
His lovest Sweetheart

"His Sweetheart" is a modern urban romance novel that tells the story of the young handsome man and the lovely girl. The male protagonist is a top student and very aloof, but he is trapped in loneliness in his love life until he meets Actress. Actress is a naive and cheerful girl who loves to laugh and play. Her arrival makes Male lead's life full of sweetness and hope. However, the relationship between the two is not always smooth sailing as they face pressures and tests from their families. They need to confront their inner selves, overcome difficulties, and eventually realize their dreams of love for each other.

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45 Chs

Chapter 16

Finally, the class ended and the whole class exploded into discussion about hairstyles. Tianxin didn't think there was any problem with her own hair. Meanwhile, Yan Heng was struggling to draw a rabbit, never satisfied with the result. "What hairstyle do you think would suit me?" Yan Heng suddenly asked Tianxin seriously while drawing the rabbit.

For a moment, Tianxin was distracted and absent-minded. "Maybe a hairstylist would know," she replied softly.

Yan Heng's heart shattered at her answer, and he felt like a storm cloud had descended, ready to rain down on him. "Okay, do you have any candy?" he asked.

Tianxin shook her head slightly and said, "I forgot to bring some. If you like them, I can bring some for you every day from now on." This was a good solution. Even if she forgot to bring them herself, he wouldn't miss out on the candy.

How could he? He only ate the candy she brought. "If I, a boy, buy candy every day, I would lose face. I might even be mocked, and even if I ate candy, it wouldn't make me feel better," Yan Heng said, sounding very serious. He tricked Tianxin into believing him with his convincing words. "It's that serious?" Tianxin asked, raising her eyebrows slightly. Her words and expression made Yan Heng's heart itch. How could she be so enticing?

"It's that serious," Yan Heng replied.

Tianxin didn't think it was a big deal for a boy to eat candy. Sweets were not just for girls, after all. Yan Heng must just not want others to know. He looked fierce on the outside, but he must have a cute side to him as well. She didn't want to ruin that image. "Wow, my desk mate is so cute," Tianxin thought to herself.

If Yan Heng knew what Tianxin was thinking, he would have probably spit blood.

When they returned to the dormitory, Tianxin took out a note from her pocket. "This is definitely real. Zhu Ting, please don't be angry," she said, before being hugged tightly. She heard crying, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been angry with you. I must have lost my mind. I won't pursue you anymore and I don't want your contact information either."

Tianxin and her roommates comforted her until she stopped crying, and they finally took a nap.

After dinner, Tianxin and Zhuting went to a nearby hair salon. Zhuting not only dyed her hair, but also curled her ponytail, which was very noticeable. "It's really painful. The hairstyle we did at the beginning of the semester makes me feel heartbroken just thinking about it," sighed Zhuting as they walked. "It's a school rule. When we go to college, nobody will care. You can have whatever hairstyle you want," Tianxin replied. They both entered the salon and Tianxin only had a short trim, but Zhuting had a more complex request to straighten and dye her hair black.

When they finished, it was almost time for evening self-study. Tianxin and Zhuting looked at each other's new hairstyles and suddenly burst into laughter. They both looked good. That summer seemed to exude the scent of oranges, and the memory was deeply imprinted in Tianxin's mind and still vivid after many years.

They went directly to the classroom. Tianxin's fair neck was exposed after her haircut, and it felt cool and comfortable without anything touching it, whereas before her hair would often make her neck itchy. The class monitor reminded everyone to comply with the school's hairstyle requirements and have their hair done properly by the following week. Some students had already done it, while others hadn't.

When Yanheng entered the classroom, everyone looked surprised and exclaimed in admiration. "Wow, the school bully has changed his hairstyle, and it's a neat and tidy buzz cut. If he wears the school uniform, he will look like a standard good student!" His clean and neat haircut was really impressive, and it seems like handsome guys could pull off any hairstyle, even a messy one. However, it made him look even more fierce and intimidating. Yanheng had the impulse to smash the salon. He said his haircut was handsome, but it seemed that the hairdresser misunderstood his request, or there was something wrong with their aesthetic judgment, and he was really angry.

Tianxin looked at Yanheng's murderous expression and said, "You have a very handsome hairstyle." Yanheng's anger instantly dissipated, and his classmate's compliment confirmed his new haircut's attractiveness. "Really? I also think it looks quite handsome," Yanheng said as he observed his classmate's new hairstyle, which was only slightly shorter than before.

He wondered what his classmate would look like with long hair, and he imagined her as a fairy with flowing long hair. Now, she was a short-haired fairy.

This person is really not humble at all, but she admires her. During the evening self-study, the class teacher suddenly raided the classroom, and the person playing with their phone almost got caught, but luckily they weren't. Tianxin was very puzzled, why did her desk mate suddenly start drawing rabbits? The simple sketch of a rabbit always turned out to be unrecognizable. Yan Heng thought he was truly talented, as he could draw a rabbit that looked so vivid and lifelike. His drawing style was unique and distinctive.

Yan Heng searched his phone and found a satisfying picture, a pink cartoon rabbit couple kissing. Yan Heng was enthusiastic about drawing it, but his drawing was not as concise as the original picture. The other person's drawing had smooth lines, but Yan Heng's drawing only had lines. When Yan Heng finished his drawing, his head was full of pink bubbles.

Yan Heng tapped Tianxin's arm and made a pleasing and flattering expression, "Little desk mate, look how much these two rabbits look like us." Tianxin looked over curiously. On the pink notebook were two rabbits kissing, surrounded by hearts. A long mark was drawn from top to bottom with Tianxin's pen.

Yan Heng's ears turned red, as if he was a shy rabbit, not knowing where to look. "What I meant was that the two rabbits I drew look so much like the ones in this picture," Yan Heng handed his phone to Tianxin. If he didn't hand it over, it would have been okay, but as soon as he did, Tianxin saw the original picture and her face turned red.

Yan Heng was being a hooligan! Tianxin decided to ignore him, and tore out her page to rewrite it. Luckily, she hadn't written much, otherwise she would have torn up Yan Heng. She hoped that he wouldn't get angry, as he had such a soft personality. Yan Heng took back his phone, and obediently sat there, not drawing any more rabbits. It was a pity, as they were so cute.

Sitting in the upper row, Zhong You looked hopeless. Girls were really scary creatures. Zhu Ting stared at Zhong You and said, "Don't talk, it's affecting me doing my homework." Zhong You adjusted his glasses and wondered who had been babbling the whole time. Girls should also be reasonable!

After being calm for a while, Yan Heng started acting up again. Whenever Tianxin wasn't paying attention to him, he would feel uncomfortable, like being bitten by mosquitoes. "Little desk mate, can you lift your hair up? I want to see your ears," he said in a pleasing and slightly coquettish tone. Tianxin almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

Could the big guys not act cute and coquettish? Don't they know that being cute is a degradation, and it's shameful to act cute? Is this school bully even real? What kind of eyes do they have?

Tianxin remained silent and ignored the boy's attempts to get her attention. "Hey, classmate, can you just let me see how you look with your hair behind your ear?" The boy, Yan Heng, tugged on Tianxin's uniform gently. Tianxin thought to herself that she could keep her composure and stared straight ahead, hoping the boy would leave her alone. "Just let me see, please," Yan Heng persisted. Tianxin's patience was wearing thin, and she thought to herself, "You're such an annoying little devil." She looked around and thankfully, no one was paying attention to them. Tianxin silently pushed the hair in front of her left ear behind her ear, revealing her fair, delicate ear. Yan Heng's heart skipped a beat as he noticed a black mole on her ear. He realized that he had an ear fetish and wondered why he was so captivated by her ear. "Is that good enough, Yan Heng?" Tianxin blushed and felt embarrassed. When Yan Heng didn't respond, Tianxin asked again, "Yan Heng, are you okay?" There was still no response, and she wondered if he had fallen asleep. When she turned to look at him, she saw that he was staring at her intently. Yan Heng realized that he had been caught staring and quickly said, "Oh, I mean, your ear looks really nice. It's so white and delicate." Tianxin quickly let her hair back down and went back to her homework. She realized that it was all just a dream. Yan Heng was lost in thought and wanted to smoke but realized that he was in the wrong place. "Do you have any candy?" he asked. Tianxin silently tossed a piece of candy to him, impressing him with her quick reflexes. Yan Heng put the candy in his mouth and felt a little bit better. Although he was feeling frustrated, he couldn't help but notice that the candy was sweet. Was this what sweet frustration felt like? For the rest of the time, the two of them were silent. Yan Heng was afraid of saying something inappropriate and scaring his classmate off. Tianxin had torn off the label of "school bully" from Yan Heng and replaced it with "mentally unstable." She didn't dare look at him directly in the eye and was afraid of saying something that might set him off. Yan Heng continued to sleep in class, only waking up when he was no longer tired.

Every day's study made Tianxin feel fulfilled. It was Friday and the week had come to an end. Tianxin missed home a little and decided to take a break from military training and go home. She hadn't been home since she left, and she wondered if her parents would feel lonely without her and her brother around.

Earlier, the homeroom teacher had called Yan Heng to her office. It shouldn't be to criticize him, as he hadn't done anything against school rules except for sleeping in class.

A beautiful woman in the office looked at Yan Heng with guilt, and he couldn't help feeling impatient. "Ms. Yang, I'm sorry to trouble you. Yan Heng is a rebellious child and must have caused you a lot of trouble," he said.

The homeroom teacher awkwardly smiled and said, "No, no. Yan Heng is well-behaved at school and hasn't caused any trouble. He has been attending class regularly. Don't you know where he is as his parent?"

He also wondered why, as a parent, Yan Heng's whereabouts were unknown.

Yan Heng sneered at the woman. Rebellious? Trouble? He was born to be trouble, or he wouldn't have been... He trailed off and his eyes darkened.

The woman looked at Yan Heng and said, "Why didn't you answer your mother's call? Your health is not good. I had your aunt prepare a nutritious meal for you. You should go and have it. I came over as soon as my work ended, as your father and I couldn't leave earlier. You must call us if you need anything in the future."

Yan Heng snorted. He was not sick, and he didn't want to listen to her nonsense. She was trying to act like a caring mother, but she had the wrong person.