
His Inauguration

Driven by a narcissistic desire for godlike status, Ivaim seeks to establish his dominion over the Harmonious Realm and all its inhabitants. Gathering a devoted following of individuals who are seduced by his charismatic charm and promises of eternal bliss, Ivaim forms the Unconscious Cult. He crafts a new religion around himself, proclaiming that he alone possesses the divine essence necessary to guide mortals towards enlightenment and salvation. As the cult gains prominence, Ivaim's reign of godhood raises alarm bells among the established pantheons of The Harmonious Realm. Existing deities view his actions as a direct challenge to their authority and the harmony they have maintained for eons. "His Inauguration " is an epic tale of power, faith, and the consequences of unchecked ambition. It explores the blurred boundaries between god and mortal, the nature of control, and the dangers of unchecked idolatry. In a realm where the line between worship and tyranny becomes blurred, Ivaim's journey challenges the very foundations of divinity and the limits of mortal devotion. ___ (Art is not mine, credits to the artist of "The Dark Lord's Confession". Please contact me if you request for its removal.)

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The original owner of this body was an assistant of a scribe. According to the memories that were being implemented in Ivaim's mind, scribes are individuals who have the ability to harness the power of words and symbols, known as ethereal scribing. By inscribing or speaking specific words or symbols, they could evoke magical effects that shape reality and affect the mind of others.

"A scribe's ability has similar effects to the ancient Latin chants I used… are they perhaps the dreamweavers that the journal was talking about?" Ivaim thought. Of course, it was just an assumption, and he had no further reasons to conclude his reasoning, so he decided to leave his thoughts be and continued to organize the newly implemented memories.

The original owner had no special talents, but was taken in by the scribe out of pity when he was young and was tasked to assist the scribe in his studies. The "Ivaim" of this body and the scribe seemed to have encountered something strange during their latest experimentation. The original owner's soul seemed to have disappeared, along with the scribe.

According to his memories, this incident should have happened just an hour ago…

Ivaim fell in deep thought. The strange room isolated from space, the journal, the sudden transmigration into a world he had no knowledge about… Things were too sudden for Ivaim, he had just woken up from a coma a few months ago and now he was forced to adjust into a situation he was not accustomed to.

He took deep breaths for a few seconds before slapping himself twice.

"There's nothing I can do but try my best to survive…" despair and fear was normal for a human being, but the situation he was in forbid him to succumb to such feelings. What was important now was for him to figure out more of this world.

Currently, no one knows about the disappearance of this body's mentor just yet. However, people will naturally start to ask his whereabouts. After all, the disappearance of a scribe is a serious issue. According to Ivaim's memories, strange powerhouses protect the peace of this world, scribes were one of them. As an assistant, Ivaim had not encountered much of this strange world as he was always in his house helping the scribe with his studies about the "Domination" domain.

As for what the domination domain is, it is the abstract concept to which scribes, such as his mentor, get their strange powers from. By studying the concept of domination, people could become scribes and inherit the ability to affect their environment through the use of symbols such as glyphs, or simply by speaking a language which have been amplified with ancient powers.

"I wonder why scribes are so rare…" Ivaim thought. If everyone had such super abilities, what was there to fear? He began to wonder what kind of limiting factors were stopping the common people from becoming scribes.

"I still know too little despite having inherited the memories of this body's owner…" He thought. Throughout the original owner's life, he had only encountered one person who had strange abilities, which was his mentor. The owner of this body was too introverted, he rarely went out of his room and would just continue to help his owner organize, write, and assist in the experimentations of his mentor.

However, this was not a bad thing, because of it Ivaim now had surface level knowledge of a certain strange power in the current world he had transmigrated in.

He opened up wooden boxes near his bed which contained basic information about scribes and how their abilities worked. The original owner of this body had previously tried to achieve such powers, however due to unknown factors he was unable to do so. According to his mentor, it was because he had no "talent" in such a field.

"However, perhaps I am able to do so…" Ivaim thought. After all, he had previously activated a chant which evoked magical abilities and had helped him wake up in this world.