjoy Yan Heng's touch unconsciously. Since she didn't dislike it, she just indulged it.

Yan Heng sneered inwardly, "Only you would think like this. Jiang Tianxin, do you think I'm handsome?"

"Yan Heng, you're so childish," she couldn't admit it, or her pride would be hurt.

"Jiang Tianxin, you're so cute," he said.

"Yan Heng, you're such an idiot," she replied.

"Jiang Tianxin is a smart cookie," he said.

"Yan Heng is a bastard," she said.

"Jiang Tianxin is a little bastard," he said.

Tianxin kicked Yan Heng, leaving a footprint on his white sneakers. Yan Heng never used to wear white sneakers, but he bought a pair because Tianxin wore them.

Yan Heng looked at the footprint on his sneakers and lifted it up for Tianxin to see. "Isn't this like a seal? And my shoes are very expensive," he said.

Tianxin didn't even want to entertain this rogue. "I don't even know what brand your shoes are," she said.

Yan Heng "..."

Seeing that Tianxin didn't say anything, Yan Heng felt a little regretful. Did he go too far? "Don't be angry, okay? You're my only friend. Do you want to leave me all alone?" Yan Heng pleaded and looked pitifully at Tianxin.

Tianxin snorted, "Isn't Qi Yue your good friend? And Zhong You. Yan Heng, if you have a conscience, saying things like that shouldn't make you feel guilty."